Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.3)

Part Number E41849-02

Uses of Class

Packages that use XMLStreamException
weblogic.xml.schema.binding Provides a framework for defining a data binding between XML Schema types and Java types. Deprecated. Provides interfaces and classes for Provides interfaces and classes for Provides interfaces and classes for Provides interfaces and classes for Deprecated. Provides interfaces and classes for Provides classes for Provides interfaces and classes for Deprecated. Provides interfaces and classes for Deprecated. Provides XML stream support. Deprecated. Provides XML stream utilities support. 

Uses of XMLStreamException in weblogic.xml.schema.binding

Methods in weblogic.xml.schema.binding that throw XMLStreamException
 void TypeMapping.readXML(XMLInputStream stream)
          read from xml in the format defined by the webservices deployment descriptor, and add each entry found to this mapping.
 void TypeMapping.writeXML(XMLOutputStream xout)
          write each entry found to this mapping to xml in the format defined by the webservices deployment descriptor.

Uses of XMLStreamException in

Subclasses of XMLStreamException in
 class SecurityProcessingException
          Deprecated. please use new WS Security API

Uses of XMLStreamException in

Subclasses of XMLStreamException in
 class EncryptionException

Methods in that throw XMLStreamException
protected  void EncryptionMethod.fromXMLInternal(XMLInputStream in, String ns)
          Subclasses can override to deserialize algorithm specific parameters.
abstract  void CipherData.toXML(XMLOutputStream out, String ns, int indent)
 void EncryptedKey.toXML(XMLOutputStream xos, int indent)
 void EncryptedKey.toXML(XMLOutputStream xos, String ns, int indent)
 void EncryptionMethod.toXML(XMLOutputStream out, String ns, int indent)
 void ReferenceList.toXML(XMLOutputStream out, String ns, int indent)
protected  void EncryptionMethod.toXMLInternal(XMLOutputStream out, String ns, int indent)
          Allow subclasses to add elements

Constructors in that throw XMLStreamException
EncryptedKey(XMLInputStream in, String ns)
ReferenceList(XMLInputStream in, String ns)

Uses of XMLStreamException in

Subclasses of XMLStreamException in
 class KeyResolverException

Methods in that throw XMLStreamException
static KeyValue KeyValue.fromXML(XMLInputStream in, String ns)
static X509IssuerSerial X509IssuerSerial.fromXML(XMLInputStream in, String ns)
 void KeyInfo.toXML(XMLOutputStream os, int indent)
 void KeyInfo.toXML(XMLOutputStream os, String ns, int indent)
abstract  void KeyValue.toXML(XMLOutputStream xos, String ns, int indent)
 void X509Data.toXML(XMLOutputStream xos, String ns, int indent)
 void X509IssuerSerial.toXML(XMLOutputStream xos, String ns, int indent)

Constructors in that throw XMLStreamException
KeyInfo(XMLInputStream in, String ns)
X509Data(XMLInputStream in, String ns)

Uses of XMLStreamException in

Subclasses of XMLStreamException in
 class XMLSignatureException

Methods in that throw XMLStreamException
 void DigestMethod.fromXMLInternal(XMLInputStream in, String ns)
          Subclasses can override to deserialize algorithm specific parameters.
protected static String[] CanonicalizationMethod.getInclusiveNamesSpacesFromXml(XMLInputStream in, String ns)
 void CanonicalizationMethod.toXML(XMLOutputStream out, String ns, int indent)
 void DigestMethod.toXML(XMLOutputStream out, String ns, int indent)
 void Reference.toXML(XMLOutputStream xos, String ns, int indent)
 void Signature.toXML(XMLOutputStream xos, String ns, int indent)

Uses of XMLStreamException in

Methods in that throw XMLStreamException
protected  void BinarySecurityTokenSpec.fromXMLInternal(XMLInputStream in, String ns)
protected  void ElementIdentifier.fromXMLInternal(XMLInputStream in, String ns)
 void EntityDescriptor.fromXMLInternal(XMLInputStream in)
protected abstract  void SpecBase.fromXMLInternal(XMLInputStream in, String namespace)
static String EntityDescriptor.getValue(XMLInputStream in, String tag)
 void BinarySecurityTokenSpec.toXML(XMLOutputStream out, String ns, int indent)
 void ElementIdentifier.toXML(XMLOutputStream out, String ns, int indent)
 void EntityDescriptor.toXML(XMLOutputStream out)
 void SecurityDD.toXML(XMLOutputStream out)
 void SpecBase.toXML(XMLOutputStream out)
abstract  void SpecBase.toXML(XMLOutputStream out, String namespace, int indent)

