11 JMX

Oracle Event Processing provides standards-based interfaces that are fully compliant with the Java Management Extensions (JMX) specification. Software developers can use these interfaces to monitor Oracle Event Processing management beans (MBeans), to change the configuration of an Oracle Event Processing domain, and to monitor Oracle Event Processing applications.

This chapter includes the following sections:

11.1 MBean Usage

Software developers implement MBean interfaces to design and develop an Oracle Event Processing management console to be used by the administrators at a customer installation. MBeans enable a developer to dynamically configure EPN components and perform server, domain, and application configuration and life cycle management. EPN configuration tasks include adding and removing Oracle CQL or rules, changing the channel maximum size, subscribing to notifications, and executing operations.

Currently there is no MBean support for deploying and undeploying application libraries on a local or remote server. See Deployer Command-Line Reference for more information.

You can manipulate MBeans with any of the following tools:

11.2 Access the Oracle Event Processing JMX Server

To access Oracle Event Processing MBeans, you must first connect to the Oracle Event Processing JMX server.

Oracle Event Processing does not support the JRMP protocol. Instead, JMX clients must use the more secure MSA protocol for both local and remote access to the Oracle Event Processing JMX server.

When you connect to the Oracle Event Processing JMX server that is running on localhost or on a remote host, you must copy the following Oracle Event Processing server JAR files to the client class path of the host from which you want to connect to the Oracle Event Processing server:

  • Oracle\Middleware\my_oep\oep\wlserver\modules\com.bea.core.jmx_13.0.0.0.jar

  • Oracle\Middleware\my_oep\oep\wlserver\modules\com.bea.core.rmi_13.0.0.0.jar

  • Oracle\Middleware\my_oep\oep\wlserver\modules\com.bea.core.jndi.context_13.0.0.0.jar

  • Oracle\Middleware\my_oep\oep\wlserver\modules\com.bea.core.logging_3.0.0.0.jar

  • Oracle\Middleware\my_oep\oep\wlserver\modules\com.bea.core.bootbundle_13.0.0.0.jar

You must launch your JMX client (such as jconsole) using the following command line options and classpath (split for readability.

java -Djmx.remote.protocol.provider.pkgs=com.bea.core.jmx.remote.provider 
-classpath %JAVA_HOME%\lib\jconsole.jar;MODULE_HOME\modules\com.bea.core.jmx_13.0.0.0.jar;

Where MODULE_HOME is the directory you copied the Oracle Event Processing server JAR files to.

To connect to the Oracle Event Processing JMX server, you must use the JMX URL service:jmx:msarmi://HOST-NAME:port/jndi/jmxconnector so that you are always using the MSA connector (where HOST-NAME is either localhost or the name of the remote host and port is the Oracle Event Processing server JNDI port).

For more information, see:

11.3 Types of MBeans

Oracle Event Processing exposes configuration and run time MBeans.

Configuration MBeans contain configuration information about EPN components, a deployed applications, servers, and domains. These MBeans have a fixed management interface and represent the information contained in the server config.xml file and the component configuration file. CQLProcessorMBean and EventChannelMBean are examples of configuration MBeans.

Every component in a deployed application (adapter, channel, or processor) has a configuration MBean that manages the underlying configuration of the component. Each type of component has its own set of manageable artifacts. For example, you can dynamically configure the maximum number of threads for a channel or the Oracle CQL rules associated with a processor.

Run time MBeans contain monitoring information for each component in the EPN with run time MBeans. Monitoring information includes throughput (number of events passing through a component) and latency (how long it takes an event to pass through a component).

See the API Overview in Oracle Fusion Middleware Developing Applications for Oracle Event Processing for a list of packages that contain MBeans. See Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Event Processing for information about specific MBeans.

11.3.1 Configuration MBeans

When you deploy an Oracle Event Processing application, the server creates a configuration MBean for each component in the EPN whose manageability has been enabled or for each component registered in the EPN assembly file. If you have extended the configuration of an adapter, then the server deploys a custom configuration MBean for the adapter.

Using JMX, you can dynamically configure the component using its configuration MBean. For example, using the EventChannelMBean.setMaxSize() method you can set the size of a channel component.

