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Creating and Maintaining the My Prospects Workset

To use the action and strategy management pages in PeopleSoft Outreach, users need a current My Prospects workset. Your organization can initialize and maintain this workset by running the My Prospects process as well as by assigning resources within PeopleSoft Contributor Relations.

This section discusses how to:

Page Name

Definition Name



Outreach Workset Initialization/Maintenance


select Set Up SACR, then select Product Related, then select Contributor Relations, then select Install Contributor Relations, then select Initialize CR, then select Outreach WS Initialization

Run the My Prospects process to generate or regenerate My Prospects worksets for outreach officers.

Access the Outreach Workset Initialization/Maintenance page (select Set Up SACR, then select Product Related, then select Contributor Relations, then select Install Contributor Relations, then select Initialize CR, then select Outreach WS Initialization).

When you run this process, the system:

  1. Empties the workset tables AV_WORKSET and AV_WORKSET_MBR for the My Prospects workset.

  2. Selects records from resource assignment tables based on the following conditions:




    Include on START_DT < current date and end date > current date


    Include on START_DT < current date and end date > current date


    Include as SLCTR_ID or RSPL_ID and action expiration or complete date + 30 days < current date


    Include as STAFF_ID and action expiration or complete date + 30 days < current date

  3. Inserts the selected records into the My Prospects workset on the workset tables AV_WORKSET and AV_WORKSET_MBR for any user who has both a STAFF_ID on the AV_STAFF table and a user ID for access to the system.

    The process ignores assignments that are made to someone who is not also a system user. Because staff and volunteers exist in the same AV_STAFF record, volunteers who also have system user IDs have My Prospects worksets built for their user IDs.

Use the Process Monitor to review the status of the process. You can configure Process Scheduler to generate the workset at user-defined intervals.

Note: Oracle recommends that you schedule the My Prospects process to run nightly to keep the My Prospects worksets current for all users.

The functionality of Contributor Relations Outreach is fully realized when each prospect has a constituent type assigned.

Several resource assignment pages are available within PeopleSoft Contributor Relations that enable you to assign a prospect to an outreach officer. These additions immediately update their My Prospects worksets (or create new ones, if none already exist), regardless of whether the My Prospects process has been run.

The following table lists all PeopleSoft Contributor Relations pages where you can assign a prospect to an outreach officer, thus updating the My Prospects workset:

Contributor Relations Page or Component

Assignment Condition

Resource Assignment component

Any staff or volunteer assignment for a user who also has a system user ID.

Mass Assign Staff page

Any staff or volunteer assignment for a user who also has a system user ID.

Workset Mass Assignments component

Any staff or volunteer assignment for a user who also has a system user ID.

Prospect Action page

Any user assigned as the responsible person, solicitor, or assigned resource.

Action Info page

Any user assigned as the responsible person, solicitor, or assigned resource.

Mass Actions 1 page

Any user assigned as the responsible person, solicitor, or assigned resource.

Mass Actions 2 page

Any user assigned as the responsible person, solicitor, or assigned resource.

Workset Mass Actions component

Any user assigned as the responsible person, solicitor, or assigned resource.

Bequest Detail page

Assigned bequest internal resources on the AV_PG_STAFF record.

Trust Detail page

Assigned trust internal resources.

Gift Annuity Detail page

Assigned gift annuity internal resources.

Pooled Income Information page

Assigned pooled income internal resources.

Note: A deletion from any one of these pages or components affects the My Prospects workset only when the My Prospects process runs.