Order Editor

Use the Order editor to model order attributes, such as the order data, behaviors, rules, properties, and permissions. Every order you create must also be associated with an order lifecycle policy. See "Working with Order Lifecycle Policies" for more information.

When working with the Order editor, see the following topics:

Order Editor Order Template Tab

Use the Order editor Order Template tab to model all of the data necessary to provision the order. You can drag data from the Dictionary view into the Order Template area, or right-click in the Order Template area to select data from the Data Dictionary dialog box. The following table describes the fields on the Order Editor Order Template tab.

Field Use
Order Template Contains all of the data necessary to fulfill or provision an order. This area represents a template from which you can select the data nodes that tasks require during the fulfillment or provisioning process.

To hide all data elements related to control data (the reserved ControlData area that OSM uses for executing orchestration), deselect the Show Control Data check box.

See "About the Order Template Context Menu" for descriptions of other actions you can perform in the Order Template context menu.

Behaviors Displays all of the behaviors defined for each data node in the order template. Select a data node in the Order Template area to view the behaviors defined the node, or to create new behaviors. When defining behaviors at the order level, you can use the Order editor Order Template tab to create the behavior, the Behavior Properties tabs to refine the behavior information, and the Order editor Behaviors tab to quickly view all of the behaviors defined for a task. See "Defining Order Behaviors" for more information.

When modeling order data, see the following topics for additional information:

Related Topics

Defining Order Data

Properties View Order Data Tab

Use the Properties view Order Data tab to access and edit the information defined for the corresponding data element at the order template level. You can right-click any attribute in the Order editor Order Template field and select Open Properties View to open the Properties view Order Data tab. The following table describes the fields on the Properties view Order Data tab.

Field Use
Name The system displays the name of the node as defined in the Data Dictionary. The name of the node is not available for edit on this tab. You can edit the value in the Display Name field in the Data Schema editor Details subtab to edit the manner in which the element displays in the Task Web client.
Path The system displays an XPath expression to define the location of the node in the Data Dictionary.
Contributing Template Displays the parent structure when the selected structure has been extended from a base structure.

During order creation, you can base new orders on the functionality of an existing order by using the extend feature. When you extend an order, the extended order inherits all of the data, tasks, rules, and behaviors of the parent order.

You can add new data and behaviors to each of the new orders to create unique order templates and behavior functionality. To implement changes to the inherited data, you edit the data in the parent order, and Design Studio automatically implements those changes among all of the extended orders.See "About Order Extensions and Inheritance" for more information.

Additionally, the contributing template can reflect that the data node was contributed by an order component.

Data Dictionary The system displays the name of the data schema (within the Data Dictionary) in which the node is defined.
XML Type Select to signify that the structure is an XML data type. Structures defined as XML data types in the Data Dictionary can contain XML documents.

Note: Before you use XML data types, copy all relevant schema (XSD) files into the cartridge project. Use the Java perspective Package Explorer view to copy the schema files into the dataDictionary folder.

Note: This feature is not available in releases prior to OSM 7.0.

See the Eclipse Java Development User Guide for more information about the Java perspective.

Significance By default, a node inherits significance from its parent. At the order level, you can define the significance as Not Significant if you do not want to use the node during amendment processing.

During amendment processing, the OSM system compensates only for order instances that use significant data elements as inputs. If an element is not specified as significant, the system updates the order only with the changed data (no compensation is required). Data significance is supported at the Data Dictionary, the order template, and the task levels.

Ignore rollback during undo There may be data on an order or task that you want to exclude from rollback in cases when the order or task is running in undo mode. For example, you may want to retain data related to status messages when a task rolls back during a fallout scenario where the status messages may contain important troubleshooting information. If you set this value for a structure, all child structures and elements also ignore rollback during the undo execution mode.

You typically set this value for data generated during order processing, for example, with external fulfillment state updates, external processing states updates, or status nodes for external response messages. Oracle recommends that you not set this value for data from the upstream system, for example, from the original order.

Oracle recommends that when you set this value, you also set the significance value to Not Significant.

Note: Do not set this value for ControlData fulfillment state and processing state elements because OSM calculates these elements based on data received from external system where Ignore rollback during undo is appropriate to set.

Related Topics

Defining Order Data

Order Editor Order Template Tab

Properties View Dictionary Tab

Use the Properties view Dictionary tab to access and edit the information defined for the corresponding data element at the order template level. You can right-click any attribute in the Order Template area and select Open Properties View to access and edit the information defined for the corresponding data element at the order template level. The following table describes the fields on the Properties view Dictionary tab.

