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Viewing Account Information Within the Maintain Receivables Feature

This section lists the pages used to view account information within the Maintain Receivables feature and discusses the Item Details page.

Page Name

Definition Name



Item View


select Student Financials, then select View Item, then select Item View

Review item activity for student accounts.

Corp Item View


select Student Financials, then select View Corporate Item, then select Corp Item View

Review item activity for organization accounts.

Item Line View


select Student Financials, then select View Item Line, then select Item Line View

Review information about each line item in a student account.

Item Line Corp View


select Student Financials, then select View Corporate Item Line, then select Item Line Corp View

Review charges to a corporate account by the account type that is affected.

Item Due View


select Student Financials, then select View Item Due, then select Item Due View

Review detailed information about due line items in a student account.

Corp Item Due View


select Student Financials, then select View Corporate Item Due, then select Corp Item Due View

Review detailed information about due line items in an organization account.

Item Details


Click the Account Details link on the Corp Accounts page and then click the Item Details link.

Review item activity for organization accounts.

When the Cross Reference Student Charge check box is selected on the Third Party Contract page (Student Financials, Payment Plans, Third Party Contract, Create, Third Party Contract), additional information appears in the Details group box on the Item Details page (on the Corp Line, Student Charge, and Student Tuition Item tabs).

Here is an example of the Item Details page showing the Corp Line tab in the Details group box:

Image: Item Details example page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Item Details example page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Item Details example page

See Setting Up Third-Party Contracts.