Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.3)

Part Number E41849-02
Interface SingleSignOnServicesMBean

All Superinterfaces:
ConfigurationMBean, DescriptorBean, DynamicMBean, MBeanRegistration, NotificationBroadcaster, SettableBean, SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi, WebLogicMBean

public interface SingleSignOnServicesMBean
extends ConfigurationMBean, SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi

This MBean represents configuration for SAML 2.0-based local site Single Sign-On Services.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface
Method Summary
 int getArtifactMaxCacheSize()
          The maximum size of the artifact cache.
 int getArtifactTimeout()
          The maximum timeout (in seconds) of artifacts stored in the local cache.
 int getAuthnRequestMaxCacheSize()
          The maximum size of the authentication request cache.
 int getAuthnRequestTimeout()
          The maximum timeout (in seconds) of <AuthnRequest> documents stored in the local cache.
 String getBasicAuthPassword()
          The password used to assign Basic Authentication credentials to outgoing HTTPS connections
 byte[] getBasicAuthPasswordEncrypted()
          The encrypted password used assign Basic Authentication credentials to outgoing HTTPS connections.
 String getBasicAuthUsername()
          The username that is used to assign Basic authentication credentials to outgoing HTTPS connections.
 String getContactPersonCompany()
          The contact person's company name.
 String getContactPersonEmailAddress()
          The contact person's e-mail address.
 String getContactPersonGivenName()
          The contact person given (first) name.
 String getContactPersonSurName()
          The contact person surname (last name).
 String getContactPersonTelephoneNumber()
          The contact person's telephone number.
 String getContactPersonType()
          The contact person type.
 String getDefaultURL()
          The Service Provider's default URL.
 String getEntityID()
          The string that uniquely identifies the local site.
 String getIdentityProviderPreferredBinding()
          Specifies the preferred binding type for endpoints of the Identity Provider services.
 String getLoginReturnQueryParameter()
          The name of the query parameter to be used for conveying the login-return URL to the login form web application.
 String getLoginURL()
          The URL of the login form web application to which unauthenticated requests are directed.
 String getOrganizationName()
          The organization name.
 String getOrganizationURL()
          The organization URL.
 String getPublishedSiteURL()
          The published site URL.
 String getServiceProviderPreferredBinding()
          Specifies the preferred binding type for endpoints of Service Provider services.
 String getSSOSigningKeyAlias()
          The keystore alias for the key to be used when signing documents.
 String getSSOSigningKeyPassPhrase()
          The passphrase used to retrieve the local site's SSO signing key from the keystore.
 byte[] getSSOSigningKeyPassPhraseEncrypted()
          The encrypted passphrase used to retrieve the local site's SSO signing key from the keystore.
 String getTransportLayerSecurityKeyAlias()
          The string alias used to store and retrieve the server's private key, which is used to establish outgoing TLS/SSL connections.
 String getTransportLayerSecurityKeyPassPhrase()
          The passphrase used to retrieve the server's private key from the keystore.
 byte[] getTransportLayerSecurityKeyPassPhraseEncrypted()
          The encrypted passphrase used to retrieve the local site's TLS/SSL key from the keystore.
 boolean isForceAuthn()
          Specifies whether the Identity Provider must authenticate users directly and not use a previous security context.
 boolean isIdentityProviderArtifactBindingEnabled()
          Specifies whether the Artifact binding is enabled for the Identity Provider.
 boolean isIdentityProviderEnabled()
          Specifies whether the local site is enabled for the Identity Provider role.
 boolean isIdentityProviderPOSTBindingEnabled()
          Specifies whether the POST binding is enabled for the Identity Provider.
 boolean isIdentityProviderRedirectBindingEnabled()
          Specifies whether the Redirect binding is enabled for the Identity Provider.
 boolean isPassive()
          Determines whether the Identity Provider and the user must not take control of the user interface from the requester and interact with the user in a noticeable fashion.
 boolean isPOSTOneUseCheckEnabled()
          Specifies whether the POST one-use check is enabled.
 boolean isRecipientCheckEnabled()
          Specifies whether the recipient/destination check is enabled.
 boolean isReplicatedCacheEnabled()
          Specifies whether the persistent cache (LDAP or RDBMS) is used for storing SAML 2.0 artifacts and authentication requests.
 boolean isServiceProviderArtifactBindingEnabled()
          Specifies whether the Artifact binding is enabled for the Service Provider.
 boolean isServiceProviderEnabled()
          Specifies whether the local site is enabled for the Service Provider role.
 boolean isServiceProviderPOSTBindingEnabled()
          Specifies whether the POST binding is enabled for the Service Provider.
 boolean isSignAuthnRequests()
          Specifies whether authentication requests must be signed.
 boolean isWantArtifactRequestsSigned()
          Specifies whether incoming artifact requests must be signed.
 boolean isWantAssertionsSigned()
          Specifies whether incoming SAML 2.0 assertions must be signed.
