4 Convergence Pre-Installation Tasks

This chapter describes the pre-installation steps you must complete before installing and configuring Oracle Communications Convergence.

Installing Java

Oracle GlassFish Server is a Java application and needs a Java environment in which to run.

Install the 32-bit Java JDK if you run a 32-bit OS. Install the 64-bit Java JDK if you run a 64-bit OS.

Download the Java software from the Oracle web site:


Satisfying Unified Communications Suite Software Dependencies

For each optional or required software application you plan to install to deliver Convergence services, you must satisfy its software requirements and pre-installation tasks. For example, if you plan to integrate Convergence with Oracle Communications Messaging Server, Oracle Communications Calendar Server, and Oracle Communications Contacts Server, you must satisfy the software requirements for each of these applications and complete all their pre-installation tasks.

Installing and Configuring Unified Communications Suite Software

Install and configure the Oracle Communications software required to deliver your planned Convergence services.

Refer to the documentation for each Oracle Communications application for pre-installation, installation, configuration, and post-installation details.

Enabling Message Body Filtering in Messaging Server

You must enable email message body filtering in Messaging Server. Message body filtering allows users to create mail filter rules on the content of email messages.

To enable email message body filtering, do one of the following:

  • If Messaging Server is deployed with a legacy configuration, edit option.dat, locate the ENABLE_SIEVE_BODY parameter, and set it to 1.

  • If Messaging Server is deployed with a Unified Configuration, set the mta.enable_sieve_body parameter to 1.

See the Messaging Server wiki for more information about the enable_sieve_body parameter:


Preparing Instant Messaging Server for Convergence Integration

If you are configuring Convergence with the Instant Messaging service, do the following to prepare Instant Messaging Server:

  1. Configure Instant Messaging Server with the XMPP/HTTP Gateway Deployment parameter set to false.

    As the XMPP/HTTP Gateway is deployed through Convergence, its value is set to true when you configure Convergence.

    See Instant Messaging Server Installation and Configuration Guide for more information.

  2. Using the Instant Messaging Server imconfutil command-line utility, add the c2s component:

    imconfutil -u set-listener-prop  s2s protocols="s2s,component,c2s" -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml
  3. Using the imconfutil command, set the iim_agent.enable property to true:

    imconfutil set-prop iim_agent.enable=true -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml
  4. Using the imconfutil command, configure the httpbind component Jabber ID (JID) and password. For example:

    imconfutil add-component id=httpbind1 jid=convergence1-jid.httpbind.MyDomain.com password=secret -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml
  5. Using the imconfutil command, configure the avatar component JID and password. For example:

    imconfutil add-component id=avatar1 jid=avatar1-jid.avatar.MyDomain.com password=secret -c /opt/sun/comms/im/config/iim.conf.xml


    The httpbind and avatar JIDs can be any string. These values do not have to identify a particular Instant Messaging host and domain name. However, it is a good practice to make these values meaningful. For example, include the host and domain name in these JIDs to make the identifiers easy to recognize.

    The passwords for the httpbind and the avatar JIDs can be unique. They do not have to match any other password used for Instant Messaging Server or other back-end servers.

    The JIDs and passwords configured in the iim.conf.xml file must match the httpbind and Avatar JIDs that you specify when you run the Convergence initial configuration program.

  6. See "Configuring Instant Messaging for Multiple Convergence Instances" if you intend to configure multiple instances of Convergence to use the same Instant Messaging server.

Configuring Instant Messaging for Multiple Convergence Instances

If you are configuring multiple instances of Convergence to use one Instant Messaging server, you must set up a unique httpbind and avatar JID value for each instance of Convergence.

Use the imconfutil command to add each httpbind and avatar component JID to the iim.conf.xml file.

For example, if you configure three instances of Convergence, the Instant Messaging server configuration file (iim.conf.xml) must have three instances of httpbind component configurations and three instances of the avatar component configurations, as shown in the following example.

<component id="httpbind1">
<component id="httpbind2">
<component id="httpbind3">

. . . 

<component id="avatar1">
<component id="avatar2">
<component id="avatar3">