22 Task Roles

This chapter describes how you can use Oracle Event Processing Visualizer to create and delete roles that associate permissions with user groups.

This chapter includes the following sections:

For more information, see User_ Group_ and Role Management.

22.1 Create an Application Role

Oracle Event Processing is configured by default with a set of task roles that are in turn mapped to groups. See User_ Group_ and Role Management for details.

This section describes how to create a new application role.

Create an Application Role

  1. Log on to Oracle Event Processing Visualizer as a user with the Admin role.
  2. In the left pane, click the Domain > Security node, where Domain refers to the name of your Oracle Event Processing domain.
  3. In the right pane, click the Role tab.

    The Role tab appears as Figure 22-1 shows.

  4. Click the New Role button at the bottom of the right pane.

    The Add Application Role panel appears as Figure 22-2 shows.

  5. Configure the Add Application Role panel as Table 22-1 describes.

    Table 22-1 Add Application Role Panel Attributes

    Attribute Description

    Role Name

    Enter the name of the role.

    Application Name

    Select the radio button of the application you want to associate with this role from the list of all the currently running applications.

  6. Click OK.

    When the application role has been successfully created, a confirmation message appears momentarily.

22.2 Delete a Role

Oracle Event Processing is configured by default with a set of roles that are in turn mapped to groups: you cannot delete these default roles. See User_ Group_ and Role Management for details.

This section describes how to delete a role that you created.

Delete a Role

  1. Log on to Oracle Event Processing Visualizer as a user with the Admin role.
  2. In the left pane, click the Domain > Security node, where Domain refers to the name of your Oracle Event Processing domain.
  3. In the right pane, click the Role tab.
  4. In the Role table, select the radio button to the left of the name of the role that you want to delete as Figure 22-3 shows.
  5. Click the Delete Role button at the bottom of the right pane.

    A confirmation dialog appears as Figure 22-4 shows.

  6. Click Yes.

    When the role has been successfully deleted, a confirmation message appears momentarily.

22.3 Add the Application Role to a User

For example, if user testOEP is a non-administrator who belongs to the BusinessUser group and needs access to application fx, you can use the following steps to set up user testOEP with the required access.

To Add the Application Role to a User to Grant Access to an Application

  1. Create an application role as described in Create an Application Role with the following properties:

    Role Name: fxRole. Application Name: Select the fx radio button.

  2. Create a group as described in Create a Group with the following properties:

    Group Name: fxGroup Has Roles: fxRole.

  3. Edit the textOEP user as described in Edit a User with the following properties:

    Username: testOEP Belong to groups: fxGroup