Constructors in that throw XMLStreamException
BinarySecurityTokenSpec(XMLInputStream in, String ns)
ElementIdentifier(XMLInputStream in, String ns)
EncryptionKey(XMLInputStream in)
EntityDescriptor(XMLInputStream in)
SecurityDD(XMLInputStream in)
SignatureKey(XMLInputStream in)
SpecBase(XMLInputStream in, String ns)
User(XMLInputStream in)

Uses of XMLStreamException in

Subclasses of XMLStreamException in
 class IncompatibleTransformException
 class TransformException

Methods in that throw XMLStreamException
protected  void Transform.fromXMLInternal(XMLInputStream xin, String ns)
abstract  XMLOutputStream Transform.getXMLOutputStream()
 void Transform.toXML(XMLOutputStream xos, String ns, int indent)
protected  void Transform.toXMLInternal(XMLOutputStream xos, String ns, int indent)

Uses of XMLStreamException in

Subclasses of XMLStreamException in
 class XMLSecurityException

Methods in that throw XMLStreamException
 void XMLOutputStreamBase.add(XMLEvent event)
 void XMLOutputStreamBase.add(XMLInputStream inputStream)
 void XMLOutputStreamBase.add(String markup)
 void XMLOutputStreamBase.add(Attribute attribute)
protected abstract  void XMLOutputStreamBase.addXMLEvent(XMLEvent event)
 void XMLOutputStreamBase.close()
 void XMLOutputStreamBase.close(boolean flush)
 void XMLOutputStreamBase.flush()
 Object XMLObjectReader.readObject(XMLInputStream xin)
 Object XMLObjectReader.readObject(XMLInputStream xin, int expectedTC)
abstract  Object XMLObjectReader.readObjectInternal(int tc, String namespace, XMLInputStream xin)

Uses of XMLStreamException in

Methods in that throw XMLStreamException
protected  void SecureSoapOutputStream.addXMLEvent(XMLEvent event)
static Object in)
static Object in, int tc)
 Object WSSEReader.readObjectInternal(int tc, String ns, XMLInputStream xin)
 void SecurityTokenReference.toXML(XMLOutputStream os)

Constructors in that throw XMLStreamException
SecureSoapOutputStream(Security security, XMLOutputStream destination)

