Order Jeopardy Editor

Use the Order Jeopardy editor to model jeopardy conditions.

The following fields are common to all Order Jeopardy editor tabs:

Field Use
Description Edit the display name of the order jeopardy.
Namespace Select an existing namespace or enter a unique namespace in which to include the order jeopardy. Design Studio uses the last saved namespace as the default.

When working with the Order Jeopardy editor, see the following topics:

Order Jeopardy Editor Details Tab

Use the Order Jeopardy editor Details tab to define the conditions under which the jeopardy will be evaluated. The following table describes the fields on the Order Jeopardy editor Details tab.


See "Order Jeopardy Editor" for information about fields that appear on all of the Order Jeopardy editor tabs.
Field Use
Operational Select this option to indicate that the primary configuration for this jeopardy is to be in a file in the system where OSM is running.

When you select this option, you should configure the jeopardy in the normal manner. However, only the automation information for this configuration (and the automation plug-in, if any) is deployed to OSM with your cartridge. For the rest of the configuration, the next time the cartridge is built, a sample configuration file corresponding to your configuration of the jeopardy will be generated and placed in the samples/orderJeopardy folder for your cartridge. You can see this folder in the Package Explorer view. You can then copy or move the file to the server where OSM is running. You use the oracle.communications.ordermanagement.order.OperationalOverrideFileURLs parameter in the oms-config.xml file to indicate the location of the file you have configured. For more information about configuring operational jeopardy files on the OSM server, see OSM System Administrator's Guide.

Target Order Click Select next to this field to select the order to which this order jeopardy will apply.
View Click Select next to this field to select the task view the order jeopardy will use to obtain data to be used in the configuration.
Rule Click Select next to this field to select a rule to use to limit when this order jeopardy will be evaluated.
Priority Enter a priority from 1 to 255 (1 is the highest priority). The notification with the highest priority is evaluated first.
Enabled Select to enable this jeopardy notification, or deselect if you intend to implement the notification at a later time.
Roles Select the roles that have permission to respond to this notification. Do any of the following:
  • Click Select to select an existing role.

  • Select a role and click Remove to remove the role from the list for this order jeopardy.

  • Click Add to create a new role. See "Creating New Roles" for more information.

  • Select a role and click Open to open the role in the Role editor.

Related Topics

Creating Jeopardy Notifications in the Order Jeopardy Editor

Order Jeopardy Editor

Order Jeopardy Editor Policy Tab

Use the Order Jeopardy editor Policy tab to define the order states and duration for the timer. The following table describes the fields on the Order Jeopardy editor Policy tab.


See "Order Jeopardy Editor" for information about fields that appear on all of the Order Jeopardy editor tabs.

When configuring order jeopardy policy timer duration, see also the following topics:

Field Use
Start Condition Specify the order states that, when the order enters one of them, should start the jeopardy timer.

This should be set if the value being returned in the Timer Duration area is a duration, rather than a date/time. If this value is not set, OSM will expect a date/time value to be returned from the configuration in the Timer Duration area. Since the Specify a Duration Value and Use the Order Expected Duration options always return a duration, this value should always be set if either of those options is selected.

Do any of the following:

  • Click Select to add one of the available order states to the list of states.

  • Select one of the states in the list and click Remove to remove the state from the list of states.

  • Select one of the states in the list and click Open to open the Order State editor for that order state.

Pause Timer and Block Jeopardy Specify the order states that, when the order enters one of them, should pause the jeopardy timer. This should not be set if Start Condition does not have a value. If Start Condition has a value, this field is optional.

Do any of the following:

  • Click Select to add one of the available order states to the list of states.

  • Select one of the states in the list and click Remove to remove the state from the list of states.

  • Select one of the states in the list and click Open to open the Order State editor for that order state.

Stop Condition Specify the order states that, when the order enters one of them, should stop the jeopardy timer. This value should always be set.

Do any of the following:

  • Click Select to add one of the available order states to the list of states.

  • Select one of the states in the list and click Remove to remove the state from the list of states.

  • Select one of the states in the list and click Open to open the Order State editor for that order state.

Timer Duration Sets the time after which a jeopardy will be raised. Do one of the following:
  • Select Specify a Duration Value to specify a specific duration before a jeopardy notification is raised.

  • Select Use the Order Expected Duration to use the expected duration of the order to determine when a jeopardy notification is raised.

  • Select Specify an XQuery Expression to return a duration or date/time to provide an XQuery expression to determine the duration before a jeopardy notification is raised. The XQuery expression can return either a duration or a date/time value.

  • Select Specify a Data Path Expression to contain a duration or date/time to provide the path to a data element on the order that will contain the duration before a jeopardy notification is raised. The data path expression can return either a duration or a date/time value.

