5 Custom Event Store Provider

You can create a custom persistent event store to store recorded events. For example, you could specify a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) such as Oracle Database or Derby as your persistent event store.

This chapter includes the following sections:

5.1 Event Store API

Oracle Event Processing provides an event store API that you can use to create a custom event store. Oracle provides an RDBMS-based implementation for storing events in a relational database or for supporting JDBC connections. If you want to store events in a different kind of database or if the Oracle RDBMS provider does not meet your needs, then you can use the Event Store API to create your own event store provider.

5.2 Interfaces

The event store API is in the com.bea.wlevs.eventstore package. The following list describes the most important interfaces:

  • EventStore: Represents a single event store. The methods enable you to persist events to the store and to use provider-specific queries to query the event store.

  • EventStoreManager: Manages event stores. One instance of the EventStoreManager can ever exist on a given Oracle Event Processing server. This instance registers in the OSGi registry to enable event store providers to register with the event store manager. Use this interface to find existing event stores, create new event stores, get the provider for a given event store, and register an event provider. The event store manager delegates the work to the event store provider.

  • EventStoreProvider: Underlying repository that provides event store services to clients.

For more information, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Event Processing.