Uses of XMLStreamException in

Methods in that throw XMLStreamException
 void XMLOutputStream.add(XMLEvent event)
 void XMLOutputStream.add(XMLInputStream inputStream)
 void XMLOutputStream.add(String markup)
 void XMLOutputStream.add(Attribute attribute)
 void XMLInputStream.close()
          Deprecated. Closes this input stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.
 void XMLOutputStream.close()
 void XMLOutputStream.close(boolean flush)
 void XMLOutputStream.flush()
 XMLInputStream XMLInputStream.getSubStream()
          Deprecated. getSubStream() returns a stream which points to the entire next element in the current stream.
 boolean XMLInputStream.hasNext()
          Deprecated. Check if there are more events to pull of the stream
static void XMLStream.main(String[] args)
 void BufferedXMLInputStream.mark()
          Deprecated. Sets the marks a point to return to in the stream, throws an exception if the stream does not support mark.
abstract  BufferedXMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFactory.newBufferedInputStream(XMLInputStream inputStream)
          Deprecated. Create a buffered XMLInputStream from an XMLInputStream
abstract  XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFactory.newCanonicalInputStream(XMLInputStream inputStream)
          Deprecated. Wrap a canonical stream around an XMLInputStream
abstract  XMLOutputStream XMLOutputStreamFactory.newCanonicalOutputStream(Writer writer)
          Deprecated. Create a new Canonical XMLOutputStream
abstract  XMLOutputStream XMLOutputStreamFactory.newCanonicalOutputStream(OutputStream outputStream)
          Deprecated. Create a new Canonical XMLOutputStream
abstract  XMLOutputStream XMLOutputStreamFactory.newCanonicalOutputStream(Writer writer, Map map)
abstract  XMLOutputStream XMLOutputStreamFactory.newCanonicalOutputStream(OutputStream outputStream, Map map)
          Deprecated. Create a new Canonical XMLOutputStream
abstract  XMLOutputStream XMLOutputStreamFactory.newDebugOutputStream(OutputStream stream)
          Deprecated. Create a new XMLOutputStream that writes to a stream that pretty prints it's output
abstract  XMLOutputStream XMLOutputStreamFactory.newDebugOutputStream(Writer writer)
          Deprecated. Create a new XMLOutputStream that writes to a writer that pretty prints it's output
abstract  XMLOutputStream XMLOutputStreamFactory.newDebugOutputStream(OutputStream stream, boolean writeEmptyElements)
abstract  XMLOutputStream XMLOutputStreamFactory.newDebugOutputStream(Writer writer, boolean writeEmptyElements)
abstract  XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFactory.newDTDAwareInputStream(InputStream inputStream)
          Deprecated. Create a stream that reads and understands a DTD, can be used to canoncalize an XML source
abstract  XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFactory.newDTDAwareInputStream(Reader reader)
          Deprecated. Create a stream that reads and understands a DTD, can be used to canoncalize an XML source
abstract  XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFactory.newFragmentInputStream(InputStream inputStream, Map namespaces)
          Deprecated. Create a stream can parse fragments
abstract  XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFactory.newFragmentInputStream(Reader reader, Map namespaces)
          Deprecated. Create a stream can parse fragments
abstract  XMLInputOutputStream XMLOutputStreamFactory.newInputOutputStream()
          Deprecated. Create a new XMLInputOutputStream that can be passed into a method that takes an XMLOutputStream and read from like an XMLInputStream
abstract  XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFactory.newInputStream(File file)
          Deprecated. Create a new XMLInputStream from a file
abstract  XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFactory.newInputStream(InputStream stream)
          Deprecated. Create a new XMLInputStream from a stream
abstract  XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFactory.newInputStream(Reader reader)
          Deprecated. Create a new XMLInputStream from a reader
abstract  XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFactory.newInputStream(XMLPullReader reader, InputSource input)
          Deprecated. Create a new XMLInputStream from an InputSource
abstract  XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFactory.newInputStream(Document doc)
          Deprecated. Create an XMLInputStream that reads from a DOM document
abstract  XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFactory.newInputStream(Node node)
          Deprecated. Create an XMLInputStream that reads from a DOM node
abstract  XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFactory.newInputStream(XMLPullReader reader, InputSource input, ElementFilter filter)
          Deprecated. Create a filtered XMLInputStream from an InputSource read by the XMLPullReader
abstract  XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFactory.newInputStream(Document document, ElementFilter filter)
          Deprecated. Create a filtered XMLInputStream that reads from a DOM document
abstract  XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFactory.newInputStream(Node node, ElementFilter filter)
          Deprecated. Create a filtered XMLInputStream that reads from a DOM node
abstract  XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFactory.newInputStream(File file, ElementFilter filter)
          Deprecated. Create a filtered XMLInputStream from a file
abstract  XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFactory.newInputStream(InputStream stream, ElementFilter filter)
          Deprecated. Create a filtered XMLInputStream from a stream
abstract  XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFactory.newInputStream(Reader reader, ElementFilter filter)
          Deprecated. Create a filtered XMLInputStream from a reader
abstract  XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFactory.newInputStream(XMLInputStream inputStream, ElementFilter filter)
          Deprecated. Create a filtered XMLInputStream from an XMLInputStream
abstract  XMLOutputStream XMLOutputStreamFactory.newOutputStream(OutputStream stream)
          Deprecated. Create a new XMLOutputStream that writes to a stream
abstract  XMLOutputStream XMLOutputStreamFactory.newOutputStream(Writer writer)
          Deprecated. Create a new XMLOutputStream that writes to a writer
abstract  XMLOutputStream XMLOutputStreamFactory.newOutputStream(Document document)
          Deprecated. Create a new XMLOutputStream that writes to a DOM document
abstract  XMLOutputStream XMLOutputStreamFactory.newOutputStream(Document document, DocumentFragment documentFragment)
          Deprecated. Create a new XMLOutputStream that writes to a DOM document fragment
abstract  XMLOutputStream XMLOutputStreamFactory.newOutputStream(ContentHandler handler)
          Deprecated. Create a new XMLOutputStream that writes to a SAX ContentHandler
abstract  XMLOutputStream XMLOutputStreamFactory.newOutputStream(OutputStream stream, boolean writeEmptyElements)
          Deprecated. Create a new XMLOutputStream that writes to a stream
abstract  XMLOutputStream XMLOutputStreamFactory.newOutputStream(Writer writer, boolean writeEmptyElements)
          Deprecated. Create a new XMLOutputStream that writes to a writer
          Deprecated. Get the next XMLEvent on the stream
 XMLEvent XMLInputStream.peek()
          Deprecated. Check the next XMLEvent without reading it from the stream.
 void BufferedXMLInputStream.reset()
          Deprecated. Resets the stream to the previous mark.
 XMLInputStream ReferenceResolver.resolve(String idref)
          Deprecated. Returns the xml pointed to by this idref as an XMLInputStream
abstract  void XMLInputStreamFactory.setFilter(ElementFilter filter)
          Deprecated. Allows you to set a default filter for the factory that will wrap all streams created from this factory
 void XMLInputStreamFilter.setParent(XMLInputStream parent)
          Deprecated. Set the parent stream
 void XMLInputStream.skip()
          Deprecated. Skip the next stream event
 boolean XMLInputStream.skip(int eventType)
          Deprecated. Position the stream at the next XMLEvent of this type.
 boolean XMLInputStream.skip(XMLName name)
          Deprecated. Position the stream at the next element of this name.
 boolean XMLInputStream.skip(XMLName name, int eventType)
          Deprecated. Position the stream at the next element of this name and this type.
 void XMLInputStream.skipElement()
          Deprecated. Skips the entire next start tag / end tag pair.