11.3.2 Configuration MBean Naming

Oracle Event Processing configuration MBeans are arranged in a hierarchy. The object name of each MBean reflects its position in the hierarchy.

A typical object naming pattern is as follows:



  • com.bea.wlevs: is the JMX domain name.

  • Name=name,Type=type,[TypeOfParentMBean=NameOfParentMBean] is a set of JMX key properties.

The order of the key properties is not significant, but the object name must begin with com.bea:wlevs:.

For example, the object name of the MBean corresponding to a processor called myprocessor in the application myapplication in the domain is as follows:


Table 11-1 describes the key properties that Oracle Event Processing encodes in its MBean object names.

Table 11-1 Oracle Event Processing MBean Object Name Key Properties

This Key Property Specifies

The string that you provided when you created the resource that the MBean represents. This is typically the name of a component.

The name of a particular component is specified in the EPN assembly file using the id attribute of the component registration.

For example, in the case of processors, the entry in the EPN assembly file might look like the following:

<wlevs:processor id="myprocessor" advertise="true" />

In this case, the key property would be Name=myprocessor.


The short name of the MBean's type. The short name is the unqualified type name without the MBean suffix.

For example, for an MBean that is an instance of the CQLProcessorMBean, use CQLProcessor. In this case, the key property would be Type=CQLProcessor.


Specifies the type and name of the parent MBean.

For components, this is always Application=application_name, where application_name refers to the name of the application of which the component is a part.

The name of a particular Oracle Event Processing application is specified with the Bundle-SymbolicName header of the MANIFEST.MF file of the application bundle. For example, if an application has the following MANIFEST.MF snippet (only relevant parts are shown):

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Build-Jdk: 1.5.0_06
Bundle-SymbolicName: myapplication

then the key property would be Application=myapplication.

Table 11-2 shows examples of configuration MBean object names that correspond to the component declarations in the HelloWorld sample EPN assembly file. In each example, the application name is helloworld and the domain name is myDomain.

Table 11-2 Component Declaration Example With Corresponding MBean Object Names

EPN Assembly File Component Declaration Corresponding Configuration MBean Object Name
<wlevs:processor id="helloworldProcessor" />

CQLProcessor is the standard configuration MBean for processor components. The manageable property is rules.

<wlevs:channel id="helloworldInstream">
  <wlevs:listener ref="helloworldProcessor"/>
  <wlevs:source ref="helloworldAdapter"/>

Channel is the standard configuration MBean for a channel component. The manageable properties are MaxSize and MaxThreads.

11.3.3 Run Time MBeans

You can gather monitoring information for each component in the EPN with run time MBeans. Oracle Event Processing server defines the following metrics that you can monitor for each component:

  • Throughput: The number of events processed by the component. The parameters for this metric are: throughput time interval, aggregation time interval, the unit of time for the intervals.

  • Average Latency: The average amount of time it takes an event to pass through a component, or latency. Parameters: aggregation time interval, the unit of time for the interval.

  • Maximum Latency: The maximum amount of time it takes an event to pass through a component. Parameters: aggregation time interval, the unit of time for the interval.

  • Average Latency Threshold: Specifies whether the average latency of events between the start- and end-points of a component crosses a specified threshold. Parameters: aggregation time interval, threshold, the unit of time for the interval.

11.3.4 Run Time MBean Naming

Run time MBeans are named using the same pattern as configuration mbeans except for one extra property: Direction. This property has two valid values: OUTBOUND or INBOUND that refer to the point at which you want to gather the statistic OUTBOUND means that you want to gather throughput or latency as events flow out of the specified component; similarly INBOUND means you want to gather the monitoring information as events flow into a component.

For example, the object name of the run time MBean corresponding to a processor called myprocessor in the application myapplication, in which events will be monitored as they flow into the component, is as follows:


See Configuration MBean Naming for details about configuration MBean naming.

11.3.5 Oracle Event Processing MBean Hierarchy

All MBeans must be registered in an MBean server under an object name of type javax.management.ObjectName. Oracle Event Processing follows a convention in which object names for child MBeans contain part of its parent MBean object name.

