Orchestration Dependency Editor

Use the Orchestration Dependency editor to configure dependencies that exist between order items within a set of order components that are not based on fulfillment patterns.

When modeling orchestration dependencies, refer to the following topics:

The following fields are common to multiple tabs in the Orchestration Dependency editor:

Field Use
Description Edit the display name of the orchestration dependency.
Namespace Select an existing namespace or enter a unique namespace in which to include the orchestration dependency. Design Studio uses the last saved namespace as the default value.

Orchestration Dependency Editor Details Tab

Use the Details tab to specify the order components that have dependencies.

Dependency Source

Use the Dependency Source area to define the source order components upon which the Dependency Target order components will have dependencies.

Field Use
Base Component



Use these fields to limit the number of order components that appear in the Dependency Source area. The Dependency Source area displays all order component specifications defined in the workspace. Use Base Component to limit the display to a single root-level order component and its dependencies. Use Functions to limit the scope to executable order components (order components associated with a process). Enter a value in the Search field to search for a specific order component.
Dependency Source Specify the order components that contain the order items on which the order items defined in the Dependency Target field depend.
  • Click New to create a new order component specification. See "Creating New Order Component Specifications" for more information.

  • Click Open to open the corresponding specification in the Order Component Specification editor.

Dependency Target

Field Use
Base Component



Use these fields to limit the number of order components that appear in the Dependency Source area. The Dependency Source area displays all order component specifications defined in the workspace. Use Base Component to limit the display to a single root-level order component and its dependencies. Use Functions to limit the scope to executable order components (order components associated with a process). Enter a value in the Search field to search for a specific order component.
Dependency Target Specify the order components that cannot run until the order items included in order components specified in the Dependency Source field have met their specified conditions.
  • Click New to create a new order component specification. See "Creating New Order Component Specifications" for more information.

  • Click Open to open the corresponding specification in the Order Component Specification editor.

Selected Order Component

Select a checked order component in the Order Source area and define an XQuery condition that must evaluate to true for the dependency to exist. See "About Creating XQuery Expressions with Design Studio" for more information about entering information into XQuery controls.

Orchestration Dependency Editor Wait for Condition Tab

Use the Wait For Condition tab to specify the conditions that must be satisfied before an order component with dependencies on another order component can execute.

Wait For Condition

Use the Wait for Condition area to specify the conditions that must be satisfied before the transition can occur.

Field Use
Task State Completed Select this option to specify that the dependency target order component cannot run until the subprocess task associated with the dependency source order component reaches the completed state.
Data Change Notification Select this option to indicate that the dependency target order component cannot run until the value you select for the data change notification property of the order item changes. For example, you can configure a data change notification on a status field in the order template so that if the status changes to Failed, OSM generates a fallout notification to an administrator.

When you select Data Change Notification, you also define the following fields:

  • In the Order Item field, select the order item specification upon which the dependency target order component must wait.

  • In the Data Change Notification Property field, select the order item property that contains the data change notification property value upon which the dependency target order component must wait. See "Order Item Specification Editor Order Item Properties Tab" for more information about defining order item properties.

  • In the Relative Path field, you can specify the location of the data change notification property.

  • In the Data Change Condition Expression area, you can configure an XQuery expression to denote that the transition wait until the property contains a specific value. See "About Creating XQuery Expressions with Design Studio" for more information about entering information into XQuery controls. See "About Order Data Change Wait Condition XQuery Expressions" for more information about this XQuery field.

Wait Delay

Use the Wait Delay area to configure a delay in addition to the information defined in the Wait For Condition area. You configure the wait delay against either the Task State or the Data Change Notification wait condition options. After the conditions specified in the Wait for Condition area are met, OSM delays the execution of the corresponding target order component using the information defined here.

The wait delay setting defers the start of the waiting order component until after the dependencies have been resolved. For example, you can use this to defer the resolution of the condition until two days after a task completes.


If order items have Wait Delay making it impossible to complete the order component on the requested delivery date, Use Calculated Start Date is ignored. See "Order Component Specification Editor Details Tab" for more information.
Field Use
Wait Delay area In the Wait Delay area, do one of the following:
  • Select Duration and use the Duration fields to specify the amount of time to wait after the conditions defined in the Wait For Condition area is met.

  • Select Date Time Expression and use the Duration Expression field to use XQuery to set the date and time for the transition to occur.

Duration fields Use these fields to set a static amount of time to delay. Only available if the Duration option is selected.
Duration Expression Create an XQuery expression in the Duration Expression field to run against a specific order item property. See "About Creating XQuery Expressions with Design Studio" for more information about entering information into XQuery controls.

If the Duration option is selected, write the XQuery expression to return a string in the xs:duration format (for example,"PT15M"). See "About Wait Delay Duration XQuery Expressions" for more information.

If the Date Time Expression option is selected, write the XQuery expression to return a string in the xs:dateTime format (for example, "2012-09-15T15:30:00-4:00"). See "About Wait Delay Date and Time XQuery Expressions" for more information.

Related Topics

Orchestration Dependency Editor

Creating New Orchestration Dependencies

Orchestration Dependency Editor Order Item Dependencies Tab

Use the Order Item Dependencies tab to define the property order items must share to create a dependency.

By default, an order item in the To Component field has a dependency when the same order item exists in the From Component field. However, you can use order item dependencies if you want to create a dependency on two different order items. For example, order items in a shipping order component may not be identical to order items in an install order component, but a dependency between those order items exists.

Field Use
Order Item The order item dependency default value is Order Item. To create order item dependencies between two different order items based on a different attribute, select a different option in this tab.
Fulfillment Pattern Select to create a dependency on two different order items that share the same fulfillment pattern.
Property Correlation Select to create a dependency on two different order items that share the same property correlation.

If you select this option, enter an XQuery expression to select the order item property that order items in the dependency target order component must share with order items in the dependency source order component.

See "About Creating XQuery Expressions with Design Studio" for more information about entering information into XQuery controls. See "About Order Item Dependency Property Correlation XQuery Expressions" for more information about this XQuery field.

Related Topics

Orchestration Dependency Editor

Creating New Orchestration Dependencies