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Oracle® Solaris Cluster Data Service for Oracle VM Server for SPARC Guide

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Updated: June 2017

SPARC: How to Configure HA for Oracle VM Server

Before You Begin

Install the data service packages during your initial Oracle Solaris Cluster installation.

If you did not install the HA for Oracle VM Server packages as part of your initial Oracle Solaris Cluster installation, go to Installing the HA for Oracle VM Server Package.

  1. Assume the root role or a role that provides solaris.cluster.modify and solaris.cluster.admin authorization on the node in the cluster that hosts the Oracle VM Server for SPARC logical domain.
  2. Register the SUNW.ldom resource type.
    # clresourcetype register SUNW.ldom
  3. (Optional) If you plan to use live migration, configure the password.
    • For the resource type version 6 or later, create a private string named resourcegroup-resource-ldompasswd to store the target host password that is required for guest domain migration.

      Type the following command on any one node in the cluster:

      # /usr/cluster/bin/clpstring create -b resource-name \
      -t resource resourcegroup-resource-ldompasswd
      Enter string value:
      Enter string value again:

      where resourcegroup and resource are the resource group and resource name for the SUNW.ldom resource that is created.

    • For resource type version 5 or earlier, the Password_file property is required during resource creation.

      Create a password file owned by root with read only permission to store the target host password required for guest domain migration.

      Type the following commands on each of the Oracle Solaris Cluster nodes that would host the logical domain resource, where /var/cluster/.ldg1_passwd is the password file for guest domain ldg1, and password is the target node root password used for live migration:

      # echo password > /var/cluster/.ldg1_passwd 
      # /usr/bin/chown root:root /var/cluster/.ldg1_passwd
      # /usr/bin/chmod 400 /var/cluster/.ldg1_passwwd
  4. (Optional) Configure password ssh to the guest domain if you use Plugin_probe extension property.

    Assume you have two nodes that could host the guest domain, node1 and node2. Setup a passwordless login through SSH between node1 and the LDom Guest (ldg1) and node2 and the LDom Guest (ldg1), or a user of your choice. The example below uses root as the user.

    root@node1:~# id 
    uid=0(root) gid=0(root) 
    root@node1:~# pwd 
    root@node1:~# mkdir .ssh 
    root@node1:~# chmod 700 .ssh 
    root@node1:~# cd .ssh 
    Repeat the above for node2. 
    Then on node1. 
    Note: we will NOT specify a passphrase. 
    root@node1:~# pwd 
    root@node1:~# ssh-keygen -t rsa 
    Generating public/private rsa key pair. 
    Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa): 
    Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
    Enter same passphrase again: 
    Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa. 
    Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub. 
    The key fingerprint is: 
    e6:63:c9:71:fe:d1:8f:71:77:70:97:25:2a:ee:a9:33 root@node1 
    root@node1:~# cat id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys 
    root@node1:~# chmod 600 authorized_keys 
    root@node1:~# scp authorized_keys node2:/root/.ssh 
    The authenticity of host `pnode2 (n.n.n.n )' can't be established. 
    RSA key fingerprint is 4d:d3:84:72:44:fe:0c:48:a7:76:fb:7d:65:c4:da:a9. 
    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes 
    Warning: Permanently added ¿node2,n.n.n.n' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. 
    authorized_keys 100% 
    ************| 223 00:00 
    Then on node2. 
    root@node2:~# pwd 
    root@node2:~# ssh-keygen -t rsa 
    Generating public/private rsa key pair. 
    Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa): 
    Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
    Enter same passphrase again: 
    Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa. 
    Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub. 
    The key fingerprint is: 
    e6:63:c9:71:fe:d1:8f:71:77:70:97:25:2a:ee:a9:33 root@node1 
    root@node2:~# cat id_rsa.pub >> authorized_keys 
    root@node2:~# chmod 600 authorized_keys 
    Then copy authorized_keys from node2 to the LDom guest domain, which here is 
    named ldg1. 
    root@node2:~# scp authorized_keys ldg1:/root/.ssh 
    The authenticity of host `ldg1 (n.n.n.n )' can't be established. 
    RSA key fingerprint is 4d:d3:84:72:44:fe:0c:48:a7:76:fb:7d:65:c4:da:a9. 
    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes 
    Warning: Permanently added ¿node2,n.n.n.n' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. 
    authorized_keys 100% 
    ************| 223 00:00 
    Then verify that both node1 and node2 can login using SSH without a password. 
    root@node1:~# ssh -l root -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa ldg1 svcs -H -o state 
    root@node2:~# ssh -l root -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa ldg1 svcs -H -o state 
  5. Create an Oracle VM Server for SPARC logical domain resource in the failover resource group.

