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Server Template: Protocols: IIOP

Configuration Options     Advanced Configuration Options     

This page allows you to define the IIOP (Internet Inter-ORB Protocol) settings for this server template. IIOP makes it possible for distributed programs written in different programming languages to communicate over the Internet.

Configuration Options

Name Description
Enable IIOP

Specifies whether this server has IIOP support enabled for both the regular (non-SSL) and SSL ports.

MBean Attribute:

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

Advanced Configuration Options

Name Description
Default GIOP Version

The default GIOP (General Inter-ORB Protocol) version that this server will negotiate for incoming connections. (You may have to modify the default to work with other vendor's ORBs.)

This attribute is useful for client orbs with broken GIOP 1.2 implementations.

MBean Attribute:

Minimum value: 0

Maximum value: 2

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

Transaction Mechanism

The transaction mechanism used by IIOP invocations. The default is the Object Transaction Service (OTS) required by Java EE 1.3.

MBean Attribute:

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

Default Char Codeset

The standard character code set that this server will publish as its native code set. (Older ORBs may have trouble interoperating with anything other than the default.)

MBean Attribute:

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

Default Wide Char Codeset

The wide character code set that this server will publish as its native code set. (Older ORBs may have trouble interoperating with anything other than the default.)

MBean Attribute:

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

System Security

Specify the value System Security. The following variables are affected. clientCertAuthentication, clientAuthentication, identityAssertion confidentiality, integrity. The value set in this MBean would only be picked up if the value set in RTD.xml is "config".

MBean Attribute:

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

Default IIOP Username

The user name of the default IIOP user. (Requires you to enable IIOP.)

MBean Attribute:

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

Default IIOP Password

The password for the default IIOP user. (Requires you to enable IIOP.)

As of 8.1 sp4, when you get the value of this attribute, WebLogic Server does the following:

  1. Retrieves the value of the DefaultIIOPPasswordEncrypted attribute.

  2. Decrypts the value and returns the unencrypted password as a String.

Using this attribute (DefaultIIOPPassword) is a potential security risk because the String object (which contains the unencrypted password) remains in the JVM's memory until garbage collection removes it and the memory is reallocated. Depending on how memory is allocated in the JVM, a significant amount of time could pass before this unencrypted data is removed from memory.

Instead of using this attribute, use DefaultIIOPPasswordEncrypted.

MBean Attribute:

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

Use Stateful Authentication

Specify whether to advertise RMI objects and EJBs as supporting stateful CSIv2. Stateful CSIv2 is more efficient than stateless, requiring only a single authentication step for each remote principal. Stateless CSIv2 requires per-request authentication. Stateful CSIv2 is not required by Java EE 1.3 and so some ORBs do not support it. Stateful CSIv2 is enabled by default. This property can be changed at the object-level by changing the object's <stateful-authentication> runtime descriptor property.

MBean Attribute:

Use Full Repository Id List

Specify whether to use full Repository ID lists when sending value type information for custom-marshaled types. Full Repository ID lists allow C++ ORBS to truncate values to base types. For RMI-IIOP and Java ORBs doing this merely increases transmission overhead. JDK ORBs are known to have problems with these so setting this will prevent JDK ORB access from working.

MBean Attribute:

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

Use Serial Format Version 2

Specify whether to advertise RMI objects and EJBs as supporting RMI-IIOP serial format version 2 for custom marshaled objects.

MBean Attribute:

Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.

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