Implementing Conceptual Models

The following procedure describes how to create a conceptual model in Design Studio and implement it in a run-time environment.


Before implementing conceptual models, you must first:

When implementing conceptual models, you:

  1. Create a Model project to contain the conceptual model.

    See "Creating Model Projects" for more information.

  2. Define a dependency between the Model project and the Common Model Base Data project.

    See "Managing Project Dependencies" for more information.

  3. Design the conceptual model.

    See "Designing Conceptual Models" for more information.

  4. Realize the conceptual model.

    See "Realizing Conceptual Model Entities into Application Entities" for more information.

  5. Synchronize the conceptual model entities and application entities throughout the design cycle.

    See "Synchronizing Conceptual Model Entities with Application Entities" for more information.

  6. Build and package the application projects that contain the realized application entities.

    See "Building and Packaging Projects" for more information.

  7. Deploy the application projects to a run-time environment.

    See "Deploying Cartridge Projects" for more information.

Generating the Common Model Base Data Project

To build a representation of a service domain in Design Studio, you must first generate the Common Model Base Data project. The Common Model Base Data project contains predefined rules and data for processing the entities and actions in your conceptual model, such as action codes, relationship rules, and entities that support conceptual modeling. This data is foundational to the conceptual model design required for service fulfillment solutions.


Only one Common Model Base Data project can exist in a single workspace.

To generate the Common Model Base Data project:

  1. In the Solution view, right-click and select Design Pattern.

    The Design Pattern wizard appears.

  2. Expand the Model Project folder.

  3. Select Common Model Base Data, and click Next.

    The Introduction page appears.

  4. Read the information about the Common Model Base Data cartridge project, and click Next.

    The Select Project Name page appears.

  5. In the Base Project Name field, enter a name that begins with OracleComms_Model_.

    The name that you enter here must include the prefix OracleComms_Model_.

  6. Click Summary.

    The Summary page appears.

  7. Review the information on the Summary page and click Finish.

    Design Studio creates a new project in the workspace. The project contains data and entities that you can use as a starting point for your conceptual model.

Importing Products

You import products into Design Studio when new products are added to your product catalog. See "About Importing Products from AIA Servers" for more information about importing products from an Application Integration Architecture (AIA) server.

To import products:

  1. Define Web service endpoints for the products that you must import.

    See "Defining Web Service Endpoints" for more information.

  2. In the Solution view, right-click and select Import, and then select Import Product.

    The Import Product wizard appears.

  3. From the Address URL list, select an endpoint.

  4. (Optional) To include the parent specifications of the products you import, select Import Parent Product.

  5. Click Add.

  6. In the Product Name field, enter the name of the product to import.

  7. Click Next.

  8. (If prompted) Enter the user name and password required to access the Web service endpoint and click OK.

    See "Clearing Web Service Security Credentials" for information on resetting the Web service credentials if needed during a Design Studio session.

    The Product Import result page appears. This page includes a table that lists all of the products for import, the ID, and the status.

  9. Deselect the Import check box for any products that you do not want to import.

  10. In the Data Dictionary field, select the data schema into which you will add the product attributes.

  11. In the Project field, select the project in which to include the product.

  12. Click Finish.

Related Topics

Defining Web Service Endpoints

Clearing Web Service Security Credentials

Defining Web Service Endpoints

A Web service endpoint is a URL where files or services can be accessed by client applications. In Design Studio, you define Web service endpoints to specify the Web service IP address (or the fully qualified domain name) and port where your products are located. This information is required to import products.

To define the endpoints of Web services for importing products:

  1. From the Window menu, select Preferences, then select Oracle Design Studio, and then select Product Import Endpoints.

    The Product Import Endpoints preference page appears.

  2. In the Endpoints table, select New.

  3. In the Name field, enter a descriptive name.

  4. In the Endpoint field, enter the Web service IP address (or the fully qualified domain name) and port where the product is located.

  5. Select the Secure Web Service check box to require a user name and password for access.

    See "Clearing Web Service Security Credentials" for more information.

  6. Create additional endpoints for each Web service that is to be called by the Product Import wizard.

    Typically, one or two endpoints are defined.

  7. Click Apply.

  8. Click OK.

After you define the Web service endpoints, you use them in the Import wizard when selecting which endpoint to use to import products.

Related Topics

Importing Products

Clearing Web Service Security Credentials

When Design Studio calls the Web service where your product is located, it may be required to pass credentials for Web service security. You specify whether the Web service requires credentials when you define the Web service endpoint in the Product Import Endpoints preference page. See "Defining Web Service Endpoints" for more information.

If you specify that the endpoint supports security, users are prompted for a user name and password the first time the Web service is called during a Design Studio session. The credentials are stored for the duration of the Design Studio session. If the credentials change during a session, you can clear and reset the credentials during the session.

To clear and reset Web service security credentials during a Design Studio session:

  1. From the Window menu, select Preferences, then select Oracle Design Studio, and then select Product Import Endpoints.

    The Product Import Endpoints preference page appears.

  2. Select the Web service endpoint for which to clear credentials.

  3. Click Clear Credentials.

    The next time the Product Import wizard calls this Web service endpoint, you will be prompted to re-enter the credentials.

Related Topics

Importing Products

About Importing Products from AIA Servers

You import products from Application Integration Architecture (AIA) servers using the same process as when you import products from other types of servers. See "Importing Products" for more information.

AIA servers, however, enable you to pass into Design Studio enriched metadata when this metadata is defined for a product or for data elements associated with a product. When you import products from AIA servers, Design Studio:

  • Displays languages defined for a product in the Product editor and supports language options in the Display Name and Description fields. See "Defining Language Preferences" for more information.

  • Displays product start date and end date information on the Product editor Properties tab, if that information is defined for the imported product. See "Product Editor Properties Tab" for more information.

  • Displays product version information in the Notes dialog box. See "Defining Entity Notes" for more information.


    The documentation defined in the Notes dialog box is overwritten if you re-import the same product.
  • Saves the version and start date information for data elements defined for a product on the Data Schema editor Notes tab. See "Notes Tab" for more information.

  • Saves the attribute definitions defined in the source system as data elements in the target data schema.Displays the product key on the Product editor Properties tab, if that information is defined for the imported product. The Key field value contains the product name that is defined in the source system.

Related Topics

Importing Products