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Setting Up File Parser

File Parser consists of several key components:

Make sure you enter a row for the required constituent (CTM) and transaction staging records on the Context Definition page and the Mapping page of File Mapping Definition component:

Warning! When using a file to upload data into the stage records, do not populate the EMPLID field with a value that is not already created inside your production database. Doing so will cause the post process to production tables to fail (the EMPLID value passed will not be used to create a new EMPLID). The same is also true for the User ID (USERID field). The process will not create a User ID using the value entered in the file.

Use the Field Conversion Definition page to define field values in the external file that must be converted to internal values. Add any additional fields and complete the definition for the fields delivered.

Image: Example of a field conversion definition

This example illustrates the Field Conversion Definition page.

Example of a field conversion definition

Use the Context Definition page to add the delivered staging tables as well as any additional extension staging tables that need to be updated when loading data from the external file. You may have created the extension tables by performing steps listed in this section of the Developer Reference for Creating a New CTM Consumer documentation:

Step 1: Creating or Extending Staging Tables

Ensure that you enter the correct Parent Record field value. For bulk load of admission applications, SCC_STG_CONSTIT must be the first record entered as it is the parent to all records.

Image: Example of a context definition (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the Context Definition page (1 of 2).

Example of a context definition (1 of 2)

Image: Example of a context definition (2 of 2)

This example illustrates the Context Definition page (2 of 2).

Example of a context definition (2 of 2)

For bulk load of admission applications, the counters that you must include in the context definition are:

Note: The unique counter for ADM_APPL_NBR must be set up in the context definition and the Visible for Mapping should be deselected for the ADM_APPL_NBR field.

Use the File Definition page to provide information about the external file.

Image: Example of a file definition

This example illustrates the File Definition page.

Example of a file definition

Use the File Layout page to define fields from the external file that will be loaded into the staging tables.

Image: Example of a file layout

This example illustrates the File Layout page.

Example of a file layout

Use the Mapping page to associate fields defined on the File Layout page with staging table fields defined in the context definition.

Image: Example of a mapping

This example illustrates the Mapping page.

Example of a mapping

There could be required description fields that may require a calculated field to populate. File Parser does not populate the description based on the code populated. You must build a calculated field to load a description. Examples of required description fields:

SAD_APL_PRG_STG.APPL_PROG_NBR: To have the system automatically set the Application Program Number to zero (which is the default when adding a new application), set the Mapping Action for this field to a Default Value of 0. If you are inserting multiple program rows for one application number, set the second occurrence of this field to a Default Value of 1.

Use the Preview Data page to test your external file with the File Parser Definitions.

Note: The preview feature shows only the first row of each row type; therefore, you should use a small test file when using this component. Using a large test file is simply a waste of resources that could potentially degrade the application server.

Image: Example of previewing data

This example illustrates the Preview Data page.

Example of previewing data