Assigning Order Permissions

When you assign permissions to orders, you define how specified roles can search for orders in the Task Web client, which fields of data they can see, whether the roles can add additional columns of data to their Worklist, Notification, and Query pages, and whether they can create orders of the associated type.

To assign order permissions:

  1. From the Studio menu, select Show Design Perspective.

  2. Click the Studio Projects tab.

  3. Double-click any order entity.

    The order displays in the Order editor.

  4. Click the Permissions tab.

    See "Order Editor Permissions Tab" for more information about the fields on this tab.

  5. Do one of the following:

    • To select from existing roles, click Select.

    • To create a new role, click New.

    See "Creating New Roles" for more information.

  6. (Optional) To view permissions for existing roles, select the role and click Open.

    The system displays the role in the Role editor, where you can view the permissions assigned to the role. You assign permissions to a role to give the users in that role access to related functions in the Task Web client. See "Role Editor Role Tab" for more information.

  7. (Optional) Select a role and click Remove if you want to delete an associated role from the task.

  8. (Optional) Click the Details tab.

    See "Order Editor Permissions Details Tab" for more information about the fields on this tab. On the Details tab, you can:

    • Enable the associated role to create this order type in the Task Web client by selecting Create Orders.

    • Define a set of flexible headers for Task Web client users.

      Flexible headers are additional columns of data that Task Web client users can add (through the preferences settings) to their Worklist, Notification, and Query pages. Click Add to select the data nodes that represent the flexible header columns. After adding a data node, select the name or description to edit those values.


      If you change the flexible headers and re-deploy the cartridges while users are logged in to the OSM Web clients, users may have to log out and log back in to see the changes.
  9. (Optional) Limit the orders a role can view.

    To limit the orders a role can view:

    1. Click the Filters tab.

      See "Order Editor Permissions Filters Tab" for more information about the fields on this tab.

    2. Click Add.

      The Order Template Node Selection dialog box is displayed.

    3. Select the data node on which to define the condition that limits the orders the role can view.


      If you apply a filter to a multi-instance data element, the filter will always be evaluated based on the first instance of the data. It is not possible to specify another instance of the data element to use.
    4. Click the Properties button.

      The Filter Expressions tab is displayed, where you can define values for the fields on the Filters tab. See "Properties View Filter Expression Tab" for more information.

    5. In the Data field, enter the XPath expression to identify the location of the data node.

      You can also select a data node from the Data Element view and drag the selected data node into the Data field to define the XPath expression. To drag a data node into the Filter Expressions tab, press and hold the Alt key before you select and drag the data node to the field. Click the corresponding Select button to select a different data node.

    6. In the Operator field, select an operator from the list.

      The options available in the Operator field depend on the data type used in the Data field.

    7. Select either the Data option button or the Value option button to specify the expression that the condition evaluates against.

    8. In the Order editor Filters tab, click Add to add another expression to the rule.

      Each condition is separated by either And or Or (And is the default).

  10. Click the Query Task tab.

    Use the Query Task tab to select the task that will generate the query view used by Task Web client users.

    When selecting query tasks:

    • Click New to create a new query task and add the task to the order.

    • Click Add to add an existing task to the order.

    • Select any task and click Open to review the task in the Task editor.

      You can associate multiple query tasks with an order, and define each task as the Summary view, the Detail view, or the Default view. See "Order Editor Permissions Query Tasks Tab" for more information about the fields on this tab.

  11. Click Save.

Related Topics

Order Editor Permissions Details Tab

Order Editor Permissions Filters Tab

Working with Orders