Working with Jeopardy Notifications

A jeopardy notification is a message that you can configure in Design Studio to occur under specific conditions, and to be sent to specific users or systems. You can configure jeopardy notifications to be sent once, periodically, or when certain conditions arise in an order or task to alert users or systems of processes, orders, or tasks that may be at risk.

Jeopardies are rule-based. When you create a new jeopardy notification, you select a predefined rule that must evaluate to true before OSM can trigger the notification.

When working with jeopardy notifications, see the following topics:

Creating Jeopardy Notifications in the Order Jeopardy Editor

Create jeopardy notifications using the Order Jeopardy editor when you want the most flexibility in defining the jeopardy conditions to alert users or systems of orders that may be at risk.

To create a jeopardy notification:

  1. From the Studio menu, select New, select Order and Service Management, select Order Management, then select Order Jeopardy.

    The Order Jeopardy wizard is displayed.

  2. In the Project field, select the project in which to save the order jeopardy.

  3. In the Name field, enter a name for the order jeopardy.

    The name must be unique among order jeopardy entity types within the same namespace.

  4. In the Namespace field, select an existing namespace or enter a unique namespace in which to include the order jeopardy.

    Design Studio uses the last saved namespace as the default.

  5. (Optional) Select a location for the order jeopardy.

    By default, Design Studio saves the entity to your default workspace location. You can enter a folder name in the Folder field or select a location different from the system-provided default. To select a different location:

    1. Click the Folder field Browse button.

    2. Navigate to the directory in which to save the entity.

    3. Click OK.

  6. Click Finish.

    Design Studio adds the new order jeopardy to the Studio Projects view and opens the new entity in the Order Jeopardy editor.

  7. In the Details tab, configure the required fields, which are Target Order and Roles, as well as any optional fields appropriate for your situation.

    For more information about the fields in this tab, see "Order Jeopardy Editor Details Tab."

  8. In the Policy tab, configure the conditions under which the jeopardy should be raised.

    For more information about the fields in this tab, see "Order Jeopardy Editor Policy Tab."

  9. (Optional) In the Automation tab, configure the information about any automation that should be triggered when the jeopardy notification is raised.

    For more information about the fields in this tab, see "Order Jeopardy Editor Automation Tab."

Related Topics

Order Jeopardy Editor

Creating Jeopardy Notifications in the Task or Order Editor

Create jeopardy notifications when certain conditions arise in an order or task and you want to alert users or systems of processes, orders, or tasks that may be at risk.

You can also associate rules to jeopardy notifications that can trigger automations.


For order jeopardy notifications, the Order Jeopardy editor provides more functionality than jeopardy notifications configured in the Order editor. For more information, see "Creating Jeopardy Notifications in the Order Jeopardy Editor."

To create a jeopardy notification:

  1. In the Order editor or Task editor, click the Jeopardy tab.

  2. Under the Jeopardy column, click Add.

    The Jeopardy wizard is displayed.

  3. In the Name field, enter a name for the jeopardy.

    The name must be unique among notification entities in the same namespace.

  4. In the Rule field, select the rule that must evaluate to true before OSM can trigger this jeopardy notification.

    Design Studio uses the null_rule as the default value. Unless you select a different rule, OSM triggers this notification at run-time at the specified polling interval whenever the specified jeopardy conditions are met. See "Defining Order Rules" for more information about setting up new rules.

  5. In the Priority field, select a priority for the notification.

    1 is the highest priority. OSM evaluates jeopardies with the highest priority first. For notifications that are sent to external systems, this field represents the JMS queue priority.

  6. Select Enabled.

    You can deselect the Enable option if you want to include the rule in the cartridge but disable the rule at run-time. For example, you might use this feature during design or testing phases, or if you intend to implement the notification at a later time.

  7. Specify whether to send the notification to specific email accounts.

    By default, notifications appear in the Notifications page of the Task Web client. However, you can specify that notifications be sent to a user's email account by selecting the Email check box. You associate users with email accounts in Administrator.

    See OSM Order Management Web Client User's Guide for information about configuring email notification properties for user roles.

  8. Click Next.

  9. Specify the conditions under which the jeopardy notification should be triggered.

  10. Click Next.

  11. Select the roles to be notified when the jeopardy is triggered.

    See "Working with Roles" for more information.

  12. Click Next.

  13. Specify how often the OSM server should re-evaluate the jeopardy condition.

  14. Click Finish.

    The jeopardy notification is added to the order or task, as appropriate.

    You can edit or add any jeopardy notification attributes at any time by navigating to the Jeopardy subtabs.

  15. In the order Jeopardy column, select the jeopardy for which you want to add an automation plug-in.

  16. In the Automation column, click Add.

    The Add Automation dialog box is displayed, which enables you to create the automation plug-in.

  17. Enter a name for the automation plug-in, select the appropriate Automation Type from the available list, and click OK.

    The newly created plug-in is displayed in the Automation column.

  18. Select the automation plug-in.

    When you select the automation plug-in, Design Studio displays its Properties tab. Use the subtabs to configure the plug-in. The tabs will vary depending on the type of plug-in selected.

    See "Configuring Automation Plug-In Properties" for more information.

  19. For Order jeopardy, if the automation plug-in has an OSM user in the automation plug-in Run As property field with more than one role, click Select from the View field to choose a query task view to use for the automation plug-in. If only one default query task exists in the Order editor Permissions tab, then Design Studio automatically associates it with new automations.

Related Topics

Order Editor Jeopardy Tab

Task Editor Jeopardy Tab

Working with Orders

Working with Tasks