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Entering Affiliations with Organizations

This section lists prerequisites and discusses how to enter organization affiliation details.

Before entering affiliation information, set up GPA types, grading schemes, grading bases, and transcript details.

Page Name

Definition Name



Organization Affiliation


select Campus Community, then select Organization, then select Create/Maintain Organizations, then select Organization Affiliation

Enter organization affiliations details.

Access the Organization Affiliation page (select Campus Community, then select Organization, then select Create/Maintain Organizations, then select Organization Affiliation).

Image: Organization Affiliation page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Organization Affiliation page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Organization Affiliation page

Affiliation with Institution

Field or Control


Academic Institution

Enter the institution with which this organization is affiliated.

GPA Type

Enter the type of grade point average used by this organization.

Grading Scheme

Enter the type of grading scheme used by this organization.

Grading Basis

Enter the grading basis used by this organization.

Transfer Credit Transcript Print

Field or Control


Level of Detail

Enter the level of detail of the transfer credit to print on the transcript.

Summary: Indicates that the system prints the total transferred units and GPA on the student's transcript.

Detail: Indicates that the system prints the information that you specify in the Details to Print field.

Values for this field are delivered with the system as translate values. You can modify these translate values.

Include Transfer Credit in GPA

Select to include the transfer credit from this organization in the student's GPA.

Details to Print

This is available only when you select Detail in the Level of Detail field. Select the details that you want the system to print on the transcript: None, External Courses, External and Internal, or Internal Equivalent Course.

You should not modify these values.

Organization Groups

Field or Control


Group Type

Enter the type of group, from the Organization Group Table page, to which this organization belongs.

Group Code

Enter the code associated with the specified group type, which describes the group to which this organization belongs.