Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.3)

Part Number E41849-02

Uses of Interface

Packages that use JAnnotation
com.bea.util.jam Provides interfaces for com.bea.util.jam
com.bea.util.jam.visitor Provides classes to traverse a JElement tree. 

Uses of JAnnotation in com.bea.util.jam

Methods in com.bea.util.jam that return JAnnotation
 JAnnotation JAnnotationValue.asAnnotation()
          If this member is complex (i.e.
 JAnnotation[] JAnnotationValue.asAnnotationArray()
          If this member is known to be an array of annotations (i.e.
 JAnnotation[] JAnnotatedElement.getAllJavadocTags()
          Returns JAnnotations representing all of the javadoc tags on this element (including multiple tags with the same name).
 JAnnotation JAnnotatedElement.getAnnotation(Class jsr175type)
          Returns the JAnnotation representing the annotation on this element of the given JSR 175 annotation type, or null if no such annotation exists.
 JAnnotation JAnnotatedElement.getAnnotation(String named)
          Finds an annotation on this element according to the following rules: If the element as a JSR175 annotation of type 'named', returns a JAnnotation for it. If a javadoc tag exists named 'named' returns a JAnnotation for it.
 JAnnotation[] JAnnotatedElement.getAnnotations()
          Returns the metadata JAnnotations that are associated with this abstraction.

Uses of JAnnotation in com.bea.util.jam.visitor

Methods in com.bea.util.jam.visitor with parameters of type JAnnotation
 void JVisitor.visit(JAnnotation ann)

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.3)

Part Number E41849-02