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Oracle® Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition Data Replication Guide for ZFS Snapshots

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Updated: February 2017

How to Perform a Switchover for a Oracle Solaris ZFS Snapshot Protection Group

Use the standard protection group switchover procedure to perform switchover of a ZFS snapshot replication protection group to migrate services in a planned manner. For more information, see Migrating Replication Services by Switching Over Protection Groups in Oracle Solaris Cluster 4.3 Geographic Edition System Administration Guide.

Before You Begin

Ensure that the following conditions are met before you attempt a switchover:

  • Geographic Edition infrastructure is enabled on both partner clusters, and the partnership status is OK.

  • Protection group is activated on both partner clusters.

  • Protection group status and data replication status is OK.

  • Protection group has the primary role on one partner and the secondary role on the other partner.

This procedure uses the example names paris for the current primary cluster and newyork for the current secondary cluster. The goal is to switchover the protection group to make newyork the new primary.

  1. Type this command in one node of paris or in one node of newyork to do the switchover to newyork.
    # geopg switchover [-f] -m newyork protection-group

    After the switchover is complete, ensure that the protection group and replication status is OK on both partners.

  2. Verify that the protection group is now primary on newyork and secondary on paris, and that the state for Data replication and Resource groups is OK on both clusters.
    # geopg status protection-group
  3. Check the runtime status of the application resource group and replication status resources associated with the protection group.
    # clresourcegroup status application-rg-in-pg
    # clresource status -g application-rg-in-pg
    # clresourcegroup status replication-status-rg-for-pg
    # clresource status replication-status-rs

    Refer to the status and status message fields for the replication status resource of each remote replication component in the protection group. For more information about the runtime status of replication, see Checking the Runtime Status of Oracle Solaris ZFS Snapshot Remote Replication.