Field Use
Name The system displays the name of the node as defined in the Data Dictionary. The name of the node is not available for edit. You can edit the value in the Display Name field in the Data Schema editor Details subtab to edit the manner in which the element displays in the Task Web client.
Display Name You can associate the display name with a specific language by using the optional language attribute. Only those languages defined appear as options. For more information about defining languages for use in OSM, see "Defining OSM Preferences".
Type Displays the data element type. This field is read only.
Max Length Specify the maximum number of units of length for a string element type. You must define the maximum length with a non-negative integer.
Minimum Select the number of times the global element referenced can appear in an instance document. Select 0 if you want the element to be optional.
Maximum Select the maximum number of times the global element referenced can appear. Select unbounded to indicate there is no maximum number of occurrences.
Path The system displays an XPath expression to define the location of the node in the Data Dictionary.
Namespace Identifies the namespace in which this cartridge exists, and identifies the cartridge version within the namespace, if applicable.

Related Topics

Defining Order Data

Order Editor Order Template Tab

Properties View Key Tab

Use the Properties view Key tab to access and edit the key information defined for the corresponding data element at the order template level. You can right-click any attribute in the Order Template area and select Open Properties View to access and edit the information defined for the corresponding data element at the order template level. The following table describes the fields on the Properties view Key tab.

Field Use

XPath Expression

If this node is a multi-instance data node, you can specify one or more order data keys to uniquely match the data instance from an revision order to a data instance on the current order data.

The order data key of a node must be an XPath that points to data within its scope. If the node is a group node, the XPath expression must point to its children nodes; if the node is a value node, it can only point to itself. If no keys are defined, OSM uses the relative position of the changed data when comparing the revision order data with the current order data.

You can select a data element from the Order editor Order Template tab and drag the selected data node into the XPath Expression field to define the XPath expression.

Note: XPath uses path expressions to select data nodes in XML documents. A path expression with a single dot (.) represents the current node. Two dots (..) represents the parent of the current node. A slash (/) represents the root node.

XPath and XQuery fields are limited to 4000 characters.

Related Topics

Defining Order Data

Order Editor Order Template Tab

Properties View Usage Tab

Use the Properties View Usage tab to view in which tasks and cartridges the corresponding data element is defined. You can right-click any attribute in the Order Template area and select Open Properties View to access and edit the information defined for the corresponding data element at the order template level.

Select any row in the table and click Open to open the task in the appropriate editor.

Related Topics

Defining Order Data

Order Editor Order Template Tab

Order Editor Behaviors Tab

Click the Order editor Behaviors tab to quickly view all of the behaviors defined for the data nodes in an order. The Behaviors table displays the name and type of the behavior, whether the behavior is enabled, the inheritance properties, the path name of the data node on which the behavior is defined, and the order where the behavior was originally defined.

The information on the Order editor Behaviors tab is read only. To change the information that appears on this tab, select a behavior from the table and click the Properties button to access the Behaviors Properties tabs. See "Working with Behaviors" for more information about defining behavior properties.

Related Topics

Defining Order Behaviors

Working with Orders

Order Editor Details Tab

Use the Order editor Details tab to define the order attributes that you use to associate the order with other entities, enabling the order to execute correctly in the OSM run-time environment. The following table describes the fields on the Order editor Details tab.

Field Use
Extends You can select an existing or create a new order to extend this order (the order's data is inherited) by clicking the Select button. To create a new order that this order would be an extension of, click New. After you have selected or created an order, click Open to access the Order editor. Click Clear (red X) to clear the selected value from the field.

Order data extensibility enables you to leverage order data when building new, similar orders.

Lifecycle Policy Select an existing or create a new lifecycle policy to control which order state/transaction combinations a role can perform for this order type. Every order you create within Design Studio must be associated with an order lifecycle policy.
Default Process Select an existing or create a new process to which the order is submitted.

When the selected default process is an orchestration process, Design Studio looks for the Data Dictionary project OracleComms_OSM_CommonDataDictionary, which contains definitions of common OSM structures such as control data, base order item data elements, base function data elements, and so on. If the Data Dictionary does not exist, you will be prompted to import it. After the Data Dictionary is imported, Design Studio automatically attaches base control data such as ControlData/Functions and ControlData/OrderItem from the imported Data Dictionary to the order.

Order Item Identifies whether an order item specification is associated with the order through the following relationship: Order > Orchestration Process > Orchestration Sequence > Order Item Specification.

If no process (or a provisioning process) is associated with the order, None is displayed.

If an orchestration process is associated with the order but there is no association with an order item through the relationship path, No Order Item Configured is displayed.

Creation Task Select an existing or create a new task to create and submit the order before the workflow begins.

The creation task defines which subset of data is required to create the order.

When at the creation task, an order has not been submitted to a process and has had no work completed. The creation task has two associated states, submit and cancel. Additionally, you can define statuses for the creation task on the Task editor States/Statuses tab.

You need a creation task for any order creation (manual, automated, etc.). If you want to enable behaviors when creating an order, select manual tasks as creation tasks for an order.

