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Student Record Return: Student Entity

The Create Extract process creates a single Student entity for each student included in the Instance entity. However, it is possible for a student to have multiple distinct Instances for a particular return. In this case, only one Student entity will be created.

The process creates the Student entities only if the Include Student Entities check box is selected on the Create Extract Data page.

The process uses each distinct HESA unique student identifier (HUSID) to create a Student entity. The process also uses the student's EMPLID to link the HUSID with the person data to derive fields within the Student entity. The process creates the Student entity after creating all the other entities because of the dependency on values derived for the Course, Instance, and Entry Profile fields.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Student

Page Used:


Page Element

Biographical Details select (Campus Community , then select Personal Information (Student), then select Add/Update a Person, then select Biographical Details)

Date of Birth

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all Student entities.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from the Biographical Details page in the format YYYY-DD-MM.

  2. Do not derive a value, leave the field blank and set ReasonForNull = 1.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Student

Pages Used:


Page Element

Person HESA Data


Impairment AUS select (Campus Community, then select Personal Information, then select Health Information, then select Impairment AUS )

Type of Impairment

Disability select (Records and Enrollment, then select HESA Reporting, then select Codes and Mappings, then select Code Mappings, then select Disability)

HESA Disability Code

Field Derivation Rule: If the student has at least one Instance with REDUCEDI = 00, 01 or 07, derive a value. Otherwise, do not derive a value and leave the field blank.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from the Person HESA Data page.

  2. If the student has multiple impairment records in the Impairment AUS page, derive as 08 (multiple disabilities). If the student has a single impairment record, use the HESA Disability code from the mapping between the impairment type and the HESA disability code.

  3. Use default.

  4. Derive as NULL ERROR.

You can define a default as either 00 (no known disability) or 99 (not known).

Return: Student Record

Entity: Student

Pages Used:


Page Element

Person HESA Data


Ethnicity select (Campus Community , then select Personal Information (Student), then select Biographical (Student), then select Personal Attributes, then select Ethnicity)

Regulatory Region, Ethnic Group

Ethnicity select (Records and Enrollment, then select HESA Reporting, then select Codes and Mappings, then select Code Mappings, then select Ethnicity)

HESA Ethnic Code

Country Description (Set Up HRMS, Install, Country Table, Country Description)

See Understanding CS-to-HCM Integration

2-Char Country Code

Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Student has at least one Instance with REDUCED = 00, 01, 07 or 08.

  • One of the following is true (a, b, c or d):

    • a. Student has a related Entry Profile in the extract with DOMICILE = XF, XG, XH, XI, XK, XL, GG, JE, or IM.

    • b. Student has a HESA Entry Profile record with DOMICILE = XF, XG, XH, XI, XK, XL, GG, JE, or IM. All student records are considered, based on EMPLID, irrespective of effective date or career/instance.

    • c. Student has a Residency Self-Report record where Country = GBR or the mapped 2-character country code is XF, XG, XH, XI, XK, XL, GG, JE, or IM. All student records are considered, based on EMPLID, irrespective of effective date.

    • d. Course.TTCID is 1, 8, G, H, L, M, N or P

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from the Person HESA Data page.

  2. Select Person Ethnicity records as follows:

    • If a single record exists, use that record.

    • If multiple records exist and one is marked as Primary on the Campus Community Ethnicity page, use that record.

    • If multiple records exist and none are marked as Primary, select the record with the highest Percentage defined in the Ethnicity Detail page.

    • If multiple records are indistinguishable, select the the most recent record based on last updated date (LASTUPDDTTM from ETHNICITY_DTL).

    • For the selected record, use the HESA Ethnic code from the mapping between the Ethnic Group, Regulatory Region, and the HESA Ethnic code. If no mapping exists, log an error message and skip to next step.

  3. Use default.

  4. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Student

Page Used:


Page Element

Names select (Campus Community, then select Personal Information (Student), then select Add/Update a Person, then select Biographical Details, then select Names)

First Name

Middle Name

Field Derivation Rule: If a student has at least one Instance with REDUCED = 00, 01, 04, 08 or 09, derive a value. Otherwise, do not derive a value and leave the field blank.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use the First Name and Middle Name values from the Primary Name record.