 boolean isWantAuthnRequestsSigned()
          Specifies whether incoming authentication requests must be signed.
 boolean isWantBasicAuthClientAuthentication()
          Specifies whether Basic Authentication client authentication is required.
 boolean isWantTransportLayerSecurityClientAuthentication()
          Specifies whether TLS/SSL client authentication is required.
 void setArtifactMaxCacheSize(int cacheSize)
 void setArtifactTimeout(int timeout)
 void setAuthnRequestMaxCacheSize(int cacheSize)
 void setAuthnRequestTimeout(int timeout)
 void setBasicAuthPassword(String password)
          Sets the value of the BasicAuthPassword attribute.
 void setBasicAuthPasswordEncrypted(byte[] passwordEncrypted)
          Sets the value of the BasicAuthPasswordEncrypted attribute.
 void setBasicAuthUsername(String name)
          Sets Basic Authentication username
 void setContactPersonCompany(String company)
          Sets the contact person company
 void setContactPersonEmailAddress(String address)
          Sets the contact person e-mail address
 void setContactPersonGivenName(String name)
          Sets the contact person given name
 void setContactPersonSurName(String name)
          Sets the contact person surname
 void setContactPersonTelephoneNumber(String number)
          Sets the contact person telephone number
 void setContactPersonType(String type)
          Sets contact person type using enumeration values from SAML 2.0 metadata.
 void setDefaultURL(String defaultURL)
 void setEntityID(String entityID)
          Sets the Entity ID
 void setForceAuthn(boolean forceAuthn)
          Sets the force authentication flag
 void setIdentityProviderArtifactBindingEnabled(boolean enabled)
 void setIdentityProviderEnabled(boolean isEnabled)
          Sets identity provider enabled flag
 void setIdentityProviderPOSTBindingEnabled(boolean enabled)
 void setIdentityProviderPreferredBinding(String binding)
          Binding must be one of "None", "HTTP/POST", or "HTTP/Artifact"
 void setIdentityProviderRedirectBindingEnabled(boolean enabled)
 void setLoginReturnQueryParameter(String queryParameter)
          Sets the login return query parameter
 void setLoginURL(String loginURL)
          SEts the Login URL
 void setOrganizationName(String name)
          Sets the organization name
 void setOrganizationURL(String url)
          Sets the organization URL
 void setPassive(boolean passive)
          Sets the passive flag
 void setPOSTOneUseCheckEnabled(boolean postOneUseCheckEnabled)
          Set the POST one-use check enabled value.
 void setPublishedSiteURL(String siteURL)
          The published site URL.
 void setRecipientCheckEnabled(boolean postRecipientCheckEnabled)
          Set the POST recipient check enabled value.
 void setReplicatedCacheEnabled(boolean replicated)
          Sets the Use Replicated Cache flag.
 void setServiceProviderArtifactBindingEnabled(boolean enabled)
 void setServiceProviderEnabled(boolean isEnabled)
          Sets service provider enabled flag
 void setServiceProviderPOSTBindingEnabled(boolean enabled)
 void setServiceProviderPreferredBinding(String binding)
          Binding must be one of "None", "HTTP/POST", or "HTTP/Artifact"
 void setSignAuthnRequests(boolean signAuthnRequests)
          Sets the sign <AuthnRequest> documents flag
 void setSSOSigningKeyAlias(String ssoSigningKeyAlias)
          Set the SSO Signing key alias.
 void setSSOSigningKeyPassPhrase(String signingKeyPassPhrase)
          Sets the value of the SSOSigningKeyPassPhrase attribute.
 void setSSOSigningKeyPassPhraseEncrypted(byte[] signingKeyPassPhraseEncrypted)
          Sets the value of the SSOSigningKeyPassPhraseEncrypted attribute.
 void setTransportLayerSecurityKeyAlias(String keyAlias)
          Set the TLS/SSL key alias.
 void setTransportLayerSecurityKeyPassPhrase(String keyPassPhrase)
          Sets the value of the TransportLayerSecurityKeyPassPhrase attribute.
 void setTransportLayerSecurityKeyPassPhraseEncrypted(byte[] keyPassPhraseEncrypted)
          Sets the value of the TransportLayerSecurityKeyPassPhraseEncrypted attribute.
 void setWantArtifactRequestsSigned(boolean wantSigned)
          Sets the flag that determines if <ArtifactRequest> documents will be signed
 void setWantAssertionsSigned(boolean wantSigned)
          Set want assertions signed flag
 void setWantAuthnRequestsSigned(boolean wantAuthnRequestsSigned)
          Determines that authentication requests must be signed.
 void setWantBasicAuthClientAuthentication(boolean wantBA)
          Sets the flag that determines if Basic Authentication client authentication is wanted
 void setWantTransportLayerSecurityClientAuthentication(boolean wantAuthentication)
          Sets the flag that determines if TLS/SSL client authentication is required.
Methods inherited from interface
freezeCurrentValue, getId, getInheritedProperties, getName, getNotes, isDynamicallyCreated, isInherited, isSet, restoreDefaultValue, setComments, setDefaultedMBean, setName, setNotes, setPersistenceEnabled, unSet
Methods inherited from interface
getMBeanInfo, getObjectName, getParent, getType, isCachingDisabled, isRegistered, setParent
Methods inherited from interface
getAttribute, getAttributes, invoke, setAttribute, setAttributes
Methods inherited from interface
postDeregister, postRegister, preDeregister, preRegister
Methods inherited from interface
addNotificationListener, getNotificationInfo, removeNotificationListener
Methods inherited from interface weblogic.descriptor.DescriptorBean
addPropertyChangeListener, createChildCopyIncludingObsolete, getParentBean, isEditable, removePropertyChangeListener
Methods inherited from interface