If the order associated with the creation task is defined as amendable (on the Order editor Amendable tab), do not include optional fields in the creation task as this can cause unexpected results. When including optional fields in the creation task, the original order is submitted with all optional fields left empty. The optional fields are later populated during task execution. When a revision order is submitted with the optional fields now populated, the system treats the optional fields on the revision as different instances of the fields from the ones populated on the original order and OSM triggers compensation.

Note: You can automate order creation using the XML API or the Web Service interface. See OSM Developer's Guide for more information.

Order Source Enter an order source for the order if you would like it to be different from the order name. In the order structure, there are separate fields for order source and order type. If you leave this field blank, both fields on the order will default to the order name when the cartridge is built. If you enter a value in this field, it will be used for the order source field, and the order name will continue to be used for the order type.
Order Source Description Enter a description of the order source if desired. If this value is not entered, it will be defaulted to the order name when the cartridge is built. This description will be displayed in the Task Web client.
Priority Range Specify a minimum and maximum priority for the order to execute within. For example, if you specify a range of 5-7 and the order is created with a priority of less than 5, the priority value will be rounded up to 5. If the order is created with a priority of more than 7, the priority value will be rounded down to 7.
Realizes If this order is a concrete implementation of a Functional Area from the PSR model, click Select to select the Functional Area.

If a Functional Area has been defined for the order, you can click Open to open the Functional Area.

This association can also be defined in the Functional Area. See "About Functional Areas" for more information.

Related Topics

Defining Order Details

Working with Orders

Order Editor Amendable Tab

Use the Order editor Amendable tab to configure the order to allow amendment processing. The following table describes the options on the Order editor Amendable tab.

Options Use
Not Amendable Select to indicate that there can be no amendment processing against this order.
Amendable Select to allow amendment processing against this order.
Key Specify an order key as an XPath to a node that will uniquely match an amended order to its corresponding OSM order.

For example, you might specify a customer reference ID as an XPath using the following expression:


Alternatively, you can select a data node from the Data Element view and drag the selected data node into the XPath Expressions field to define the XPath expression. To drag a data node into the XPath Expressions field, press and hold the Alt key before you select and drag the data node to the field.

Note: XPath uses path expressions to select data nodes in XML documents. A path expression with a single dot (.) represents the current node. Two dots (..) represents the parent of the current node. A slash (/) represents the root node.

XPath and XQuery fields are limited to 4000 characters.

Events Select one or more events to be published at run time for this order type. OSM events are sent to the JMS destination OrderStateChange.Event queue and are published as topics. External systems can subscribe to this queue and retrieve the published events.
Amendment Abandoned Select to publish this event when multiple amendments have been sent to OSM and an amendment has rendered an earlier version of amendment unnecessary.

If an amendment is in progress, OSM puts any subsequent amendments in a queue for processing. If multiple amendments have been sent to OSM, the server processes the next amendment in the queue by selecting the highest version (optionally defined in the Version field) or the amendment with the most recent timestamp if no version has been defined. When multiple amendments are queued, the OSM server processes only the most recent amendment.

Amendment Completed Select to publish this event when amendment processing has completed.
Amendment Started Select to publish this event when amendment processing begins for any revision order.
State Change Select to publish this event when the order transitions from one state to another.
Order Created Select to publish this event when the order is created in OSM.
Order Removed Select to publish this event when the order has been deleted.
Version Specify the version as an XPath to a node that will return a numeric value representing the version of an amended order.

Amendments with higher versions are considered to be more recent than amendments with lower versions. If there are multiple queued amended orders for the same original order, OSM processes only the most recent amendment version.

You can select and drag a data node from the Data Element view into the XPath Expressions field to define the XPath expression. To drag a data node into the XPath Expressions field, press and hold the Alt key before you select and drag the data node to the field.

Note: XPath uses path expressions to select data nodes in XML documents. A path expression with a single dot (.) represents the current node. Two dots (..) represents the parent of the current node. A slash (/) represents the root node.

XPath and XQuery fields are limited to 4000 characters.

Order Editor Rules Tab

Use the Order editor Rules tab to create rule definitions at the order level. When modeling rules, see "Properties View Rules Expression Tab" for more information. The following table describes the fields on the Order editor Rules Definition tab. The Order editor Rules Comments tab and the Order editor Rules Notes tab are blank fields.

Field Use
Condition When defining multiple rule expressions, each rule expression is separated by an And or an Or.

And is the default value, and indicates that both the expression before and the expression after And must evaluate to true if the rule is to evaluate to true. Use Or to indicate that either the expression before or the expression after Or can evaluate to true if the rule is to evaluate to true.

Data Enter the XPath expression to identify the location of the data node.