  2. Do not derive a value, leave the field blank and set ReasonForNull = 9.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Student

Page Used:


Page Element

Biographical Details (Campus Community , Personal Information (Student), Add/Update a Person, Biographical Details)


Field Derivation Rule: Include for all Student entities.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use the Gender value from the Biographical History record.

    If the gender value is Male, derive as 1.

    If the gender value is Female, derive as 2.

    If the gender value is unknown, derive as 9.

  2. Use default.

  3. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Note: The GENDER field has been replaced with SEXID for 2012/13 onwards.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Student

Page Used:


Page Element

Person HESA Data


Field Derivation Rule: If Instance.REDUCEDI = 00, derive a value. Otherwise, do not derive a value and leave the field blank.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from the Person HESA Data page.

  2. Use default.

  3. Do not derive a value and leave the field blank.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Student

Page Used:


Page Element

External System ID

External System ID

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all Student entities.

Derivation Step:

1. Select External System ID records for the person with the External ID Type defined for HUSID in the HESA Types page.

Validate that the derived value is in the correct format (refer to the Notes section for HUSID available on the HESA website). If the value is invalid, log an error message.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Student

Pages Used:


Page Element

Person HESA Data


Citizenship and Passport (Campus Community , Personal Information (Student), Identification (Student), Citizenship, Citizenship and Passport)


Nationality (Records and Enrollment, HESA Reporting, Codes and Mappings, Code Mappings, Nationality)

HESA Nationality Code

Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if Country = England, Scotland or Wales. Otherwise, do not derive a value and leave the field blank.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from the Person HESA Data page.

  2. Select person citizenship records and retrieve the related two-character code (COUNTRY_2CHAR) from the Country table (PS_COUNTRY_TBL). If a mapping exists in the HESA Nationality Code page for the Campus Solutions Country code, use the mapped HESA value else use the COUNTRY_2CHAR value.

    If a single record exists, derive the Campus Solutions country code or HESA country code.

  3. If multiple person citizenship records are found and a record has a value of GB, derive as GB.

  4. If multiple records are found, and none have the GB country value but a minimum one record has a country value that is marked as European Union (EU) country then derive the EU country. If there are multiple EU countries report the one with the lowest alphabetic HESA code. Note that the PS_COUNTRY_TBL contains an indicator (EU_MEMBER_STATE) to specify if the country is a member of the EU.

  5. If multiple records are found and none have the UK or EU value, select the lowest alphabetic code

  6. Use default.

  7. If the student has at least one Instance with REDUCEDI = 00 or 03 and COMDATE on or after 2007-08-01, derive as NULL ERROR else do not derive a value and leave the field blank.

In most cases, you can use the Campus Solutions two-character country code to report the NATION value. However, some Campus Solutions country codes are not valid for HESA reporting. For example, the Campus Solutions Cyprus code (CY) cannot be reported. Cyprus has to be reported as XA, XB, or XC. In these cases, you must use the Nationality code mapping page to ensure the correct NATION values are reported to HESA.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Student

Page Used:


Page Element

Person HESA Data


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = Wales

  • Student has at least one Instance with REDUCEDI = 00

  • One of the following is true (a, b, or c):

    • a. Student has a related EntryProfile in the extract with DOMICILE = XI (Wales)

    • b. Student has any HESA Entry Profile record with DOMICILE = XI. Consider all records for the student (based on EMPLID), irrespective of effective date or career/instance.

    • c. Student has any Residency Self-Report record where country = GBR and the combination of Country and State is mapped to a HESA Country Code = XI in the UCAS Area of Permanent Residence page. Consider all records for the student (based on EMPLID), irrespective of effective date

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from the Person HESA Data page.

  2. Use default

  3. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Student

Pages Used: None

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all Student entities.

