Helper interface that can be used for declarative registration of
DebuggerWindowProviders. This is needed so we don't break backwards
compatibility with the existing programmatic way of registering
The preferred way to register a DebuggerWindowProvider:
In an extension.xml file, add the registration as follows:
Use a fully qualified class name of an implementation of
oracle.ide.runner.DebuggerWindowProviderDeclarator for the 'class' attribute
Add a <trigger-hooks> section or use the existing one
Add a <triggers> section or use the existing one
Add a <jdeveloper-hook> section or use the existing one
Called after the debugger has received the new DebuggerWindowProvider.
The returned callback should be used in assocation with the
instantiated DebuggerWindowProvider ONLY
callback - - The callback that belongs to the instantiated DebuggerWindowProvider