Decomposition Rule Editor

Use the Decomposition Rule editor to configure decomposition rules, which specify the conditions in which OSM decomposes one or more order components into another order component.

When modeling decomposition rules, refer to the following topics:

The following fields are common to multiple tabs on the Decomposition Rule editor:

Field Use
Description Edit the display name of the decomposition rule.
Namespace Select any existing namespace or enter a unique namespace in which to include the decomposition rule. Design Studio uses the last saved namespace as the default.

Related Topics

Creating New Decomposition Rules

Working with Decomposition Rules

Decomposition Rule Editor Details Tab

Use the Details tab to identify the order item specification and fulfillment patterns to which the decomposition rule applies.

Field Use
Order Item Select the order item specification to which the decomposition rule applies.

OSM evaluates every order item in the source order component against the conditions that you define for the decomposition rule. If an order item passes all specified conditions, OSM includes the order item in the target order component. Click:

Fulfillment Pattern (Optional) Specify one or multiple fulfillment patterns to limit the scope of the decomposition rule to those order items that match at least one of the fulfillment patterns listed.

If you do not specify any fulfillment pattern, this decomposition rule applies to all order items in the source order component. Click:

  • Select to select from a list of all fulfillment patterns defined in the workspace.

  • New create a new fulfillment pattern to associate with the decomposition rule. See "Creating New Fulfillment Patterns" for more information.

  • Open to open the specified fulfillment pattern in the "Fulfillment Pattern Editor".

  • Remove to delete the entity from the list.

Related Topics

Decomposition Rule Editor

Creating New Decomposition Rules

Working with Decomposition Rules

Decomposition Rule Editor Source/Target Tab

Use the Source/Target tab to specify the order components against which OSM will evaluate the corresponding decomposition rule, and the target order component that receives the order items that pass the decomposition rule conditions.

Source Order Components

Field Use
Base Components



Use these fields to limit the number of order components that appear in the Source Order Components area. The Source/Target tab displays all order component specifications defined in the workspace. Use Base Component to limit the display to a single root-level order component and its dependencies. Use Functions to limit the scope to executable order components (order components associated with a process). Enter a value in the Search field to search for a specific order component.
Source Order Components Select the order components against which OSM evaluates the corresponding decomposition rule. OSM evaluates all order items in the specified order components. Click:

If you specify no source order components, OSM evaluates all order items associated with the order. This scenario is valid only if the target order component is produced by an orchestration stage with no dependencies.

Target Order Components

Field Use
Base Components



Use these fields to limit the number of order components that appear in the Target Order Components area. The Source/Target tab displays all order component specifications defined in the workspace. Use Base Component to limit the display to a single root-level order component and its dependencies. Use Functions to limit the scope to executable order components (order components associated with a process). Enter a value in the Search field to search for a specific order component.
Target Order Components Select the target order component that receives the order items that pass all conditions associated with the decomposition rule. Click:

Related Topics

Decomposition Rule Editor

Creating New Decomposition Rules

Working with Decomposition Rules

Decomposition Rule Editor Conditions Tab

Use the Conditions tab to specify the conditions that OSM applies against the order items in the source order components.

Field Use
Decomposition Conditions Specify the decomposition condition against which the order items in the source order components will be evaluated. OSM adds all order items that satisfy the specified conditions to the target order component.
  • Click Select to select from a list of the orchestration conditions defined for the order item specified in the Details tab.

  • Click Add to create a new orchestration condition to associate with the decomposition rule.

  • Click Remove to delete a condition from the list.

Condition Details Enter an XQuery expression or a pointer to the decomposition rule. See "About Creating XQuery Expressions with Design Studio" for more information about entering information into XQuery controls.

For example, the XQuery expression can determine a target system based on the value of an order item property.

See "About Decomposition Rule Condition XQuery Expressions" for more information.

Related Topics

Decomposition Rule Editor

Creating New Decomposition Rules

Working with Decomposition Rules