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Using Self-Service Addresses, Names, Phones, and Demographic Data

Self-service users can view and update their own addresses, names, phone numbers, and demographic data, including gender, date of birth, and marital status.

Addresses, names, phones, and demographic data are set up in the PeopleSoft Campus Solutions system. When you set up Personal Data Summary Options for PeopleSoft Campus Self Service, you can choose which address, phone, and email type to display by default on self-service pages. No additional setup is required.

Links under Campus Personal Information enable online self-service users to view, modify, or update their own:

Page Name

Definition Name





  • Click the address link on the Personal Data Summary page. An address link is either or both of the labels entered for the Address Box 1 and Address Box 2 on the Personal Data Summary Options page

  • Self Service, Campus Personal Information, Addresses, Addresses

View your current address types as permitted by the Type Control page, and the associated address data.

Edit Address


  • Click the edit button on the Addresses page.

  • Click the ADD A NEW ADDRESS button on the Addresses page.

  • Click the Edit Address link on the Emergency Contact Detail page .

When you access this page using the edit button on the Addresses page or the Edit Address link on the Emergency Contact Detail page, you can edit or update the address.

When you access this page using the ADD A NEW ADDRESS button, you can add an address type and associated data for yourself to be effective now or on a future date.

Delete Address


Click the Delete (type) address link on the Addresses page. (Self-service users can edit only the home and mailing addresses, so no Delete button appears for these address types.)

Delete an address type and associated data.



  • Click the Names link on the Personal Data Summary page.

  • select Self Service, then select Campus Personal Information, then select Names, then select Names

View your current name types as permitted by the Type Control page, and the associated name data.

Change Name

Add a new name


  • Click theedit button on the Names page to access the Change Name page.

  • Click the ADD A NEW NAME button on the Names page to access the Add a new name page.

When accessed from the edit button, you can view or update the name type.

When accessed from the ADD A NEW NAME button, you can add a name type and new name with a current for future effective date.

Phone Numbers


  • Click the Contact Information Description link on the Personal Data Summary page.

  • Click the ADD A PHONE NUMBER button on the Emergency Contact Detail page, and then select the phone type to edit or delete.

  • select Self Service, then select Campus Personal Information, then select Phone Numbers

View and update your current phone types as permitted by the Type Control page, and phone numbers.

Buttons on this page also enable you to add or delete rows to add or delete phone numbers.

Email Addresses


  • Click the Contact Information Email Address link on the Personal Data Summary page.

  • select Self Service, then select Campus Personal Information, then select Email Addresses

View and update your current email address types as permitted on the Type Control page, and email addresses.

Buttons on this page also enable you to add or delete rows to add or delete email addresses.

Internet Addresses


  • Click the Internet Addresses link on the Personal Data Summary page.

  • select Self Service, then select Campus Personal Information, then select Internet Addresses

View and update internet addresses, including website and FTP site addresses.

Buttons on this page also enable you to add or delete rows and to add or delete internet addresses.

Emergency Contacts


  • Click the Emergency Contacts link on the Personal Data Summary page.

  • select Self Service, then select Campus Personal Information, then select Emergency Contacts

View the name, address, and phone numbers for your emergency contact.

Emergency Contact Detail


Click the ADD AN EMERGENCY CONTACT button on the Emergency Contact page.

Add an emergency contact for yourself, and enter the contact information.

Demographic Information


  • Click the Demographic Data link on the Personal Data Summary page.

  • select Self Service, then select Campus Personal Information, then select Demographic Information

View a summary of your demographic data such as your date of birth, gender, marital status, national ID, and so on.

Note: If a photo is loaded into the system from the Photograph page in PeopleSoft Campus Solutions, that photo appears in the upper right on this page.

See Entering Photographs.

FERPA Restrictions


  • Click the FERPA Restrictions link on the Personal Data Summary page.

  • select Self Service, then select Campus Personal Information, then select FERPA Restrictions

View data that you have restricted from being released.

Edit FERPA/Directory Restrictions


Click the EDIT FERPA DIRECTORY RESTRICTIONS button on the FERPA Restrictions page.

Place restrictions to prevent the release of data about yourself.

Release To Publication


Click the Release To Publication link on the Edit FERPA/Directory Restrictions page. (The link appears only when the Restrict check box is selected.)

Release restricted information for inclusion in specific internal directory publications.