Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
12c (12.1.3)


Package oracle.ide.palette2

Contains interfaces and classes that allow for palette integration.

See: Description

Package oracle.ide.palette2 Description

Contains interfaces and classes that allow for palette integration.

These classes provide the means to dynamically update the Component Palette at runtime. It is, recommended that static palette components be defined to the Component Palette using a Palette extension point schema (palette-hook) in lieu of using these classes. Please reference file componentpalette-hook.xsd for a description of the elements that comprise a Palette extension point schema.

Model, View, Controller

The palette model is organized in a hierarchy of Palette (the model), Page, Group, Section, and Item. The relationships are: Item is a child of Section, Section is a child of Group, and Group is a child of Page.

Model relationships to Component Palette:

Noteworthy of this implementation is that the Palette model maintains a collection of PageProvider's instead of Pages. This is because Palette2 uses a "provider" design pattern that allows extension writers to supply Pages to the Component Palette given a display context. This provides complete flexibility with regards to which components are displayed by the Component Palatte.

Class files that comprise the Palette Model, For additional information see the JavaDoc for each class.

Class name Description
Palette Concrete class that implements Palette. PalettePageProvider's are registered with this class.
PalettePageProvider Asbstract class that returns an instance of class PalettePages given a display context. This class is implemented by extension writers.
PalettePages Abstract class that comprises a list of PalettePage's. This class is created by PalettePageProvider and is implemented by extension writers. The Palette registers a PalettePagesListener with this class in order to receive notification when a page provider updates its list of associated pages. This notification will cause the palette to update the view.
PalettePage Abstract class for a Page and is a child of PalettePages. This class is implemented by extension writers.
PaletteGroup Abstract class for a Group and is a child of PalettePage. This class is implemented by extension writers.
PaletteSection Abstract class for a Section and is a child of PaletteGroup. This class is implemented by extension writers.
PaletteItem Abstract class for a Item (component) and is a child of PaletteSection. This class is implemented by extension writers.

Class PaletteWindow provides the palette view API's. Clients may register a listener (see PaletteListener)are interested in receiving notifications related to palette open, palette close, and component selection.

Class PaletteManager provides the palette controller API's.

Drag and Drop notes.

Default concrete classes

Class file names starting with DefaultPalette are concrete implementations of the Palette Model that may be extended. These classes support the Palette extension point implementation but may provide a useful starting point for extension writers.

Regarding Palette1 data migration

It is recognized that it will take time to migrate existing Palette1 extensions to Palette2. To assist with the transition the following will be provided:

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
12c (12.1.3)


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