Method Detail


String getContactPersonGivenName()

The contact person given (first) name.

Specified by:
getContactPersonGivenName in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
Contact person given name.
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setContactPersonGivenName(String name)
Sets the contact person given name

name - Contact person given name


String getContactPersonSurName()

The contact person surname (last name).

Specified by:
getContactPersonSurName in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
Contact person surname
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setContactPersonSurName(String name)
Sets the contact person surname

name - Contact person surname


String getContactPersonType()

The contact person type.

Specified by:
getContactPersonType in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
Contact person type.
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setContactPersonType(String type)
Sets contact person type using enumeration values from SAML 2.0 metadata.

type - Contact person type


String getContactPersonCompany()

The contact person's company name.

Specified by:
getContactPersonCompany in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
Contact person company.
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setContactPersonCompany(String company)
Sets the contact person company

company - Contact person company


String getContactPersonTelephoneNumber()

The contact person's telephone number.

Specified by:
getContactPersonTelephoneNumber in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
Contact person telephone number.
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setContactPersonTelephoneNumber(String number)
Sets the contact person telephone number

number - Contact person telephone number


String getContactPersonEmailAddress()

The contact person's e-mail address.

Specified by:
getContactPersonEmailAddress in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
Contact person e-mail address.
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setContactPersonEmailAddress(String address)
Sets the contact person e-mail address

address - Contact person e-mail address


String getOrganizationName()

The organization name.

This string specifies the name of the organization to which a user may refer for obtaining additional information about the local site.

Specified by:
getOrganizationName in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
Organization name.
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setOrganizationName(String name)
Sets the organization name

name - Organization name


String getOrganizationURL()

The organization URL.

This string specifies a location to which a user may refer for information about the local site. This string is not used by SAML 2.0 services for the actual handling or processing of messages.

Specified by:
getOrganizationURL in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
Organization URL.
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setOrganizationURL(String url)
Sets the organization URL

url - Organization URL


String getPublishedSiteURL()

The published site URL.

When publishing SAML 2.0 metadata, this URL is used as a base URL to construct endpoint URLs for the various SAML 2.0 services. The published site URL is also used during request processing to generate and/or parse various URLs.

