See: Description
Interface | Description |
CompiledStatementLabel |
The compile-model declaration of a statement label.
SourceAssertStatement |
An assert statement.
SourceBlockStatement |
A BlockStatement is a final statement representing a statement that
is (and only is) a block.
SourceBreakStatement |
A break statement.
SourceCatchClause |
A catch clause of a try statement.
SourceCompoundStatement |
A CompoundStatement is a common base statement representing
statements that have children statements.
SourceConditionalStatement |
A ConditionalStatement is a common base statement representing
compound statements having (requiring) a single expression of
boolean type.
SourceContinueStatement |
A continue statement.
SourceDoStatement |
A do statement.
SourceElseClause |
An else clause.
SourceEmptyStatement |
An empty statement.
SourceExpressionStatement |
An expression statement.
SourceFinallyClause |
A finally clause.
SourceForStatement |
A for statement.
SourceIfStatement |
An if statement.
SourceReturnStatement |
A return statement.
SourceSimpleStatement |
A SimpleStatement is a common base statement representing a
statement that has no child statement and may optionally have
SourceStatement |
This is the common base interface of all statements.
SourceStatementLabel |
A label on a labeled statement.
SourceSwitchLabel |
Default and continue labels for switch bodies.
SourceSwitchStatement |
A switch statement.
SourceSynchStatement |
A synchronized statement.
SourceThrowStatement |
A throw statement.
SourceTryStatement |
A try statement.
SourceWhileStatement |
A while statement.