You can also select a data node from the Data Element view and drag the selected data node into the Data field to define the XPath expression. To drag the selected data node into the Data field, press and hold the Alt key before you select and drag the data node to the field.

Note: XPath uses path expressions to select data nodes in XML documents. A path expression with a single dot (.) represents the current node. Two dots (..) represents the parent of the current node. A slash (/) represents the root node.

XPath and XQuery fields are limited to 4000 characters.

Operator Select an operator from the list.

Note: When selecting an operator from the Operator field of the Order editor Rules tab, all possible operators are displayed, whether or not they are valid. To ensure only valid operators are displayed, choose an operator from the Properties view Rules Expression tab. The options available in the Properties view Rules Expression tab in the Operator field depend on the data type used in the Data field. See "Properties View Rules Expression Tab" for more information.

Data/Value Enter an XPath expression or enter a fixed value.

You can select a data node from the Order Template tab and drag the selected data node into the Data/Value field to define the XPath expression. To drag the selected data node into the Data/Value field, press and hold the Alt key before you select and drag the data node to the field.

Note: XPath uses path expressions to select data nodes in XML documents. A path expression with a single dot (.) represents the current node. Two dots (..) represents the parent of the current node. A slash (/) represents the root node.

XPath and XQuery fields are limited to 4000 characters.

Properties View Rules Expression Tab

Use the Properties view Rules Expression tab to define rule expressions. To access the Rules Expression tab, select a rule attribute on the Order editor Rules tab Definition tab and click Properties.

The fields on the Rules Expression tab are identical to those on the Definition tab. However, the options that are available for the Value field and the Operator lookup list on the Rules Expression tab change depending on the element type. For example, if you select an element that is a lookup type, the values that you defined in the Data Dictionary for this element appear as available options in the list. If you define a datetime element, the options available enable you to define a system datetime or a calendar datetime.

Related Topics

Defining Order Rules

Working with Orders

Order Editor Fallouts Tab

Use the Order editor Fallouts tab to create new order fallouts. You associate data nodes with the fallout and review the values for those data nodes in the Order Management Web client when the corresponding fallout occurs for an order. The following table describes the fields on the Order editor Fallouts tab.

Field Use
Display Name You can associate the fallout display name at the order template level to a specific language by using the optional language attribute. Only those languages defined on the Oracle Design Studio dialog box appear as options. For more information about defining languages for use in OSM, see "Defining Language Preferences".
Name Click Add to open the Add Fallout dialog box, where you can create a new fallout category to associate with the order. Select any fallout category defined in the Name column and click Rename to specify a different fallout name, or click Remove to delete the fallout category from the list.
Nodes Associate the data nodes whose values you will want to review (in the Order Management Web client) when this fallout occurs.

Click the corresponding Add button to open the Order Template Node Selection dialog box, where you can select one or multiple data nodes to associate with the fallout. Select any data node and click Remove to delete the node from the list.

Related Topics

Defining Order Fallout

Order Editor Fallout Groups Tab

Order Editor Fallout Groups Tab

Use the Order editor Fallout Groups tab to link similar types of fallouts together. You associate data nodes with the fallout and review the values for those data nodes in the Order Management Web client when the corresponding fallout occurs for an order. The following table describes the fields on the Order editor Fallout Groups tab.

Field Use
Display Name You can associate the fallout group display name at the order template level to a specific language by using the optional language attribute. Only those languages defined on the Oracle Design Studio dialog box appear as options. For more information about defining languages for use in OSM, see "Defining Language Preferences".
Name Click Add to open the Add Fallout Group dialog box, where you can create a new fallout group to associate with the order. Select any fallout group defined in the Name column and click Rename to specify a different fallout group name, or click Remove to delete the fallout group from the list.
Fallouts Associate the fallout groups whose values you will want to review (in the Order Management Web client) when this fallout occurs.

Click the corresponding Add button to open the Order Select Fallouts dialog box, where you can select one or multiple data fallouts to associate with the fallout group. Select any fallout and click Remove to delete the fallout from the list.

Related Topics

Defining Order Fallout

Order Editor Fallouts Tab

Order Editor Notification Tab

Use the Order editor Notification tab to create order data changed notifications. Order data changed notifications are triggered by changes to order data.


This feature is not available in releases prior to OSM 7.0.

When modeling order data changed notifications, see the following topics:

The above tabs apply to existing event notifications in the list. Until you add an event notification (by clicking Add), they are not accessible.

Order Editor Notification Details Tab

Use the Order editor Notification Details tab to name the notification, set the priority level, enable or disable the notification, and specify whether to send the notification by email. The following table describes the fields on the Order editor Notification tab.