The hostname and port portion of the URL should be the hostname and port at which the server is visible externally; this may not be the same as the hostname and port by which the server is known locally. If you are configuring SAML 2.0 services in a cluster, the hostname and port may correspond to the load balancer or proxy server that distributes client requests to servers in the cluster.

The remainder of the URL should be a single path component corresponding to the application context at which the SAML 2.0 services application is deployed (typically /saml2).

Specified by:
getPublishedSiteURL in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
The published site URL.
See Also:
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setPublishedSiteURL(String siteURL)

The published site URL.

When publishing SAML 2.0 metadata, this is used as a base URL to construct endpoint URLs for the various SAML 2.0 services. The published site URL is also used during request processing to generate or parse various URLs.

The hostname and port portion of the URL should be the hostname and port at which the server is externally visible; this may not be the same as the hostname and port by which the server is known locally. For example, if you are configuring SAML 2.0 services in a cluster, the hostname and port of the published site URL may correspond to the load balancer or proxy server that distributes client requests to servers in the cluster.

The remainder of the URL should be a single path component corresponding to the application context at which the SAML 2.0 services application is deployed (typically /saml2).

siteURL - The published site URL to set.


String getEntityID()

The string that uniquely identifies the local site.

Specified by:
getEntityID in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
Entity ID
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setEntityID(String entityID)
Sets the Entity ID

entityID - entity ID


boolean isServiceProviderEnabled()

Specifies whether the local site is enabled for the Service Provider role.

This attribute must be enabled in order to publish the metadata file.

Specified by:
isServiceProviderEnabled in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
Service provider enabled flag; 'true', if the service provider is enabled
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setServiceProviderEnabled(boolean isEnabled)
Sets service provider enabled flag

isEnabled - Service provider enabled flag


String getDefaultURL()

The Service Provider's default URL.

When an unsolicited SSO response arrives at the Service Provider without an accompanying target URL, the user (if authenticated) is redirected to this default URL.

Specified by:
getDefaultURL in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
the default URL
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setDefaultURL(String defaultURL)


boolean isServiceProviderArtifactBindingEnabled()
Specifies whether the Artifact binding is enabled for the Service Provider.

Specified by:
isServiceProviderArtifactBindingEnabled in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
Service provider artifact binding enabled flag; if 'true', local services will support endpoint with artifact binding when acting in the role of service provider
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setServiceProviderArtifactBindingEnabled(boolean enabled)


boolean isServiceProviderPOSTBindingEnabled()
Specifies whether the POST binding is enabled for the Service Provider.

Specified by:
isServiceProviderPOSTBindingEnabled in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
Service provider POST binding enabled flag; if 'true', local services will support endpoint with POST binding when acting in the role of service provider
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setServiceProviderPOSTBindingEnabled(boolean enabled)


String getServiceProviderPreferredBinding()
Specifies the preferred binding type for endpoints of Service Provider services. Must be set to "None", "POST", or "Artifact".

Specified by:
getServiceProviderPreferredBinding in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
Preferred binding type for endpoints
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
This method can NOT set a null value.
Default Value:
Valid Values:


void setServiceProviderPreferredBinding(String binding)
Binding must be one of "None", "HTTP/POST", or "HTTP/Artifact"


boolean isSignAuthnRequests()

Specifies whether authentication requests must be signed. If set, all outgoing authentication requests are signed.

Specified by:
isSignAuthnRequests in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
Sign <AuthnRequest> documents flag.
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setSignAuthnRequests(boolean signAuthnRequests)
Sets the sign <AuthnRequest> documents flag

signAuthnRequests - Sign <AuthnRequest> documents flag


boolean isWantAssertionsSigned()

Specifies whether incoming SAML 2.0 assertions must be signed.

Specified by:
isWantAssertionsSigned in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
Want incoming assertions signed flag
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setWantAssertionsSigned(boolean wantSigned)
Set want assertions signed flag

wantSigned - Want assertions signed flag


String getSSOSigningKeyAlias()

The keystore alias for the key to be used when signing documents.

The key is used to generate signatures on all the outgoing documents, such as authentication requests and responses. If you do not specify an alias, the server's configured SSL private key alias from the server's SSL configuration is used by default.

Specified by:
getSSOSigningKeyAlias in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
The SSO Signing key.
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setSSOSigningKeyAlias(String ssoSigningKeyAlias)
Set the SSO Signing key alias.

ssoSigningKeyAlias - The SSO Signing key alias to set.
See Also:


String getSSOSigningKeyPassPhrase()

The passphrase used to retrieve the local site's SSO signing key from the keystore.