There are two main MBean roots: DomainMBean and DomainRuntimeMBean. The former includes configuration MBeans for the entire domain, the latter contains run time information, such as statistics, and local services, such as Monitor, that are generally kept to a single server instance.

ApplicationMBean is a child of the DomainMBean instead of the ServerMBean. This is because an application is unique within a domain, and can span multiple servers.

Figure 11-1 shows the main classes and relationships that make up the object model.

Figure 11-1 Oracle Event Processing MBean Object Model

Description of
Description of "Figure 11-1 Oracle Event Processing MBean Object Model"

Most MBeans emit notifications and generate AttributeChangeNotifications. A JMX client can register to receive attribute change notifications regarding changes to application state, insertion and removal of applications at the domain, channel size and thread changes, insertion and removal of rules, and so on.

11.4 Configure JMX

Before you can manage Oracle Event Processing applications, servers, and domains using JMX and Oracle Event Processing MBeans, you must first configure the JMX service on your Oracle Event Processing server.

11.4.1 Example JMX Configuration

The following snippet from a config.xml files shows a JMX configuration.


11.4.2 JMX Configuration Objects

You configure the Oracle Event Processing JMX service with the following elements in the config.xml file that describes your Oracle Event Processing server:

For information on security configuration tasks that affect JMX, see Configure JMX Security.


Table 11-3 lists the jmx element child elements in the config.xml file that you must configure.

Table 11-3 Configuration Parameters for the jmx Element

Parameter Type Description

The name of the RMI service with which the jmx server will register to receive calls.


The name of the JNDI service to which the jmx server will bind its object.


The Oracle Event Processing RMI service provides the following:

  • Ability to register a POJO interface in a server for remote method invocation from a client.

  • Ability to register for any context propagation from the client to the server on a remote method invocation, intercept, and act on this propagated context in the server.

Table 11-4 lists the rmi element child elements in the config.xml file that you use to export server-side objects to remote clients.

Table 11-4 Configuration Parameters for the rmi Element

Parameter Type Description

The number of failed heartbeat attempts before triggering disconnect notifications to all registered listeners.


The name of the HTTP service used to register remote objects (such as Jetty, see Jetty.).


The amount of time, in milliseconds, between heartbeats.

Once the number of unsuccessful heartbeat attempts has reached the value specified by the HeartbeatPeriod parameter, all registered DisconnectListener instances are notified.


The name of this configuration object.


The JNDI Factory Manager is responsible for supporting JNDI in an OSGi environment. It allows JNDI providers to be supplied as OSGi bundles, and for code running inside OSGi bundles to have full access to the JNDI environment.

The Factory Manager consists of two components:

  • An OSGi bundle, which provides the OSGi-specific factory management code, to look up JNDI objects using the appropriate OSGi classloader.

  • JNDI glue code, internal to Oracle Event Processing, that initializes the JNDI environment to support the factory manager bundle.

Table 11-5 lists the jndi-context element child elements in the config.xml file that you must configure.

Table 11-5 Configuration Parameters for the jndi-context Element

Parameter Type Description

If true, the default Oracle Event Processing JNDI provider is used.

Default value is true.


The name of this configuration object.


Requires a configured jndi-context.

Use this configuration object to export a remote JNDI service to a client using RMI. A JNDI context is registered with the RMI service to provide remote access to clients that pass a provider URL parameter in their InitialContext object.

Table 11-6 lists the exported-jndi-context element child elements in the config.xml file that you must configure.

Table 11-6 Configuration Parameters for the exported-jndi-context Element

Parameter Type Description

The name of the RMI service that should be used to serve this JNDI context over the network. It must match an existing <rmi> configuration object. See rmi.


The name of this configuration object.

The value of this element must be different from the value of the <name> child element of <jndi-context> in the same config.xml file.

11.5 Manage with JMX

This section describes detailed examples of managing Oracle Event Processing components using JMX, including:


When using JConsole, you must start it with the Oracle Event Processing wlevsjconsole.cmd or wlevsjconsole.sh script. You cannot start jconsole directly.