This feature is not available in releases prior to OSM 7.0.
Field Use
Name Enter a name to identify the notification.
Priority Enter a priority from 1 to 255 (1 is the highest priority). The notification with the highest priority is evaluated first.
Enabled Select to enable this notification, or deselect the option if you intend to implement the notification at a later time.
Email Select to send email notifications to all users in the workgroup associated with the specified role.

When you assign users to a workgroup in the OSM Administration area of the Order Management Web Client, you can set up OSM to notify users by email when a notification occurs with the notification ID number.

See OSM Order Management Web Client User's Guide for information about configuring email notification properties for user roles.

Note: Order-data-changed notifications are intended to update external systems with status updates when a specific data node in the order data is updated with a new value. The OSM server does not send order-data-changed event notifications to Task Web client Notifications pages. When notifying users, the server sends these notifications to email addresses only.

Related Topics

Creating Order Data Changed Notifications

Working with Event Notifications

Working with Orders

Order Editor Notification Notify Roles Tab

Use the Order editor Notification Notify Roles tab to select the roles to be notified when the notification occurs.


This feature is not available in releases prior to OSM 7.0.

Select a predefined notification from the list in the Available column to activate a list of available roles. For information about defining roles, see "Working with Roles". Using the directional arrow buttons, move the roles (those groups to whom you want the notification sent) into the Selected column.

If the notification is sent to an external system via an automation plug-in, ensure that you include the role whose credentials are used when running the automation plug-in. See "Working with Automated Tasks" for more information.

Related Topics

Creating Order Data Changed Notifications

Working with Jeopardy Notifications

Working with Orders

Order Editor Notification Data Changed Tab

Use the Order editor Notification Data Changed tab to identify the data node for which changes to the value triggers the data change notification. All of the data nodes visible in the order template (defined on the Order editor Order Template tab) are available as options.

Click Add to open the Order Template Node Selection dialog box, where you can select the data node. Select any node defined in the Nodes column and click Remove to delete the node from the list.


This feature is not available in releases prior to OSM 7.0.

Related Topics

Creating Order Data Changed Notifications

Working with Event Notifications

Working with Orders

Order Editor Notification Automation Tab

Use the Notification Automation tab to configure an automation plug-in that performs the work or sends data to an external system when the notification is triggered. The following table describes the fields on the Order editor Notification Automation tab.


This feature is not available in releases prior to OSM 7.0.
Field Use
Name Enter a name for the automation plug-in.
Automation Type Select the automation plug-in type from the available list.

Click OK to add the automation entry to the Automation table.

View Click an automation, and click Select in the View field to choose a query task to use with the automation.

You must define an OSM user in the automation plug-in Run As field to run the automation plug-in and configure one or more roles and default query tasks using the Order editor Permissions tab. Associate the roles with the OSM user using the OSM Administration area of the Order Management Web Client.

If the Run As OSM user has more than one role, each with a different default query task, then multiple query task views are available to run the automation plug-in. You can select a query task to allow OSM to predictably use one query view to run the automation plug-in.

If the query task view has already been selected, click Open to view the query task. To create a new query task, click New to start the New Studio Entity wizard.

Note: You must configure the View field if you are creating an OSM 7.2 (or later) cartridge. You can deploy older cartridges with the OSM 7.2 (or later) server, but random selection of query task views may occur if an OSM user has more than one role, each with a different default query task.


For more information about defining automation properties on the Properties tab, see "Configuring Automation Plug-In Properties".

Related Topics

Creating Order Data Changed Notifications

Working with Event Notifications

Working with Orders

Order Editor Notification Notes Tab

Use the Order editor Notification Notes tab to denote the intended use of the notification or any additional information that you want to append to the notification data.


This feature is not available in releases prior to OSM 7.0.

Related Topics

Creating Order Data Changed Notifications

Working with Event Notifications

Working with Orders

Order Editor Permissions Tab

Use the Order editor Permissions tab to assign roles to the order and to customize the role settings. The following table describes the fields on the Order editor Permissions tab.

Field Use
Roles Add the roles who will have access to this order type in the Task Web client. Click Select to select from existing roles or New to create a new role. To view permissions for existing roles, select the role and click Open. The system displays the role in the Role editor, where you can view the permissions assigned to the role. Select a role and click Remove if you want to delete an associated role from the task.

When modeling order permissions, see the following topics for more information:

Related Topics

Working with Roles

Order Editor Permissions Tab

Assigning Order Permissions

Order Editor Permissions Details Tab

You use the Order editor Permissions Details tab to enable roles to create orders of this type and to define the flexible headers available to Task Web client users. The following table describes the fields on the Order editor Permissions Details tab.

Field Use
Create Orders Select to enable the associated role to create this order type.
Flexible Header Flexible headers are additional columns of data that Task Web client users can add (through the preferences settings) to their Worklist, Notification, and Query view lists.

You define which data nodes the users can add in the Flexible Header field. The roles associated with the order can add these data nodes to their view lists so that they can view the data without having to access the corresponding editor.

