Studio Environment Editor

Use the Studio Environment editor to define the run-time environment connection information, to define the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) keystore file location, and to review and edit the cartridge and model variables defined for the cartridge.

When defining run-time environment connection information, see the following topics:

Studio Environment Editor Connection Tab

Use the Studio Environment editor Connection tab to define the connection parameter necessary to connect to the run-time environment.

Field Use
Address Enter the WebLogic IP address (or the fully qualified domain name if DNS is enabled) and port necessary to connect to the OSM run-time environment.

During initial OSM installation, the OSM installer program connects to a running Oracle WebLogic server to automatically deploy the cartridge_management_ws.ear file, which contains the Cartridge Management Web service that enables you to connect to OSM from Design Studio. In the Studio Environment editor Address field, Design Studio displays a default destination URL for this Oracle WebLogic server. However, you must edit the IP address/server name and port number to match your own server address configuration:



IPAddressOrQualifiedDomanName is the IP address or server name of the Oracle WebLogic server that you connected to during installation and port is the Oracle WebLogic server port number configured to receive Web requests.

Note: If you are deploying to a clustered environment, specify the proxy server for IPAddressOrQualifiedDomanName

See OSM Installation Guide for more information about installing OSM and connecting to Oracle WebLogic servers.

Related Topics

Testing Run-Time Environment Connectivity

Studio Environment Editor

Studio Environment Editor SSL Tab

Use the Studio Environment editor SSL tab to encrypt your cartridge data prior to deployment.


Before you deploy cartridges from Design Studio using an SSL connection, you must enable SSL in the WebLogic server to ensure that the Cartridge Management Web Service accepts the SSL connection. See Design Studio System Administrator's Guide for more information.
Field Use
Keystore Identify the location of your keystore file. The keystore is a file (encrypted with a password) that contains private keys and trusted certificates.

Studio Environment Editor Properties Tab

Use the Studio Environment editor Properties tab to review and edit the model and cartridge default variables defined for all of the cartridges in the workspace.

Column Use
Name Displays the name of the variable. Design Studio displays all cartridge model and cartridge management variables that are defined in the workspace.
Environment Value Displays the default value defined for the variable. You can select this value to change the default value to an environment-specific value. Default values are represented by blue diamond-shaped icons.
Source Cartridge Displays the name of the cartridge from which Design Studio has retrieved the variable and the default value. When a variable is used in multiple cartridges, the name that appears in this column is the name of the first cartridge in which Design Studio encounters the variable.

Note: When defining default values for variables, employ the same default value for a variable across all cartridges in a workspace. If a variable defined in multiple cartridges does not share the same variable value, a warning appears in the Problems view.

Related Topics

Project Editor Model Variables Tab

Studio Environment Editor

Studio Environment Editor Order and Service Management Test Submission URL Area

Use the Studio Environment Editor Order and Service Management Test Submission URL Area in the Connection Information tab on the Studio Environment Editor to specify URLs to submit test orders and to connect to the OSM Order Management Web client.

Field Use
Order Submission URL Use this to specify the URL for order submission if different from the default URL specified in Address in the Connection area.
Source Cartridge Use this to specify the URL to log in to the Order Management Web client if different from the default Cluster/Server URL specified in the Connection area.

Related Topics

Testing Run-Time Environment Connectivity

Studio Environment Editor

Studio Environment Editor Connection Tab