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Setting Up User Profiles Management

Important! Mass Change is a deprecated product. Support will be maintained for this product, but no new development will be produced for Mass Change. It is strongly recommended that you use Application Engine instead. For more information on PeopleSoft Application Engine, see PeopleTools: Application Engine.

To set up user profiles, use the User Profiles Mass Creation component (OPER_LOAD).

The User Profiles Mass Creation component is the setup component for the User Profiles Management process. When you access the component, select a role name. That role is added to user profiles or deleted from existing user profiles, depending on the processes you select when you run the User Profiles Management process.

On the first page of the component, select the mass change that you want to use to select a group of individuals. You select individuals whose role you want to add or delete in new or existing user profiles. You can then review the list of these individuals whose user profiles you plan to create or modify. The individuals appear in a search results grid at the bottom of the page after you run the mass change. The list provides a count of the number of IDs selected. On the first page, you also determine how the user ID and passwords are created. You can also assign 3C items and create a result table, which is a temporary table that holds the new user IDs and their nonencrypted passwords.

On the second page of the component, you select the user preferences (default values) to assign to the user IDs. You also set IDs to use the online credit card functionality.

This section discusses how to:

Page Name

Definition Name



User Profiles Mass Creation


select Set Up SACR, then select Security, then select Secure Student Administration, then select Setup, then select User Profiles Mass Creation, then select User Profiles Mass Creation

Select the users to manage (using a mass change definition) and define other parameters, including the algorithms for creating user IDs and passwords and the model user ID. You can also assign 3C IDs to the user ID that you create.

Assign User Preferences


select Set Up SACR, then select Security, then select Secure Student Administration, then select Setup, then select User Profiles Mass Creation, then select Assign User Preferences

Select user preference default values for institution, academic career, term, and aid year. You can also set up the values for institution set and business unit if the institution uses the online credit card process.

Access the User Profiles Mass Creation page (select Set Up SACR, then select Security, then select Secure Student Administration, then select Setup, then select User Profiles Mass Creation, then select User Profiles Mass Creation).

Image: User Profiles Mass Creation page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the User Profiles Mass Creation page (1 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

User Profiles Mass Creation page (1 of 2)

Image: User Profiles Mass Creation page (2 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the User Profiles Mass Creation page (2 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

User Profiles Mass Creation page (2 of 2)

Enter the mass change that the system uses to create the list of users to process. Click the Mass Change Definition link to access the Mass Change Definition component, where you can select different parameters for the mass change selection.

Note: It is good practice to always regenerate a mass change prior to using it, even if you didn't modify the criteria. That way, you ensure that you are using the latest data.

Field or Control



Displays the number of users selected by the mass change. This field is populated after you click the Populate Selection button.

Populate Selection

Click to run the selected mass change. The Selection Results grid displays a list of person IDs when the mass change processing is complete. Generate the mass change each time that you create user profiles. That way, you ensure that you are using the latest data.

Refresh Grid

Click to delete the mass change results from the buffer and from the Search Results table. If you do not refresh the grid after you use it, it may take a while to open this page the next time that you access it.

User ID

The fields in this area are used as the basis for the new user profiles.

Field or Control


User ID

Enter the user ID that you want to use as the model for the user profiles. For example enter the SCC_MODEL user ID.

Email Type

Select the email type to enter in the user profile. The system uses the EMAIL_ADDRESSES record to determine the email address, based on the type that you enter. The email address (for the IDs that have one) is added in. the Email Addresses page of the User Profiles component select (PeopleTools, then select Maintain Security, then select Use, then select User Profiles, then select Edit Email Addresses link). If the user does not have an email address of the selected type, no email address is added to the user profile.

If you selectPreferred, the system uses the email address marked as the preferred address on the Electronic Addresses page.

Note: If you select a value for Email Type, you are required to enter an equivalent value in the User Profile Email Type field, and vice versa.

User Profile Email Type

Because the user profile stores different Email Type values than the ones used throughout the applications, select the corresponding email type that will match the type previously selected. Values are:Blackberry, Business, Home, Other, and Work. These values are delivered with the system as translate values and should not be modified.

ID Type

By default, the system uses the value Employee. You can run the User Profiles Management process only for that ID type.


Enter the algorithms for the system to use when creating new user IDs and passwords.

Field or Control


For User IDs

Select ID or Email to indicate which value to use to create the user IDs for the selected users.

If you selectID, the new user ID is the same as the ID.

If you select Email, you must select the Email Type For User ID to be used.

For Passwords

Select to indicate how the system creates the new passwords for the new user IDs.

Select First Name, Last Name, ID to create passwords using the first two characters of the first name plus the first two characters of the last name plus the ID, if the ID is four characters or less. If the ID has more than four characters, the last four characters of the ID are used.