    Note -  The Plugin_probe extension property shown in the examples tests if the multi-user-service state is online before the resource is brought online. The probe also periodically checks if the multi-user-service state is online. Otherwise, the probe attempts to restart the guest domain.
    • If you are not using live migration, set Migration_type=NORMAL during resource creation and do not specify the Password_file property.
      # clresource create -g ldg1-rg \
      -t SUNW.ldom \
      -p Domain_name=ldg1 \
      -p Migration_type=NORMAL \
      -p Resource_dependencies_offline_restart=ldg1-hasp-rs \
      [-p Plugin_probe="/opt/SUNWscxvm/bin/ppkssh -P 
      root:/root/.ssh/id_rsa:ldg1:multi-user-server:online"] \
    • If you are using live migration, set Migration_type=MIGRATE during resource creation and specify Password_file for resource type version 5 or earlier.

      Note -  The Password_file property is obsolete for resource type version 6 or later.

      For resource type version 5 or earlier, type the following command:

      # clresource create -g ldg1-rg \
      -t SUNW.ldom \
      -p Domain_name=ldg1 \
      -p Migration_type=MIGRATE \
      -p Password_file=/var/cluster/.ldg1_passwd \
      -p Resource_dependencies_offline_restart=ldg1-hasp-rs \
      [-p Plugin_probe="/opt/SUNWscxvm/bin/ppkssh -P 
      root:/root/.ssh/id_rsa:ldg1:multi-user-server:online"] \

      For resource type version 6 or later, type the following command:

      # clresource create -g ldg1-rg \
      -t SUNW.ldom \
      -p Domain_name=ldg1 \
      -p Migration_type=MIGRATE \
      -p Resource_dependencies_offline_restart=ldg1-hasp-rs \
      [-p Plugin_probe="/opt/SUNWscxvm/bin/ppkssh -P 
      root:/root/.ssh/id_rsa:ldg1:multi-user-server:online"] \
  6. For resource type version 5 or earlier, if an encrypted password is required for the logical domain migration, you must do the following:
    1. Insert the word encrypted into the file you specify with the Password_file extension property when creating the resource.
      # echo "encrypted" > /var/cluster/.ldg1_passwd
    2. Assume the root role and create an encrypted password.

      In the following example, the root password for the primary domain, password, is being encrypted and ldg1 reflects the logical domain name.

      node1# dd if=/dev/urandom of=/var/cluster/ldom_key bs=16 count=1
      node1# chmod 400 /var/cluster/ldom_key
      node1# echo password | /usr/sfw/bin/openssl enc -aes128 -e \
      -pass file:/var/cluster/ldom_key -out /opt/SUNWscxvm/.ldg1_passwd
      node1# chmod 400 /opt/SUNWscxvm/.ldg1_passwd
    3. Verify that the encrypted password can be decrypted.
      node1# /usr/sfw/bin/openssl enc -aes128 -d -pass file:/var/cluster/ldom_key \
      -in /opt/SUNWscxvm/.ldg1_passwd
    4. Repeat the preceding steps on all Oracle Solaris Cluster nodes that host the logical domain service.
    5. Create or update the resource and set the Password_file property to the path provided in Step a.

      Note -  You can perform this step only when the resource is disabled.
      # clresource set -p Password_file=/var/cluster/.ldg1_passwd LDom-guest-domain-resource
  7. Enable each logical domain resource.

    Repeat this step for each logical domain instance, if multiple instances were created.

    # clresource status
    # clresource enable logical-guest-domain-resource