Click the Add button to access a list of data elements defined in the order template. The Description name you enter appears in the column header of the Task Web client Worklist, Notifications, and Query views.

Note: If you change the flexible headers and re-deploy the cartridges while users are logged in to the OSM Web clients, users may have to log out and log back in to see the changes.


Flexible headers are displayed as lookup lists or as range fields. If flexible headers are enumerated by the designer, they are displayed as lookup lists. If they are not enumerated, they are displayed as range fields.

When entering data into range fields, either enter data only in the From field or enter data in both the From and To fields. Filling only the From field queries only that exact data; filling both the From and To fields queries the range entered.

See "Enumerations Tab" and "Settings Tab" for more information about creating lookup lists and range fields.

Related Topics

Assigning Order Permissions

Order Editor Permissions Tab

Order Editor Permissions Filters Tab

Use the Order editor Permissions Filters tab to limit the orders a role can view.

Click Add to open the Order Template Node Selection dialog box, where you can select the data node to filter on. To remove a filter, select any filter node defined in the Filters table and click Remove to delete the filter node from the list.

To specify filter values for a filter node, select it and click Properties. Modify values in the Filter Expression editor to configure your filter. For example, if you want a role to view orders only from Paris, select the data element city from the order template, and click Properties. In the Filter Expression editor, select the = operator, and enter Paris in the Value field. You can also filter using And/Or combinations. For example, if you want a role to view orders from either Paris or London, add another similar line separated by Or and specify London. The following table describes the fields on the Order editor Permissions Filters tab.

Field Use
Condition When defining multiple rule expressions, each rule expression is separated by an And or an Or.

Or is the default value, and indicates that either the expression before or the expression after Or can evaluate to true if the rule is to evaluate to true. Use And to indicate that both the expression before and the expression after And must evaluate to true if the rule is to evaluate to true.

Data Enter the XPath expression to identify the location of the data node.

You can also select a data node from the Data Element view and drag the selected data node into the Data field to define the XPath expression. To drag the selected data node into the Data field, press and hold the Alt key before you select and drag the data node to the field.

Note: XPath uses path expressions to select data nodes in XML documents. A path expression with a single dot (.) represents the current node. Two dots (..) represents the parent of the current node. A slash (/) represents the root node.

XPath and XQuery fields are limited to 4000 characters.

Operator Select an operator from the list. The options available in the Operator field depend on the data type used in the Data field.
Data/Value Enter an XPath expression or enter a fixed value.

You can select a data node from the Order Template tab and drag the selected data node into the Data/Value field to define the XPath expression. To drag the selected data node into the Data/Value fields, press and hold the Alt key before you select and drag the data node to the field.

Note: XPath uses path expressions to select data nodes in XML documents. A path expression with a single dot (.) represents the current node. Two dots (..) represents the parent of the current node. A slash (/) represents the root node.

XPath and XQuery fields are limited to 4000 characters.

Related Topics

Assigning Order Permissions

Order Editor Permissions Tab

Order Editor Permissions Query Tasks Tab

Use the Order editor Permissions Query Tasks tab to select the task that will generate the query view used by Task Web client users. You can select any manual, automated, or activation task already defined, or create a new task specifically for the run-time query. The following table describes the fields on the Order editor Permissions Query tab.

Field Use
Name Select the task that will generate the query view used by Task Web client users.

At run time, the OSM server returns a specific set of data when you use the search query functionality in the Task Web client. You determine which data set the OSM server returns by creating or selecting a query task. The data associated with the task that you select here will be the data returned to you from the run-time query.

You can select a task that you use elsewhere in processes, or you can create a task that is used only for run-time queries. You can associate multiple query tasks with each order and define each task as the Summary view, the Detail view, or the Default view.

Summary Select to display the corresponding task data set in the Order Management Web client Summary tab. The Summary tab provides a selection of the most important information about the selected order, component, or item and appears when you open the Order Details page. You can include data from multiple query tasks in the Summary tab. The Order Management Web client displays on the Summary tab all of the data from all of the tasks for which you specify the Summary option.
Details Select to display the task data set in the Order Management Web client Data tab. The tasks for which you select this option appear as choices in the Order Management Web client Data tab View field. You can specify that multiple tasks appear as options in the View field; each option will present the Web client user with a different view, each containing a specific set of data.
Default Select to specify that the OSM server displays this task data set when returning search queries in the Task Web client.

Select this option when configuring query tasks for cartridges intended for OSM 6.3.1 environments. You can select only one query task as the default option.

Related Topics

Assigning Order Permissions

Order Editor Permissions Tab

Properties View Filter Expression Tab

Use the Order editor Properties view Filter Expression tab to define rule expressions. To access the Filter Expression tab, select a conditional expression on the Order editor Permissions Filter tab and click Properties.

