Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.3)

Part Number E41849-02
Interface Timer

All Superinterfaces:

public interface Timer
extends Serializable

This class provides runtime data on a timer that is currently maintained by the WebLogic timer implementation. It provides information about past expiration times and information about the next scheduled expiration.

Method Summary
 long getExpirationCount()
          Total number of times the timer expired after creation.
 long[] getPastExpirationTimes()
          Returns the past times when the timer had expired.
 long getPeriod()
          Return the period used to compute the next time this timer will expire.
 long getTimeout()
          Return the time at which this timer will expire.
 String getTimerManagerName()
          TimerManager name used to submit this timer.
 boolean isCancelled()
          Timer is cancelled and will not execute.
 boolean isStopped()
          This flag indicates that the stop listener will be invoked instead of the timer listener when it is executed.

Method Detail


String getTimerManagerName()
TimerManager name used to submit this timer.


long getTimeout()
Return the time at which this timer will expire. The value returned is an absolute time (even if the timer was created with a relative time).

absolute time at which this timer will expire


long getPeriod()
Return the period used to compute the next time this timer will expire. A value of zero indicates that the timer is a one-shot. A negative value means the next timeout is computed from the current timeout. Positive values mean the timeout is computed using the current timer after the listener has executed.

period used to reset the timer


boolean isStopped()
This flag indicates that the stop listener will be invoked instead of the timer listener when it is executed.


boolean isCancelled()
Timer is cancelled and will not execute.


long[] getPastExpirationTimes()
Returns the past times when the timer had expired. The most recent 100 records are given. The records are not sorted. A value of 0 means that information is not available.


long getExpirationCount()
Total number of times the timer expired after creation.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.3)

Part Number E41849-02