If you do not specify a keystore alias and passphrase, the server's configured private key alias and private key passphrase from the server's SSL configuration is used by default.

Specified by:
getSSOSigningKeyPassPhrase in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
The signingKeyPassPhrase.
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setSSOSigningKeyPassPhrase(String signingKeyPassPhrase)
                                throws InvalidAttributeValueException

Sets the value of the SSOSigningKeyPassPhrase attribute.

When you get the value of this attribute, WebLogic Server does the following:

  1. Retrieves the value of the SSOSigningKeyPassPhraseEncrypted attribute.
  2. Decrypts the value and returns the unencrypted passphrase as a String.

When you set the value of this attribute, WebLogic Server does the following:

  1. Encrypts the value.
  2. Sets the value of the SSOSigningKeyPassPhraseEncrypted attribute to the encrypted value.

Using this attribute (SSOSigningKeyPassPhrase) is a potential security risk because the String object (which contains the unencrypted passphrase) remains in the JVM's memory until garbage collection removes it and the memory is reallocated. Depending on how memory is allocated in the JVM, a significant amount of time could pass before this unencrypted data is removed from memory.

Instead of using this attribute, use getSSOSigningKeyPassPhraseEncrypted.

signingKeyPassPhrase - The signingKeyPassPhrase to set.


byte[] getSSOSigningKeyPassPhraseEncrypted()

The encrypted passphrase used to retrieve the local site's SSO signing key from the keystore.

To set this attribute, use to encrypt the value. Then set this attribute to the output of the encrypt() method.

To compare a password that a user enters with the encrypted value of this attribute, go to the same WebLogic Server instance that you used to set and encrypt this attribute and use to encrypt the user-supplied password. Then compare the encrypted values.

Specified by:
getSSOSigningKeyPassPhraseEncrypted in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
The encrypted signingKeyPassPhrase.
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setSSOSigningKeyPassPhraseEncrypted(byte[] signingKeyPassPhraseEncrypted)
                                         throws InvalidAttributeValueException

Sets the value of the SSOSigningKeyPassPhraseEncrypted attribute.

signingKeyPassPhraseEncrypted - The signingKeyPassPhraseEncrypted value to set.


boolean isForceAuthn()

Specifies whether the Identity Provider must authenticate users directly and not use a previous security context. The default is false.

Note the following:

  1. Setting ForceAuthn to true -- that is, enabling Force Authentication -- has no effect in WebLogic Server. SAML logout is not supported in WebLogic Server, so even if the user is already authenticated at the Identity Provider site and ForceAuthn is set to true, the user is not forced to authenticate again at the Identity Provider site.
  2. Setting both ForceAuthn and IsPassive to true -- that is, Force Authentication and Passive are enabled -- is an invalid configuration that causes WebLogic server to generate an exception and also causes the single sign-on session to fail.

Specified by:
isForceAuthn in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
Force authentication flag
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setForceAuthn(boolean forceAuthn)
Sets the force authentication flag

forceAuthn - Force authentication flag


boolean isPassive()

Determines whether the Identity Provider and the user must not take control of the user interface from the requester and interact with the user in a noticeable fashion. The default setting is false.

The WebLogic Server SAML 2.0 services generate an exception if Passive (IsPassive) is enabled and the end user is not already authenticated at the Identity Provider site. In this situation, web single sign-on fails.

Specified by:
isPassive in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
Passive flag
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setPassive(boolean passive)
Sets the passive flag

passive - passive flag


boolean isIdentityProviderEnabled()

Specifies whether the local site is enabled for the Identity Provider role.

Specified by:
isIdentityProviderEnabled in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
Identity provider enabled flag; if 'true', local services will act in the role of identity provider
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setIdentityProviderEnabled(boolean isEnabled)
Sets identity provider enabled flag

isEnabled - Identity provider enabled flag


boolean isIdentityProviderArtifactBindingEnabled()

Specifies whether the Artifact binding is enabled for the Identity Provider.

Specified by:
isIdentityProviderArtifactBindingEnabled in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
Identity provider artifact binding enabled flag; if 'true', local services will support endpoint with artifact binding when acting in the role of identity provider
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setIdentityProviderArtifactBindingEnabled(boolean enabled)


boolean isIdentityProviderPOSTBindingEnabled()

Specifies whether the POST binding is enabled for the Identity Provider.