The fields on the Filter Expression tab are identical to those on the Order editor Permissions Filters tab. When you select values on this tab, they appear in the Order editor Permissions Filter tab. See "Order Editor Permissions Filters Tab" for more information.

Related Topics

Assigning Order Permissions

Order Editor Permissions Tab

Order Editor Jeopardy Tab

Use the Order editor Jeopardy tab to create jeopardy notifications when certain conditions arise in an order and you want to alert users or systems of processes, orders, or tasks that may be at risk.

When modeling jeopardy notifications, see the following topics:

Order Editor Jeopardy Details Tab

Use the Order editor Jeopardy Details tab to name the jeopardy, select the notification rule, set the priority level, enable or disable the notification, and specify whether to send the notification by email. The following table describes the fields on the Order editor Jeopardy Details tab.

Field Use
Name Enter a name to identify the jeopardy.
Rule Select the rule the system should evaluate before generating this jeopardy. This field defaults to the system-based null_rule.

If you do not change the default value, OSM will always trigger this notification at the specified polling interval. See "Defining Order Rules" for more information about setting up new rules.

Priority Enter a priority from 1 to 255 (1 is the highest priority). The notification with the highest priority is evaluated first.
Enabled Select to enable this jeopardy notification, or deselect the option if you intend to implement the notification at a later time.
Email Select to send email notifications to all users in the workgroup associated with the specified role.

By default, notifications appear in the Notifications page of the Task Web client. However, you can specify that notifications be sent by email by selecting the Email check box.

When you assign users to a workgroup in the OSM Administration area of the Order Management Web Client, you can set up OSM to notify users by email. When a notification occurs, the system sends a notification ID number through email.

See OSM Order Management Web Client User's Guide for information about configuring email notification properties for user roles. See OSM Installation Guide for information about configuring the outgoing email server.

Related Topics

Creating Jeopardy Notifications in the Task or Order Editor

Working with Jeopardy Notifications

Working with Orders

Order Editor Jeopardy Conditions Tab

Use the Order editor Jeopardy Conditions tab to select the conditions under which the jeopardy should be raised. For example, you can raise a jeopardy when this order exceeds the expected or a given duration or when the order is received within a certain number of days. The following table describes the fields on the Order editor Jeopardy Conditions tab.

Field Use
Order State Select the state that the order must be in before the jeopardy notification is triggered: In Progress or Completed.
Raise a Jeopardy when the order is received within This field is available only when you have selected In Progress in the Order State field. For orders that are in progress, you can raise a jeopardy if the order has been received and has exceeded the time interval defined in the adjacent field.
Raise a Jeopardy when the order is completed within This field is available only when you have selected Completed in the Order State field. For orders that are completed, you can raise a jeopardy if the order has been completed and has exceeded the time interval defined in the adjacent field.
Raise a Jeopardy when Process Duration Exceeds After selecting this field, select either Expected Duration or Given Duration to raise a jeopardy if the process to which the order is associated has exceeded the expected duration of the order (defined on the Order editor Details tab) or given duration, specified by the time interval defined in the adjacent field.

Order Editor Jeopardy Notify Roles Tab

Use the Order editor Jeopardy Notify Roles tab to select the roles to be notified when the jeopardy occurs.

Select a predefined jeopardy from the list in the left column to activate a list of available roles. For information about defining roles, see "Working with Roles". Using the directional arrow buttons, move the roles (those groups to whom you want the notification sent) from the Available column into the Selected column.

If the jeopardy notification is sent to an external system via an automation plug-in, ensure that you include the role whose credentials are used when running the automation plug-in. See "Configuring Automation Plug-In Properties" for more information.

Related Topics

Creating Jeopardy Notifications in the Task or Order Editor

Working with Jeopardy Notifications

Working with Orders

Order Editor Jeopardy Polling Tab

Use the Order editor Jeopardy Polling tab to select the interval at which the OSM server evaluates the condition that triggers the jeopardy notification. You can define the polling so that the system checks for the condition only once, or you can define the polling at hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly intervals. The following table describes the fields on the Order editor Jeopardy Polling tab.

Field Use
Interval Select the interval at which the OSM server evaluates the condition that triggers the jeopardy notification. Select Once if you want the system to check for the condition only once when the order is received. When you select Once, the system disregards the Next Start field.

Use the Hours, Days, and Months fields to define a specific interval at which the OSM server evaluates the condition that triggers the jeopardy notification. For example, if you want the system to check for the condition every two days, select the Day(s) option and, from the list, select 2.

Next Start Select the date and time that you want the notification to begin checking. You can specify a date for any polling interval. The system uses the current date and time as the default value.