11.5.1 Connect with APIs to a JMX Server from a Non-Oracle Event Processing Client

This section describes how to write Java code using the JMX API (http://java.sun.com/javase/technologies/core/mntr-mgmt/javamanagement) to connect to the Oracle Event Processing JMX server from a non-Oracle Event Processing client. This is the first step to all programmatic JMX management.

For information on connecting to the Oracle Event Processing JMX server from another Oracle Event Processing server, see Connect with APIs to a JMX Server From an Oracle Event Processing Client.

Use APIs to connect to a JMX server from a non-Oracle Event Processing client:

  1. Be sure that the JMX service is configured for your domain.

    For details see Configure JMX.

  2. Write the http://java.sun.com/javase/technologies/core/mntr-mgmt/javamanagement Java code to configure the component using the appropriate MBean.

    Consider the following JMX programming hints.

    One of the first things you must do in your JMX program is to establish a connection to the JMX server running in the Oracle Event Processing server as shown below.

    public static void initConnection(String hostname, int port, String username, char[] password) 
      throws IOException,MalformedURLException {
      Map<String,Object> env = makeSecureEnv();
      JMXServiceURL serviceUrl = new JMXServiceURL(
      System.out.println("Service: " + serviceURL.toString());
      JMXConnector connector = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(serviceUrl,env);
      MBeanServerConnection connection = connector.getMBeanServerConnection();
    // The JMXConnectorFactory.connect() method's second parameter is a Map object that sets up a
    // secure environment using the makeSecureEnv() method, which looks like the following:
    private static Map<String,Object> makeSecureEnv() {
        Map<String,Object> env = new HashMap<String,Object>();
        String username = "wlevs" ;
        char[] password = { 'w','l','e','v','s' };
        env.put(JMXConnector.CREDENTIALS, new Serializable[]{username,password});
        env.put("jmx.remote.authenticator", "com.bea.core.jmx.server.CEAuthenticator");
        System.setProperty("jmx.remote.authenticator", "com.bea.core.jmx.server.CEAuthenticator");
        return env;

11.5.2 Connect with APIs to a JMX Server From an Oracle Event Processing Client

This section describes how to write Java code using the JMX API (http://java.sun.com/javase/technologies/core/mntr-mgmt/javamanagement) to connect to the Oracle Event Processing JMX server from another Oracle Event Processing server. This is the first step to all programmatic JMX management.

For information on connecting to the Oracle Event Processing JMX server from a non-Oracle Event Processing client, see Connect with APIs to a JMX Server from a Non-Oracle Event Processing Client.

Use APIs to connect to the JMX server from an Oracle Event Processing client:

  1. Be sure that the JMX service is configured for your domain.

    For details see Configure JMX.

  2. Write the http://java.sun.com/javase/technologies/core/mntr-mgmt/javamanagement Java code to configure the component using the appropriate MBean.

    Consider the following JMX programming hints.

    One of the first things you must do in your JMX program is to establish a connection to the JMX server running in the Oracle Event Processing server as shown below.

    public static void initConnection(String hostname, int port, String username, char[] password) 
      throws IOException,MalformedURLException {
      Map<String,Object> env = makeSecureEnv();
      // This is an OSGi necessity
      JMXServiceURL serviceUrl = new JMXServiceURL(
      System.out.println("Service: " + serviceURL.toString());
      System.setProperty("mx4j.remote.resolver.pkgs", "com.bea.core.jmx.remote.resolver");
      JMXConnector connector = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(url, env);
      MBeanServerConnection connection = connector.getMBeanServerConnection();
    // The JMXConnectorFactory.connect() method's second parameter is a Map object that sets up a
    // secure environment using the makeSecureEnv() method, which looks like the following:
    private static Map<String,Object> makeSecureEnv() {
        Map<String,Object> env = new HashMap<String,Object>();
        String username = "wlevs" ;
        char[] password = { 'w','l','e','v','s' };
        env.put(JMXConnector.CREDENTIALS, new Serializable[]{username,password});
        env.put("jmx.remote.authenticator", "com.bea.core.jmx.server.CEAuthenticator");
        System.setProperty("jmx.remote.authenticator", "com.bea.core.jmx.server.CEAuthenticator");
        return env;

11.5.3 Configure an Oracle Event Processing Component with JMX APIs

This section describes how to write Java code using the JMX API (http://java.sun.com/javase/technologies/core/mntr-mgmt/javamanagement) to access Oracle Event Processing MBeans.