Specified by:
isIdentityProviderPOSTBindingEnabled in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
Identity provider POST binding enabled flag; if 'true', local services will support endpoint with POST binding when acting in the role of identity provider
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setIdentityProviderPOSTBindingEnabled(boolean enabled)


boolean isIdentityProviderRedirectBindingEnabled()

Specifies whether the Redirect binding is enabled for the Identity Provider.

Specified by:
isIdentityProviderRedirectBindingEnabled in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
Identity provider redirect binding enabled flag; if 'true', local services will support endpoint with redirect binding when acting in the role of identity provider
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setIdentityProviderRedirectBindingEnabled(boolean enabled)


String getIdentityProviderPreferredBinding()

Specifies the preferred binding type for endpoints of the Identity Provider services. Must be set to None, HTTP/POST, HTTP/Artifact, or HTTP/Redirect.

Specified by:
getIdentityProviderPreferredBinding in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
Preferred binding type for endpoints
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
This method can NOT set a null value.
Default Value:
Valid Values:


void setIdentityProviderPreferredBinding(String binding)
Binding must be one of "None", "HTTP/POST", or "HTTP/Artifact"


String getLoginURL()

The URL of the login form web application to which unauthenticated requests are directed.

By default, the login URL is /saml2/idp/login using Basic authentication. Typically you specify this URL if you are using a custom login web application.

Specified by:
getLoginURL in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
Login URL.
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
This method can NOT set a null value.
This method can NOT set a value of zero length.
Default Value:


void setLoginURL(String loginURL)
SEts the Login URL

loginURL - login URL


String getLoginReturnQueryParameter()
The name of the query parameter to be used for conveying the login-return URL to the login form web application.

Specified by:
getLoginReturnQueryParameter in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
Login return query parameter
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setLoginReturnQueryParameter(String queryParameter)
Sets the login return query parameter

queryParameter - login return query parameter


boolean isWantAuthnRequestsSigned()
Specifies whether incoming authentication requests must be signed. If set, authentication requests that are not signed are not accepted.

Specified by:
isWantAuthnRequestsSigned in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
Want <AuthnRequest> documents signed flag
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setWantAuthnRequestsSigned(boolean wantAuthnRequestsSigned)
Determines that authentication requests must be signed.

wantAuthnRequestsSigned - WAnt <AuthnRequest> documents signed flag


boolean isRecipientCheckEnabled()

Specifies whether the recipient/destination check is enabled. When true, the recipient of the SAML Request/Response must match the URL in the HTTP Request.

Specified by:
isRecipientCheckEnabled in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
The recipient check enabled value.
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setRecipientCheckEnabled(boolean postRecipientCheckEnabled)
                              throws InvalidAttributeValueException

Set the POST recipient check enabled value.

postRecipientCheckEnabled - The POST recipient check enabled value to set.


boolean isPOSTOneUseCheckEnabled()

Specifies whether the POST one-use check is enabled.

If set, the local site POST binding endpoints will store identifiers of all inbound documents to ensure that those documents are not presented more than once.

Specified by:
isPOSTOneUseCheckEnabled in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
The POST one-use check enabled value.
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setPOSTOneUseCheckEnabled(boolean postOneUseCheckEnabled)
                               throws InvalidAttributeValueException

Set the POST one-use check enabled value.

postOneUseCheckEnabled - The POST one-use check enabled value to set.


String getTransportLayerSecurityKeyAlias()

The string alias used to store and retrieve the server's private key, which is used to establish outgoing TLS/SSL connections.

If you do not specify an alias, the server's configured SSL private key alias from the server's SSL configuration is used for the TLS alias by default.

Specified by:
getTransportLayerSecurityKeyAlias in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
The TLS/SSL Signing key.
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


void setTransportLayerSecurityKeyAlias(String keyAlias)
Set the TLS/SSL key alias.

keyAlias - The key alias to set.
See Also:


String getTransportLayerSecurityKeyPassPhrase()

The passphrase used to retrieve the server's private key from the keystore.

If you do not specify either an alias or a passphrase, the server's configured SSL private key alias and private key passphrase from the server's SSL configuration is used for the TLS alias and passphrase by default.