Related Topics

Creating Jeopardy Notifications in the Task or Order Editor

Working with Jeopardy Notifications

Working with Orders

Order Editor Jeopardy Automation Tab

Use the Order editor Jeopardy Automation tab to configure an automation plug-in that performs the work or sends data to an external system when the jeopardy notification is triggered. OSM supports one automation plug-in per jeopardy.

You can also modify the properties of automation plug-ins. See "Configuring Automation Plug-In Properties" for more information about defining automation properties on the Properties tab.

The following table describes the fields on the Order editor Jeopardy Automation tab.

Field Use
Name Enter a name for the automation entry.
Automation Type Select the automation plug-in type from the available list.

Click OK to add the automation entry to the Jeopardy Automation table.

View Click an automation, and click Select in the View field to choose a query task to use with the automation.

You must define an OSM user in the automation plug-in Run As Property field to run the automation plug-in and configure one or more roles and default query tasks using the Order editor Permissions tab. Associate the roles with the OSM user using the OSM Administration area of the Order Management Web Client.

If the Run As OSM user has more than one role, each with a different default query task, then multiple query task views are available to run the automation plug-in. You can select a query task to allow OSM to predictably use one query view to run the automation plug-in.

If the query task view has already been selected, click Open to view the query task. To create a new query task, click New to start the New Studio Entity wizard.

See "Order Editor Permissions Query Tasks Tab" for more information about query tasks.

Note: You must configure the View field if you are creating an OSM 7.2 (or later) cartridge. You can deploy older cartridges with the OSM 7.2 (or later) server, but random selection of query task views may occur if an OSM user has more than one role, each with a different default query task.

Related Topics

Creating Jeopardy Notifications in the Task or Order Editor

Working with Jeopardy Notifications

Working with Orders

Order Editor Jeopardy Notes Tab

Use the Order editor Notes tab to denote the intended use of the notification or any additional information that you want to append to the jeopardy data.

Related Topics

Creating Jeopardy Notifications in the Task or Order Editor

Working with Jeopardy Notifications

Working with Orders

Order Editor Events Tab

Use the Order editor Events tab to create order milestone event notifications. You select the order milestone that triggers the automation and then configure the automation plug-in that will perform the work.

You can configure the properties of automations. See "Configuring Automation Plug-In Properties" for more information.

The following table describes the fields on the Order editor Events tab.

Field Use
Milestone The Milestone column displays the milestones for which you have defined automation events. When the order reaches the corresponding milestone, the OSM server triggers the automation event plug-in.
Name In the Automation column, the Name field displays the name of automation plug-in.
Automation Type Displays the automation plug-in type.

See "Working with Automation Plug-Ins" for more information.

View Click an automation, and click Select in the View field to choose a query task to use with the automation.

You must define an OSM user in the automation plug-in Run As Property field to run the automation plug-in and configure one or more roles and default query tasks using the Order editor Permissions tab. Associate the roles with the OSM user using the OSM Administration area of the Order Management Web Client.

If the Run As OSM user has more than one role, each with a different default query task, then multiple query task views are available to run the automation plug-in. You can select a query task to allow OSM to predictably use one query view to run the automation plug-in.

If only one default query task is available in the Order Editor Query Task tab, then this query task is automatically added to the View field when you create a new automation. See "Order Editor Permissions Query Tasks Tab" for more information.

If the query task view has already been selected, click Open to view the query task. To create a new query task, click New to start the New Studio Entity wizard.

Note: You must configure the View field if you are creating an OSM 7.2 (or later) cartridge. You can deploy older cartridges with the OSM 7.2 (or later) server, but random selection of query task views may occur if an OSM user has more than one role, each with a different default query task.

Related Topics

Creating Order Milestone and Task State Automation Event Notifications

Working with Event Notifications

Working with Orders

Order Editor Composite Data View Tab

Use the Order editor Composite Data View tab to display all of the data that is available to the order within the context of an OSM solution. The data in the Composite Data View tab is read only. The following table describes the fields on the Order editor Composite Data View tab.


The composite data view may have fewer data nodes than its corresponding order template view. For example, if a particular function is not included in the solution, its /ControlData/Functions/Order_Component_Name structure will not be in the composite data view.
Field Use
Solution Select the solution to display all of the order data associated with the solution.
Order Template Displays all of the data necessary to fulfill or provision an order within the context of a solution. You cannot modify any data that appears in the Order Template area.
Show Control Data By default, the check box is selected and all control data is shown. If the default process in the Details tab is an orchestration process, control data elements are created automatically and populated to the Order Template and Task Data areas.

Deselect the check box if you do not want to show control data.

Behaviors Displays all of the behaviors assigned to each data node. Select a data node in the Order Template area to view the behaviors assigned to the node. You cannot modify any behaviors that appear in the Behaviors area.

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Working with Composite Cartridge Views

Working with Composite Cartridge Projects