Cloud Control Help for WebLogic Server

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GridLink Data Source: Monitoring: Instances

Column Display     

This page displays statistics associated with this GridLink data source instance. Use this page to monitor the activity of the data source.

Column Display

You can show fewer or additional data points on this page by expanding Customize this table and modifying the Column Display list. Each data point displays in its own table column.

The following table lists all of the data points that you can display in columns on this page.

Name Description
Instance Name

The name of this instance.

MBean Attribute:


The current state of the data source.

Possible states are:

  • Running

    - the data source is enabled (deployed and not Suspended). This is the normal state of the data source. This state includes conditions when the database server is not available and the data source is created (creation retry must be enabled) or when all connections have failed connection tests (on creation, on reserve, or periodic testing).

  • Suspended

    - the data source has been disabled.

  • Shutdown

    - the data source is shutdown and all database connections have been closed.

  • Overloaded

    - all resources in pool are in use.

  • Unknown

    - the data source state is unknown.

MBean Attribute:

Current Capacity

The current count of JDBC connections in the connection pool in the data source for this instance.

MBean Attribute:

Number Available

The number of database connections currently available (not in use) in this data source for this instance.

MBean Attribute:

Active Connections Current Count

The number of connections currently in use by applications.

MBean Attribute:

Affinity Enabled

The value from the latest load-balancing advisory aff flag for a GridLink data source instance.

MBean Attribute:

Connections Total Count

The cumulative total number of database connections created in this instance since the data source was deployed.

MBean Attribute:

Current Weight

The current weight of the instance.

MBean Attribute:


Indicates whether the instance is enabled or disabled:

  • true if the instance is enabled.

  • false if the instance is disabled.

MBean Attribute:

Failed Reserve Request Count

The cumulative, running count of requests for a connection from this data source that could not be fulfilled.

MBean Attribute:

Number Unavailable

The number of database connections that are currently unavailable (in use or being tested by the system) in this instance.

MBean Attribute:

Reserve Request Count

The cumulative, running count of requests for a connection from this instance.

MBean Attribute:


The signature that uniquely identifies the instance.

MBean Attribute:

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