Specified by:
getTransportLayerSecurityKeyPassPhrase in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
The key PassPhrase.
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


void setTransportLayerSecurityKeyPassPhrase(String keyPassPhrase)
                                            throws InvalidAttributeValueException

Sets the value of the TransportLayerSecurityKeyPassPhrase attribute.

When you get the value of this attribute, WebLogic Server does the following:

  1. Retrieves the value of the TransportLayerSecurityKeyPassPhraseEncrypted attribute.
  2. Decrypts the value and returns the unencrypted passphrase as a String.

When you set the value of this attribute, WebLogic Server does the following:

  1. Encrypts the value.
  2. Sets the value of the TransportLayerSecurityKeyPassPhraseEncrypted attribute to the encrypted value.

Using this attribute (TransportLayerSecurityKeyPassPhrase) is a potential security risk because the String object (which contains the unencrypted passphrase) remains in the JVM's memory until garbage collection removes it and the memory is reallocated. Depending on how memory is allocated in the JVM, a significant amount of time could pass before this unencrypted data is removed from memory.

Instead of using this attribute, use getTransportLayerSecurityKeyPassPhraseEncrypted.

keyPassPhrase - The key PassPhrase to set.


byte[] getTransportLayerSecurityKeyPassPhraseEncrypted()

The encrypted passphrase used to retrieve the local site's TLS/SSL key from the keystore.

To set this attribute, use to encrypt the value. Then set this attribute to the output of the encrypt() method.

To compare a password that a user enters with the encrypted value of this attribute, go to the same WebLogic Server instance that you used to set and encrypt this attribute and use to encrypt the user-supplied password. Then compare the encrypted values.

Specified by:
getTransportLayerSecurityKeyPassPhraseEncrypted in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
The encrypted signingKeyPassPhrase.
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setTransportLayerSecurityKeyPassPhraseEncrypted(byte[] keyPassPhraseEncrypted)
                                                     throws InvalidAttributeValueException

Sets the value of the TransportLayerSecurityKeyPassPhraseEncrypted attribute.

keyPassPhraseEncrypted - The keyPassPhraseEncrypted value to set.


String getBasicAuthUsername()
The username that is used to assign Basic authentication credentials to outgoing HTTPS connections.

Specified by:
getBasicAuthUsername in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
The Basic Authentication username.
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


void setBasicAuthUsername(String name)
Sets Basic Authentication username

name - Username


String getBasicAuthPassword()

The password used to assign Basic Authentication credentials to outgoing HTTPS connections

Specified by:
getBasicAuthPassword in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
The Basic Authentication password.
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


void setBasicAuthPassword(String password)
                          throws InvalidAttributeValueException

Sets the value of the BasicAuthPassword attribute.

When you get the value of this attribute, WebLogic Server does the following:

  1. Retrieves the value of the BasicAuthPasswordEncrypted attribute.
  2. Decrypts the value and returns the unencrypted passphrase as a String.

When you set the value of this attribute, WebLogic Server does the following:

  1. Encrypts the value.
  2. Sets the value of the BasicAuthPasswordEncrypted attribute to the encrypted value.

Using this attribute (BasicAuthPassword) is a potential security risk because the String object (which contains the unencrypted passphrase) remains in the JVM's memory until garbage collection removes it and the memory is reallocated. Depending on how memory is allocated in the JVM, a significant amount of time could pass before this unencrypted data is removed from memory.

Instead of using this attribute, use getBasicAuthPasswordEncrypted.

password - The password to set.


byte[] getBasicAuthPasswordEncrypted()

The encrypted password used assign Basic Authentication credentials to outgoing HTTPS connections.

To set this attribute, use to encrypt the value. Then set this attribute to the output of the encrypt() method.

To compare a password that a user enters with the encrypted value of this attribute, go to the same WebLogic Server instance that you used to set and encrypt this attribute and use to encrypt the user-supplied password. Then compare the encrypted values.

Specified by:
getBasicAuthPasswordEncrypted in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
The encrypted signingKeyPassPhrase.
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setBasicAuthPasswordEncrypted(byte[] passwordEncrypted)
                                   throws InvalidAttributeValueException

Sets the value of the BasicAuthPasswordEncrypted attribute.

passwordEncrypted - The passwordEncrypted value to set.


boolean isWantArtifactRequestsSigned()

Specifies whether incoming artifact requests must be signed.