Uses of XMLStreamException in

Methods in that throw XMLStreamException
 boolean RecyclingFactory.add(XMLInputStream stream)
          Deprecated. Return a stream to the pool.
 void XMLInputOutputStreamBase.add(XMLEvent e)
 void XMLInputOutputStreamBase.add(Attribute attribute)
          Deprecated. This method is only supported if the last element was a start element.
 void XMLInputOutputStreamBase.add(XMLInputStream stream)
 void XMLInputOutputStreamBase.add(String markup)
 void PipedXMLInputStreamBase.close()
 void XMLInputOutputStreamBase.close()
 void XMLInputOutputStreamBase.close(boolean flush)
 void XMLInputStreamFilterBase.close()
protected  XMLEvent PipedXMLInputStreamBase.filter(XMLEvent e)
 void XMLInputOutputStreamBase.flush()
 XMLInputStream PipedXMLInputStreamBase.getSubStream()
 XMLInputStream XMLInputOutputStreamBase.getSubStream()
 XMLInputStream XMLInputStreamFilterBase.getSubStream()
 boolean PipedXMLInputStreamBase.hasNext()
 boolean XMLInputOutputStreamBase.hasNext()
 boolean XMLInputStreamFilterBase.hasNext()
protected  XMLEvent XMLInputStreamFilterBase.modify(XMLEvent e)
 XMLEvent PipedXMLInputStreamBase.peek()
 XMLEvent XMLInputOutputStreamBase.peek()
 XMLEvent XMLInputStreamFilterBase.peek()
 void XMLInputStreamFilterBase.pushBack(XMLEvent e)
 XMLInputStream RecyclingFactory.remove(InputStream stream)
          Deprecated. Get a recycled XMLInputStream from the pool or create a new one
 XMLInputStream RecyclingFactory.remove(Reader reader)
          Deprecated. Get a recycled XMLInputStream from the pool or create a new one
 XMLInputStream RecyclingFactory.remove(InputStream stream, ElementFilter filter)
          Deprecated. Get a recycled XMLInputStream from the pool or create a new one and wrap it with the desired filter
 XMLInputStream RecyclingFactory.remove(Reader reader, ElementFilter filter)
          Deprecated. Get a recycled XMLInputStream from the pool or create a new one and wrap it with the desired filter
 void PipedXMLInputStreamBase.setParent(XMLInputStream parent)
 void XMLInputStreamFilterBase.setParent(XMLInputStream parent)
 void PipedXMLInputStreamBase.skip()
 boolean PipedXMLInputStreamBase.skip(int elementType)
 boolean PipedXMLInputStreamBase.skip(XMLName name)
 boolean PipedXMLInputStreamBase.skip(XMLName name, int elementType)
 void XMLInputOutputStreamBase.skip()
 boolean XMLInputOutputStreamBase.skip(int elementType)
 boolean XMLInputOutputStreamBase.skip(XMLName name)
 boolean XMLInputOutputStreamBase.skip(XMLName name, int elementType)
 void XMLInputStreamFilterBase.skip()
 boolean XMLInputStreamFilterBase.skip(int elementType)
 boolean XMLInputStreamFilterBase.skip(XMLName name)
 boolean XMLInputStreamFilterBase.skip(XMLName name, int elementType)
 void PipedXMLInputStreamBase.skipElement()
 void XMLInputOutputStreamBase.skipElement()
 void XMLInputStreamFilterBase.skipElement()

Constructors in that throw XMLStreamException
PipedXMLInputStreamBase(XMLInputStream parent)
XMLInputStreamFilterBase(XMLInputStream parent, ElementFilter filter)
XMLSubStreamBase(XMLInputStream parent)
XMLSubStreamBase(XMLInputStream parent, ElementFilter filter)

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.3)

Part Number E41849-02