Oracle® Fusion Middleware C++ API Reference for Oracle Coherence
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coherence::net Namespace Reference

Detailed Description

Contains basic client-side cluster interfaces and factories.


class  AbstractInvocable
 An abstract base for Invocable implementation. More...
class  AbstractPriorityTask
 An abstract base for AbstractPriorityTask implementations. More...
class  AddressProvider
 The AddressProvider is an interface that serves as a means to provide addresses to a consumer. More...
class  AddressProviderFactory
 A factory for AddressProvider objects. More...
class  CacheFactory
 Factory for the Oracle Coherence for C++ cache product. More...
class  CacheService
 A CacheService is a clustered service providing a collection of named Maps that hold resources shared among members of a cluster. More...
class  ConfigurableAddressProvider
 ConfigurableAddressProvider is an implementation of the AddressProvider interface based on a static list of addresses configured in an XML element that contains one or more items in the following format:. More...
class  ConfigurableAddressProviderFactory
 An AddressProviderFactory implementation that creates instances of a AddressProvider class configured using an XmlElement of the following structure:. More...
class  ConfigurableCacheFactory
 An interface for XML driven cache factory. More...
class  DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory
 DefaultConfigurableCacheFactory provides a facility to access caches declared in a "cache-config.dtd" compliant configuration file. More...
class  DefaultOperationalContext
 The DefaultOperationalContext provides an OperationalContext with information obtained from XML in coherence.dtd format, system properties (as set through environment variables) and default values. More...
class  InetAddress
 InetAddress represents an IP address. More...
class  InetSocketAddress
 InetSocketAddress represents an endpoint of a IP socket connection. More...
class  Invocable
 The Invocable object is a cluster-portable object that can be invoked on any set of remote members and each can optionally register a return value for the invocation. More...
class  InvocationService
 The InvocationService is a Service for delivering executable objects to the cluster member to which the client is connected. More...
class  Member
 The Member interface represents a cluster member. More...
class  MemberEvent
 An event which indicates that membership has changed:. More...
class  MemberListener
 The listener interface for receiving MemberEvents. More...
class  NamedCache
 A NamedCache is a Map that holds resources shared among members of a cluster. More...
class  NameService
 A NameService is a clustered service that accepts connections from external clients (e.g. More...
class  OperationalContext
 OperationalContext is an interface for providing Oracle Coherence operational configuration. More...
class  PriorityTask
 The PriorityTask interface allows to control the ordering in which a service schedules tasks for execution using a thread pool and limit their execution times to a specified duration. More...
class  RequestIncompleteException
 Signals that a request execution in a clustered environment failed to complete successfully. More...
class  RequestTimeoutException
 Signals that a request execution in a clustered environment did not complete in a pre-determined amount of time. More...
class  Service
 This Service interface represents a controllable service that operates in a clustered network environment. More...
class  ServiceInfo
 The ServiceInfo represents information about a Service that operates in a clustered network environment. More...
class  SingleAddressProvider
 SocketAddressProvider wrapper for a single address dynamically added to this provider. More...
class  SocketAddress
 SocketAddress interface. More...
class  UnknownHostException
 UnknownHostException is thrown as a result of a failed hostname resolution. More...


namespace  cache
 Contains classes and interface that provide various caching functionality.

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