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Oracle® Solaris Cluster Geographic Edition Data Replication Guide for Oracle Solaris Availability Suite

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Updated: July 2014, E39670-01

Geographic Edition Properties for Availability Suite

This appendix provides the properties of Geographic Edition data replication device groups.

This appendix contains the following sections:

Availability Suite Properties

The following table describes the Availability Suite properties that the Geographic Edition software defines.

Table 4  Availability Suite Properties
Device Group Property: Enable_volume_set (Boolean)
Defines whether the volume sets and fallback snapshots that are defined in the /var/cluster/geo/avs/AVS-device-group-volset.ini and the /var/cluster/geo/avs/AVS-device-group-snapshot.ini files are enabled by the Geographic Edition software when the device group is added to a protection group. Set to either true or false.
Tuning recommendations: This property cannot be tuned after the device group is added to a protection group.
Category: Optional
Default: false
Device Group Property: Local_logical_host (string)
Defines the local logical hostname that is used for the replication of the device group. Do not use an underscore (_) character in the logical hostname.
Tuning recommendations: This property cannot be tuned after the device group is added to a protection group.
Category: Required
Default: None
Protection Group Property: Nodelist (string array)
Lists the host names of the machines that can be primary for the device group in the protection group. Device groups in the protection group must share the same ordered node list. This list is comma delimited.
Tuning recommendations: This property can be tuned only when the protection group is offline.
Category: Optional
Default: All nodes in the cluster
Data Replication Property: Remote_logical_host (string)
Defines the remote logical hostname that is used for the replication of the device group. Do not use an underscore (_) character in the logical hostname.
Tuning recommendations: This property cannot be tuned after the device group is added to a protection group.
Category: Required
Default: None
Replication Resource Property: Snapshot_volume (string array)
Defines all fallback snapshots automatically enabled by Geographic Edition software for the secondary volumes in a single device group. A fallback snapshot is a compact dependent shadow volume created on the secondary cluster immediately prior to the resynchronization of a secondary volume, from which the secondary volume can be reconstructed if resynchronization fails.
This Snapshot_volume property is set on the Availability Suite replication resource AVS-device-group-rep-rs that is automatically created for a device group when it is added to a protection group. The value of the property is an array containing multiple entries: one for every volume in the device group for which a fallback snapshot is configured. Entries are in the form master_vol:shadow_vol:bitmap_shadow_vol where master_vol specifies one replicated volume in the device group for which a fallback snapshot is enabled, shadow_vol specifies a shadow volume, and bitmap_shadow_vol specifies the bitmap volume for the shadow volume. Full path names are required and all three volumes must be in the same device group.
Tuning recommendations: This property can be tuned any time.
Category: Optional
Default: None