Derivation Step:

1. Derive as EMPLID.

Note: Although the OWNSTU field is optional for HESA reporting, the system derives this field value for all students to assist with record identification.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Student

Pages Used:


Page Element

Person HESA Data


Religious Preference (Campus Community, Personal Information, Biographical, Personal Attributes, Religious Preferences).

Religious Preference

Religion (Records and Enrollment, HESA Reporting, Codes and Mappings, Code Mappings, Religion )

HESA Belief

Field Derivation Rule: If Instance.REDUCEDI = 00, derive a value. Otherwise, do not derive a value and leave the field blank.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from the Person HESA Data page.

  2. Select the religious preference from the personal information record. Use the mapping on the Religion page to derive the RELBLF code.

  3. Use default.

  4. Do not derive a value and leave the field blank.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Student

Page Used:


Page Element

Biographical Details (Campus Community , Personal Information (Student), Add/Update a Person, Biographical Details)


Gender (Records and Enrollment, HESA Reporting, Codes and Mappings, Code Mappings, Gender)

HESA Identifier

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all Student entities.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Select the Gender value from the Biographical History record. Derive as the mapped HESA value for the selected Gender value.

  2. If no mapping is found, then derive as:

    • If the gender value is Male, derive as 1.

    • If the gender value is Female, derive as 2.

  3. Use default.

  4. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Student

Page Used:


Page Element

Person HESA Data


Field Derivation Rule: If Instance.REDUCEDI = 00, derive a value. Otherwise, do not derive a value and leave the field blank.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from the Person HESA Data page.

  2. Use default.

  3. Do not derive a value and leave the field blank.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Student

Page Used:


Page Element

External System ID

External System ID

Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Student has an Instance related to a Course entity that has Course.COURSEAIM beginning with H, I, J, C, P, Q, R, or S

  • Either EntryProfile.UCASAPPID exists or Country = Scotland

    EntryProfile.UCASAPPID exists if one of the following is found:

    • Student has an Entry Profile in the extract with an EntryProfile.UCASAPPID value.

    • Student has a HESA Entry Profile record with an EntryProfile.UCASAPPID value.

    • An External Application Number exists in the Campus Solutions admission application record and this record is related to the student program record for an Instance being reported for the student.

  • One of the following is true (a, b, or c):

    • a. Student has a related EntryProfile in the extract with EntryProfile.DOMICILE = XH (Scotland).

    • b. Student has any HESA Entry Profile record with EntryProfile.DOMICILE = XH. Consider all records for the student (based on EMPLID) irrespective of effective date or career/instance.

    • c. Student has any Residency Self-Report record where the country = XH. Or the student has any Residency Self-Report record where the country = GBR and the combination of Country and State is mapped to a HESA Country Code = XH in the UCAS Area of Permanent Residence page. Consider all records for the student (based on EMPLID) irrespective of effective date.

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Select External System ID records for the person with the External ID Type defined for SCN in the HESA Types page. Value should not be 999999999.

  2. Do not derive a value, leave the field blank and set ReasonForNull = 1.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Student

Page Used:


Page Element

Person HESA Data


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = Scotland

  • Student has at least one Instance with REDUCEDI = 00

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from the Person HESA Data page.

  2. Use default.

  3. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Student

Page Used:


Page Element

Names (Campus Community, Personal Information (Student), Add/Update a Person, Biographical Details, Names)

Last Name

Note: The Last Name page element can accept a maximum of thirty characters.

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all Student entities.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use the Last Name value from the Primary Name record. The last name must have a Type of Name value that corresponds with the Name Type set for SNAME16 in the HESA Types page.

  2. Do not derive a value and leave the field blank.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Student

Page Used:


Page Element

Names (Campus Community, Personal Information (Student), Add/Update a Person, Biographical Details, Names)

Last Name

Note: The Last Name page element can accept a maximum of thirty characters.

Field Derivation Rule: If the student has at least one Instance with REDUCEDI = 00, 01, 04, 08 or 09, derive a value. Otherwise, do not derive a value and leave the field blank.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use the Last Name value from the Primary Name record.