Related Topics

Creating Jeopardy Notifications in the Order Jeopardy Editor

Order Jeopardy Editor

Order Jeopardy Editor Policy Tab Duration Value Subtab

Use the Order Jeopardy editor Policy tab, Duration Value subtab to set the details of the duration timer. This subtab is available if the Specify a Duration Value option is selected in the Order Jeopardy editor Policy tab, Timer Duration area.

Field Use
Duration Amount Enter the number of duration units to wait before raising a jeopardy on the order.
Duration Unit Select the appropriate units for the duration value from the list.

Related Topics

Order Jeopardy Editor Policy Tab

Order Jeopardy Editor Policy Tab Offset Subtab

Use the Order Jeopardy editor Policy tab, Offset subtab to set the details of an offset to the calculated duration. This subtab is available for all timer duration options.

Field Use
Apply an offset or use a percentage of the duration Select this option to provide an offset using the other fields in this subtab.
Percentage Select this option to configure the offset in terms of the percentage of the duration. For example, you could raise a jeopardy when 90% of the order's expected duration has passed.
Add Select this option to add a fixed amount of time to the duration.
Subtract Select this option to subtract a fixed amount of time from the duration.
Offset/Percentage Amount If you have selected Percentage, enter a number between 1 and 100 to indicate the percentage of the total duration that should elapse before the jeopardy is raised.

If you have selected Add or Subtract, enter the number of offset units to add or subtract from the duration.

Offset Unit Set the units for the offset amount. This field is not available when the Percentage option is selected.

Related Topics

Order Jeopardy Editor Policy Tab

Order Jeopardy Editor Policy Tab XQuery Expression Subtab

Use the Order Jeopardy editor Policy tab, XQuery Expression subtab to use an XQuery expression to determine the duration. This subtab is available if the Specify an XQuery Expression to evaluate the duration option is selected in the Order Jeopardy editor Policy tab, Timer Duration area.

Field Use
Expression Enter the XQuery expression to use to determine the duration.
Data Changed area Select Once when the timer starts to evaluate the expression once only.

Select When any of the following nodes change to evaluate the expression when the timer starts and also when any of the specified order nodes change. When this option is selected, you should also provide a list of data nodes by doing any of the following:

  • Click Select to select the data node from a list of available nodes.

  • Select a node in the list and click Remove to remove the data node from the list.

  • Select a node in the list and click Open to open the Order Template tab of the Order editor with the data node selected.

If no data nodes are provided and the When any of the following nodes change option is selected, the expression is only evaluated when the timer starts.

Related Topics

Order Jeopardy Editor Policy Tab

Order Jeopardy Editor Policy Tab Unit Type and Default Value Subtab

Use the Order Jeopardy editor Policy tab, Unit Type and Default Value subtab to set the unit type of the duration and a default value if the value is not found. This subtab is available if the Specify an Xquery Expression to evaluate the duration option or the Specify a Data Path Expression to evaluate the duration option is selected in the Order Jeopardy editor Policy tab, Timer Duration area.

Field Use
Expression Units Select the units of measure used in the returned duration value.
Default Enter the default value to be used if the XQuery expression or data path do not return a valid value. The value in this field is expressed in the units selected in the Expression Units field.

Related Topics

Order Jeopardy Editor Policy Tab

Order Jeopardy Editor Policy Tab Data Path Expression Subtab

Use the Order Jeopardy editor Policy tab, Data Path Expression subtab to set the details of the duration jeopardy timer. This subtab is available if the Specify a Data Path Expression to evaluate the duration option is selected in the Order Jeopardy editor Policy tab, Timer Duration area.

Field Use
Data Path Select the data node that contains the duration. Do any of the following:
  • Click Select to select the data node from a list of available nodes.

  • Click Remove to remove the data node from the field.

  • Click Open to open the Order Template tab of the Order editor with the data node selected.

Related Topics

Order Jeopardy Editor Policy Tab

Order Jeopardy Editor Automation Tab

Use the Order Jeopardy editor Automation tab to configure an automation that is triggered by the jeopardy. The following table describes the fields on the Order Jeopardy editor Automation tab.


See "Order Jeopardy Editor" for information about fields that appear on all of the Order Jeopardy editor tabs.

When configuring order jeopardy automations, see also the following topics:

Field Use
Trigger Automation when Jeopardy is Raised Select this option to cause an automation plug-in to be called when the order jeopardy is raised.
Automation Type Select the automation plug-in type from the available list.

See "Working with Automation Plug-Ins" for more information about the different automation types.

Custom Automation Plugin If you selected Custom Automation in the Automation Type field, enter the name of the custom plug-in.