Configure an Oracle Event Processing component with JMX APIs:

  1. Acquire a connection to the Oracle Event Processing JMX server.
  2. Write the http://java.sun.com/javase/technologies/core/mntr-mgmt/javamanagement Java code to configure the component using the appropriate MBean.

    Consider the following JMX programming hints.

    The following example shows how to use the connection to start getting information about the domain and its deployed applications by querying MBeans.

    First the code shows how to get all MBeans whose type is Domain; there should only be one. Then, using the DomainMBean, the sample shows how to retrieve a list of all the deployed applications in the domain (using ApplicationMBean):

    Set domainObjectNames = connection.queryMBeans(
            ManagementConstants.DOMAIN_NAME + ":" + 
            ManagementConstants.TYPE_PROPERTY + "=" + 
            DomainMBean.MBEAN_TYPE + ",*"
    ObjectName domainName =  ((ObjectInstance) domainObjectNames.iterator().next()).getObjectName();
    System.out.println("Domain Name: " + domainName.getKeyProperty(ManagementConstants.NAME_PROPERTY));
    ObjectName [] applicationNames =
         (ObjectName[]) connection.getAttribute(domainName, "ApplicationMBeans");
    ObjectName selectedApplicationObjectName = null ;
    for (ObjectName applicationName : applicationNames) {
       String name = 
       String status =
         (String) connection.getAttribute(applicationName, "State");
        System.out.println("Application: " + name + " Status: " + status);
        selectedApplicationObjectName = applicationName ;

11.5.4 Monitor the Throughput and Latency of a Component with JMX APIs

This section describes how to write Java code using the JMX API (http://java.sun.com/javase/technologies/core/mntr-mgmt/javamanagement) to access Oracle Event Processing MBeans and dynamically monitor the throughput and latency of an Oracle Event Processing component.

Dynamically configure an Oracle Event Processing component with JMX APIs:

  1. Acquire a connection to the Oracle Event Processing JMX server.

    For details see Connect with APIs to a JMX Server from a Non-Oracle Event Processing Client.

  2. Acquire an instance of a MonitorRuntimeMBean for the component you want to monitor as shown below.

    ObjectName processorInbound = ObjectName.getInstance(
        "com.bea.wlevs:Name=myprocessor," +
        "Type=CQLProcessor," +
        "Application=myapplication," +

    Be sure you specify whether you want to monitor incoming events (INBOUND) or outgoing events (OUTBOUND).

  3. Use the MonitorRuntimeMBean to acquire an instance of ProbeRuntimeMBean for the type of statistic you want as shown below.

    ObjectName monitorName =
            "com.bea.wlevs:ServerRuntime=localhost," +
            "Name=MonitorRuntime," +
    MonitorRuntimeMBean monitorMBean =     (MonitorRuntimeMBean)MBeanServerInvocationHandler.newProxyInstance( 
    ObjectName probeName = monitorMBean.monitorAvgThroughput(
    ProbeRuntimeMBean probeOn = (ProveRuntimeMBean)MBeanServerInvocationHandler.newProxyInstance(

    The MonitorRuntimeMBean has methods for each type of statistic you can gather. For example, you execute monitorAvgLatency() if you want to monitor the average latency, monitorAvgThroughput() to monitor the average throughput, and so on. These methods all return ProbeRuntimeMBean.

  4. Use the ProbeRuntimeMbean instance to get the actual run time metrics in one of the following ways:

    1. Use the ProbeRuntimeMBean method getMetric() to pull the information.

    2. Use javax.management.NotificationBroadcaster.addNotificationListener() to have the information pushed to you every time there is a change in the metrics.

  5. When you are finished gathering monitoring information, unregister the MBean from the MBean server as shown below.


    For additional details about these MBean interfaces and how to use them to monitor throughput and latency, see the com.bea.wlevs.monitor.management package in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Event Processing.