  2. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Student

Page Used:


Page Element

Person HESA Data


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • The student has at least one Instance with REDUCEDI = 00

  • LOCSDY does not equal S

  • MODE = 01, 02, 23, 24, or 25

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from the Person HESA Data page.

  2. Use default

  3. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Student

Page Used:


Page Element

Person HESA Data


Addresses (Campus Community, Personal Information (Student), Biographical (Student), Addresses/Phones, Addresses)


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if one of the following conditions is met:

  • Country = England, Northern Ireland, or Scotland, the student has at least one Instance with Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 07, AND Instance.LOCSDY is blank or does not equal 6, 9, D, S or T.

  • Country = Wales, the student has at least one Instance with Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 07, Instance.LOCSDY does not equal 6, 9, D, S or T AND Course.COURSEAIM does not begin with P, Q, R, S or X.

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Derive from the Person HESA Data page.

  2. Select the most recent address record (exclude records with an effective date greater than the end date of the reporting period) that has one of the UK-related country codes. The record must have an Address Type that corresponds with the Address Type set for TTPCODE in the HESA Types page.

    The following country codes are considered as UK-related for the purposes of this derivation: GBR (United Kingdom), XF (England), XG (Northern Ireland), XH (Scotland), XI (Wales), XK (UK not otherwise specified), XL (Channel Islands not otherwise specified), GG (Guernsey), GGY (Guernsey), JE (Jersey), JEY (Jersey), IM (Isle of Man), or IMN (Isle of Man).

  3. Use default.

  4. Do not derive a value, leave the field blank and set ReasonForNull = 1.

For steps 1 and 2, the system validates that the derived post code value is in the correct format (refer to the examples for TTPCODE available on the HESA website).

Return: Student Record

Entity: Student

Page Used:


Page Element

External System ID

External System ID

Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • The student has an Instance with Instance.COMDATE after 2007-07-31 and

  • Either EntryProfile.UCASAPPID value exists on the Entry Profile page (any effective-dated row) or the External Application Number associated with the Instance begins UC. Use the Student Program record of the instance to find the admission application number (ADM_APPL_NBR). Use this admission application number to find the Admissions Data record (PS_ADM_APPL_DATA). Then, from the Application Data page for this record, find the External Application Number. The External Application Number holds the UCAS Application Code plus Choice Number for a UCAS application.

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Select External System ID records for the person with the External ID Type defined for UCASPERID in the HESA Types page.

  2. Derive as NULL ERROR.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Student

Page Used:


Page Element

External System ID

External System ID

Field Derivation Rule: Include for all Student entities.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Select External System ID records for the person with the External ID Type defined for ULN in the HESA Types page.

    Validate the derived value using the checksum method. For information on the checksum method, refer to the Notes section for the ULN field available on the HESA website.

  2. If Country = England and there is any instance for the student with Instance.FESTUMK = 1 or 3, derive as NULL ERROR.

  3. Do not derive a value and leave the field blank.

Return: Student Record

Entity: Student

Page Used:


Page Element

Person HESA Data


Field Derivation Rule: Derive a value if the following conditions are met:

  • Country = Wales

  • The student has an Instance with REDUCEDI = 00

  • One of the following is true (a, b, or c):

  • (a) The student has a related EntryProfile in the extract with DOMICILE = XI

  • (b) The student has any HESA Entry Profile record with DOMICILE = XI. This includes consideration of all records for the student (based on EMPLID) irrespective of effective date or career/instance.

  • (c ) The student has any Residency Self-Report record where the country = GBR and the combination of Country and State is mapped to a HESA Country Code = XI in the UCAS Area of Permanent Residence page. This includes consideration of all records for the student (based on EMPLID) irrespective of effective date.

Do not derive a value and leave the field blank, if the conditions are not met.

Derivation Steps:

  1. Use constant.

  2. Derive from the Person HESA Data page.

  3. Use default.

  4. Derive as NULL ERROR.