Enter Random Creation to create more secure passwords. The random password is created by using the 26 letters of the alphabet and numbers from 1 to 9.

The length of the password is determined by the Minimum Password Length field on the Password Controls page select (PeopleTools, then select Maintain Security, then select Setup). If the value in this field is less than 8, then a password length of eight characters is used.

If the Required Number of Specials field on the Password Controls page is set to a value other than 0, then the same number of special characters (that is, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, ~, !, ?) is randomly picked and appended to the end of the password.

Email Type

Select the email type to use. If you selectPreferred, the system uses the email address marked as the preferred address on the Electronic Addresses page. The new user IDs are the characters before the @ symbol, excluding spaces and special characters.

Important! If you selectEmail in the For User IDs field and the user does not have the email type that you select, a user profile is not created for the user. Instead, an error row is added to the temporary table (PS_ERR_LOG_USRPRF) with the error code 4.

Communicate User IDs and Passwords

Field or Control


Assign 3C

Select to assign communications, checklists, or comments to the user IDs that the process creates. If you select this check box, select a 3C engine event ID that the system uses to determine which communications, checklists, and comments to assign. Any communications, checklists, or comments should be created in one event ID.

You can use this field to assign a communication that tells new users their user IDs and passwords for an internet site.

When the User Profiles Management process runs with the Create User Profiles option and the Assign 3C option selected, the system invokes the 3C engine. 3C engine adds communications, checklists and comments directly to the communication tables, checklist tables, and comments tables, respectively. Consequently, all new users automatically receive the communications, checklists, and comments that are assigned.


Select the institution associated with the event ID. This information is needed for the 3C engine.

Event ID

Select the event ID that you created to assign communications, checklists, and comments. This information is needed for the 3C engine.

See Generating Password Notification Letters.

Create result table

When this check box is selected, a temporary result table is created when you run the User Profiles Management process. This temporary table is the only place where the newly created passwords appear nonencrypted. If you do not select this check box, the passwords cannot be seen and therefore cannot be communicated to the new self-service users.

Note: The check box is automatically selected at save time if you select the Assigned 3C option using an event ID that has been set up with a comm key that includes a letter code with the unique SQC CCLTRWOL. The Letter Generation process uses the temporary table to print the user IDs and the passwords on the letters.

See Supplemental Installation Instructions for Campus Solutions Applications: Using the User Profiles Management Result Tableon My Oracle Support.

Selection Results

Click the Populate Selection button to populate this area.

Field or Control



Displays the list of person IDs that match the criteria specified in the selected mass change. If an ID is listed multiple times, more than one user ID was previously created for the same ID.

Note: The User Profiles Management process does not create a user ID for the person IDs that already have a user ID. If you see in the gird that a person ID has multiple user IDs, it is because an administrative user manually created them.


Displays the name associated with the person ID.

User ID

Displays the user ID assigned to the person ID. This information enables you to determine which IDs have a user ID versus the ones who do not. The User Profiles Management Application Engine process (USERPROFILE) creates a user ID for the one that do not have one.

Note: If a user ID already exists, the process does not create a new one.

Institution Set

Displays the institution set assigned to a user ID by the Assign User Preferences Application Engine process. This value is mostly used by the online credit card process.

If a user ID already has an institution set associated with it, the institution set is overridden by the Assign User Preferences process if the value that you select on the Assign User Preferences page is different from the user ID's institution set. However, if an administrator has manually entered an institution set, the process does not change the manually entered institution set.

Institution Set Override

Displays the institution set entered on the Self Service Institution Set Override page. The background process does not override this value.

See Understanding Student Financials Security.

Business Unit

Displays the business unit assigned to a user ID by the Assign User Preferences process. This value is used by the online credit card process.

If a user ID already has a business unit associated with it, the business unit is overridden by the Assign User Preferences process if the value that you select on the Assign User Preferences page is different from the user ID's business unit.

See PeopleTools: Security Administration

Access the Assign User Preferences page (select (Set Up SACR, then select Security, then select Secure Student Administration, then select Setup, then select User Profiles Mass Creation, then select Assign User Preferences).

Image: Assign User Preferences page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Assign User Preferences page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Assign User Preferences page

The values that you select on this page override the values created for the user ID in the OPR_DEF_TBL_CS table.

Assign Default Values for User IDs

Field or Control


Institution, Academic Career, Aid Year, and Term

These fields are used as user preferences when the user accesses pages that include these fields.

Institution Set

This value is used by Student Financials. Enter a value if you use online credit card processing.

Business Unit

This value is used by Student Financials. Enter a value if you use online credit card processing.