11.5.5 Connect to a Local or Remote JMX Server using JConsole with Security

You can use the wlevsjconsole script to connect to an Oracle Event Processing JMX server running on your local host or on a remote host to browse and manage Oracle Event Processing MBeans with the JDK jconsole.

This procedure describes how to use JConsole when the Oracle Event Processing server has security enabled. This is the default configuration and is recommended for production servers. Alternatively, you can connect to the JMX server with security disabled (see Connect to Local or Remote JMX Server Using JConsole with Security Disabled).

For more information, see Access the Oracle Event Processing JMX Server.


When using JConsole, you must start it with the Oracle Event Processing wlevsjconsole.cmd or wlevsjconsole.sh script. You cannot start jconsole directly.

Connect to a local or remote JMX server using JConsole with security enabled:

  1. Ensure that the local or remote Oracle Event Processing server is running.

  2. Launch jconsole using the wlevsjconsole.cmd or wlevsjconsole.sh script located in the /Oracle/Middleware/my_oep/oep/bin directory.

    1. To connect to a local Oracle Event Processing server, enter:

      prompt> wlevsjconsole.cmd
    2. To connect to a remote Oracle Event Processing server, enter:

      prompt> wlevsjconsole.cmd HOST-NAME:PORT

      Where HOST-NAME is the name of the remote host and PORT is the Net IO port as configured in the remote host's /Oracle/Middleware/my_oep/user_projects/domains/myDomain/defaultserver/config/config.xml file.

    The jconsole browser attempts to log into the JMX server and initially fails as Figure 11-2 shows.

    Figure 11-2 Jconsole Initial Login Attempt

    Description of
    Description of "Figure 11-2 Jconsole Initial Login Attempt"
  3. Click Cancel.

    The Jconsole New Connection dialog appears as shown in Figure 11-3.

    Figure 11-3 JConsole New Connection Dialog

    Description of
    Description of "Figure 11-3 JConsole New Connection Dialog"
  4. Configure the New Connection dialog as Table 11-7 describes.

    Table 11-7 JConsole New Connection Attributes

    Attribute Description

    Remote Process

    Enter the following URL:


    Where HOST-NAME is the name of the local or remote host and PORT is the Net IO port as configured in the remote host's /Oracle/Middleware/my_oep/user_projects/domains/myDomain/defaultserver/config/config.xml file (default: 9002).


    Enter the Oracle Event Processing administration user name: oepadmin.


    Enter the Oracle Event Processing administration password: welcome1.

  5. Click Connect.

    The jconsole browser opens and provides access to Oracle Event Processing MBeans as Figure 11-5 shows.

11.5.6 Connect to Local or Remote JMX Server Using JConsole with Security Disabled

You can use the wlevsjconsole script to connect to an Oracle Event Processing JMX server running on your local host or on a remote host to browse and manage Oracle Event Processing MBeans with the JDK jconsole.

This procedure describes how to use JConsole when the Oracle Event Processing server has security disabled. This is a common development configuration and is not recommended for production servers. Alternatively, you can connect to the JMX server with security enabled (see Connect to a Local or Remote JMX Server using JConsole with Security).

For more information, see Access the Oracle Event Processing JMX Server.


When using JConsole, you must start it with the Oracle Event Processing wlevsjconsole.cmd or wlevsjconsole.sh script. You cannot start jconsole directly.

Connect to a local or remote JMX server using JConsole with security disabled:

  1. Ensure that the local or remote Oracle Event Processing server is running with security disabled.

    For more information, see Disable Security.

  2. Launch jconsole using the wlevsjconsole.cmd or wlevsjconsole.sh script located in the /Oracle/Middleware/my_oep/oep/bin directory.

    1. To connect to a local Oracle Event Processing server, enter:

      prompt> wlevsjconsole.cmd
    2. To connect to a remote Oracle Event Processing server, enter:

      prompt> wlevsjconsole.cmd HOST-NAME:PORT

      Where HOST-NAME is the name of the remote host and PORT is the Net IO port as configured in the remote host's /Oracle/Middleware/my_oep/user_projects/domains/myDomain/defaultserver/config/ config.xml file.

    The script automatically connects to the JMX server and the jconsole browser opens and provides access to Oracle Event Processing MBeans as Figure 11-5 shows.