This attribute can be set if the Artifact binding is enabled.

Specified by:
isWantArtifactRequestsSigned in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
Want <ArtifactRequest> documents signed flag
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setWantArtifactRequestsSigned(boolean wantSigned)
Sets the flag that determines if <ArtifactRequest> documents will be signed

wantSigned - Want <ArtifactRequest> documents signed flag


boolean isWantTransportLayerSecurityClientAuthentication()

Specifies whether TLS/SSL client authentication is required.

If enabled, callers to TLS/SSL bindings of the local site must specify client authentication (two-way SSL), and the identity specified must validate against the TLS certificate of the binding client partner.

Specified by:
isWantTransportLayerSecurityClientAuthentication in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
Want TLS/SSL client authentication flag
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setWantTransportLayerSecurityClientAuthentication(boolean wantAuthentication)
Sets the flag that determines if TLS/SSL client authentication is required.

wantAuthentication - Want TLS/SSL client authentication flag


boolean isWantBasicAuthClientAuthentication()

Specifies whether Basic Authentication client authentication is required.

If enabled, callers to HTTPS bindings of the local site must specify a Basic authentication header, and the username and password must be validated against the Basic authentication values of the binding client partner.

Specified by:
isWantBasicAuthClientAuthentication in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
Want basic authentication client authentication flag
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setWantBasicAuthClientAuthentication(boolean wantBA)
Sets the flag that determines if Basic Authentication client authentication is wanted

wantBA - want Basic Authentication client authentication flag


int getAuthnRequestMaxCacheSize()

The maximum size of the authentication request cache.

This cache stores documents issued by the local Service Provider that are awaiting response from a partner Identity Provider.

Specify '0' to indicate that the cache is unbounded.

Specified by:
getAuthnRequestMaxCacheSize in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
Maximum size of <AuthnRequest> document cache.
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setAuthnRequestMaxCacheSize(int cacheSize)


int getAuthnRequestTimeout()

The maximum timeout (in seconds) of <AuthnRequest> documents stored in the local cache.

This cache stores documents issued by the local Service provider that are awaiting response from a partner Identity Provider. Documents that reach this maximum timeout duration are expired from the local cache even if no response is received from the Identity Provider. If a response is subsequently returned by the Identity Provider, the cache behaves as if the <AuthnRequest> had never been generated.

Specified by:
getAuthnRequestTimeout in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
Maximum timeout (in seconds) of <AuthnRequest> documents stored in the local cache.
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setAuthnRequestTimeout(int timeout)


int getArtifactMaxCacheSize()

The maximum size of the artifact cache.

This cache contains the artifacts issued by the local site that are awaiting referencing by a partner. Specify '0' to indicate that the cache is unbounded.

Specified by:
getArtifactMaxCacheSize in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
Maximum size of artifact cache.
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setArtifactMaxCacheSize(int cacheSize)


int getArtifactTimeout()

The maximum timeout (in seconds) of artifacts stored in the local cache.

This cache stores artifacts issued by the local site that are awaiting referencing by a partner. Artifacts that reach this maximum timeout duration are expired in the local cache even if no reference request has been received from the partner. If a reference request is subsequently received from the partner, the cache behaves as if the artifact had never been generated.

Specified by:
getArtifactTimeout in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
Maximum timeout (in seconds) of artifacts stored in the local cache.
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Default Value:


void setArtifactTimeout(int timeout)


boolean isReplicatedCacheEnabled()

Specifies whether the persistent cache (LDAP or RDBMS) is used for storing SAML 2.0 artifacts and authentication requests.

RDBMS is required by the SAML 2.0 security providers in production environments. Use LDAP only in development environments.

If this is not set, artifacts and requests are saved in memory.

If you are configuring SAML 2.0 services for two or more WebLogic Server instances in a domain, you must enable the replicated cache individually on each server. In addition, if you are configuring SAML 2.0 services in a cluster, each Managed Server must also be configured individually.

Specified by:
isReplicatedCacheEnabled in interface SingleSignOnServicesConfigSpi
Use Replicated Cache flag.
Default Value:


void setReplicatedCacheEnabled(boolean replicated)
Sets the Use Replicated Cache flag.

replicated - Use Replicated Cache flag

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.3)

Part Number E41849-02