Related Topics

Order Jeopardy Editor

Working with Automation Plug-Ins

Order Jeopardy Editor Automation Tab Details Subtab

Use the Order Jeopardy editor Automation tab, Details subtab to provide information about the automation to trigger if the order jeopardy is raised.

Field Use
Name Enter a plug-in name. The name must be unique among plug-in entities in the same namespace.

Note: While plug-in names can be any arbitrary name that you assign to the automation, Oracle recommends that you use a consistent naming pattern for all of the automations that you create.

Run As Enter the OSM user name (security principal) whose credentials are used to execute this automation plug-in. A password is not necessary to authenticate this user because only an administrator has the authority to deploy components into the server.

The value of this field must reflect the user ID that is used to run the automation:

  • The user ID must be set up in the WebLogic Server Administration console. See the discussion of setting up security in OSM System Administrator's Guide for more information.

  • The user ID must be defined in the OSM Administration area of the Order Management Web Client (a workgroup in OSM Administration is a role in Design Studio). See "Working with Roles" for more information.

  • The user ID must be assigned to the workgroup in the OSM Administration area of the Order Management Web Client that corresponds to the role defined on the Permissions tab of the Design Studio task, order, or process that defines the automation.

Note: Oracle recommends using the DEFAULT_AUTOMATION_USER cartridge model variable in the Run As field. See "Defining Model Variables" for more information.

Related Topics

Order Jeopardy Editor Automation Tab

Order Jeopardy Editor Automation Tab Script Subtab

Use the Order Jeopardy editor Automation tab, Script subtab, to provide information about an XQuery script to make available to the automation.

Field Use
Script Specify which method to use to retrieve the XQuery file. Select from the following options:
  • Absolute path: Select this option and enter the physical location of the file. At run time, OSM retrieves the file from the server.

  • URL: Specify a URL to access the file.

  • Bundle in: Select this option, then click the XQuery field Select button to identify the file from the resources directory. Design Studio will bundle this file with the PAR file during the build.

Note: Oracle recommends that you select Bundle in for production mode, as this mode pulls the files into the OSM PAR file. As a result, you can deploy the EAR file (which contains the PAR file) to any server and, at run time, the application can locate the files. If you select Absolute Path or URL for production mode, you can deploy the EAR file (which contains the PAR file) to any server but are responsible for ensuring the files reside in specified location on the server.

Conversely, Absolute Path or URL are optimal for testing mode because they do not require a rebuild and redeploy to pick up changes to the XQuery.

For information about the XQuery file referenced here, see "Order Jeopardy Automation XQuery Plug-ins."

Maximum Number of Stylesheets in Cache Specify the maximum number of XQuery style sheets that can be maintained in the cache at any one time.
Cache Timeout in Seconds Enter the number of seconds before the OSM server refreshes the cache.
Transformer Factory If you have developed a custom TransformerFactory for XSLT transformation, specify the location. Design Studio provides a default TransformerFactory.
Update Order Select this option if you want to update (add, change, or delete) the OSM order data with the data retrieved from an external system. This field appears for Automator automation plug-ins only.

Related Topics

Order Jeopardy Editor Automation Tab

Order Jeopardy Editor Automation Tab Routing Subtab

Use the Order Jeopardy editor Automation tab, Routing subtab, to specify where to send XML messages and where external systems can deliver responses.

In the To area, you can specify where to send the request message. In the Reply To area, you can specify where the external system can deliver the response or exception message.

Field Use
JNDI Name Enter the name of the queue to which the automation plug-in sends messages (on the To tab) or to which external systems send response (on the Reply To tab). JNDI Name is mandatory. Edit the system-supplied default value to reflect your own system topology. The JNDI name must be unique in the workspace.
Destination Type Select the type of the message destination. A JMS destination is either a javax.jms.Queue or a javax.jms.Topic. You might use a topic, for example, if you want to publish messages for general availability to multiple external systems (on the To tab) or subscribe to a queue with multiple listeners (on the Reply To tab). You might use queues if you want only a single external system to consume the message.
Initial Context Factory, Connection Factory, and URL Enter this information to connect to an external application server. Specify the URL and the InitialContextFactory class for the JNDI provider, and specify the ConnectionFactory class for the JMS server
Send Null Message Select this option if you want to send a JMS message to an external system even if the message body is empty.

Related Topics

Order Jeopardy Editor Automation Tab

Order Jeopardy Editor Automation Tab Notes Subtab

Use the Order Jeopardy editor Automation tab, Notes subtab, to provide information to other Design Studio users about the automation.

Enter the information you wish to provide in the field on this subtab.

Related Topics

Order Jeopardy Editor Automation Tab