Oracle Solaris Studio 12.4 Man Pages

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Updated: January 2015



xprof_text - 分析反馈文本文件


分别通过 xprof_btoaxprof_atob 生成和识别的文本文件具有下面所述的格式。



 * Note on notation: in the comments below, a syntactic
 * entity <x> associated with a printf/scanf format <f>
 * is denoted as <x>(<f>) in its description.

 * A profile feedback text file begins with a <header> containing
 * version information and record counts for object files, programs,
 * procedure names, and source files.
 * The <header> has the form
 *   PROFILE-FEEDBACK-DATA: <major>.<minor>  *        <n_objfiles> <n_programs> <n_proc_names> <n_srcfiles>  *    [<type>]
 * where
 *   <major>(%u), <minor>(%u) are the major and minor version
 *   numbers of the profile feedback text file format.
 *   <n_objfiles(%u)>, <n_programs(%u)>, <n_proc_names(%u)>,
 *   and <n_srcfiles(%u)> are the number of object files, programs,
 *   indirectly called procedures, and source files represented in
 *   the profile.
 *   <type> is a type name associated with one of following
 *   file types:
 *       <type>     file type
 *       ------     ---------
 *       (none)     profile feedback data (default)
 *       tcovd test coverage run time data
 *       objfd object file compilation data
 *       tcovsd     test coverage source data
 *   If <type> is "objfd", the file must contain exactly
 *   one <object file section>.


 * Version information is followed by at least one of
 *   <object file section>
 *   <program section>
 *   <source file section>
 * An <object file section> has the form
 *   OBJFILE:<pathname> <n_procs> <tv_sec> <tv_usec> <n_values_per_vp>  *<signature> <n_srcfile_names>
 *       {<stat>}*
 *       {<procedure section>}*
 * where
 *   <pathname>(%s) is the resolved UNIX pathname of the object
 *       file, as recorded by the compiler using dladdr(3DL)
 *       and realpath(3C) at the time the object file was
 *       generated.
 *   <n_procs>(%u) is an unsigned decimal integer giving the number
 *       of profiled procedures or functions contained in the
 *       object file.  The value of <n_procs> may be 0.
 *   <tv_sec>(%u) <tv_usec>(%u) are the tv_sec and tv_usec fields
 *       of a timeval structure returned by gettimeofday(3C) during
 *       code generation when the object file was compiled.
 *   <n_values_per_vp>(%u) is an unsigned decimal integer giving the
 *       number of values stored in each of the object file's
 *       value profile records.
 *   <signature>(0x%llx) is a 64 bit hexadecimal integer whose value
 *       is a hash of the signatures of the procedures defined in the
 *       object file. Its purpose is to detect differences between
 *       two compilations of a given object file.
 *   <n_srcfile_names>(%u) is the number of source file name
 *       strings stored in the scope of the object file.
 *   {<stat>}* is a series of 0 or more profile counter statistics,
 *       each of which takes one of the following forms:
 *           max <count>(%llu)
 *           sum <count>(%llu)
 *       where:
 *           <count>(%llu) is a 64 bit unsigned decimal integer
 *           representing either the maximum counter value or
 *        the sum of all counter values, over all counters
 *           in the object file profile.
 *   {<procedure section>}* is a series of <n_procs> procedure
 *       sections, each of which contains the profile data of
 *       one of the object file's procedures or functions.
 *       Note that <n_procs> may be 0.
 * A <procedure section> has the form
 *   PROC: <proc_name> <signature>  *        <n_counters> <n_vp_sites> <n_vp_records> <proc id>  *<n_blocks> <n_edges> <n_srcmap_ops>
 *       {<stat>}*
 *       {<counter record>}*
 *       {<value profile record>}*
 *       {<block record>}*
 *       {<edge record>}*
 *       {<source mapping tuple>}*
 * where
 *   <proc_name>(%s) is the procedure's linker symbol name
 *   <signature>(0x%llx) is a 64 bit hexadecimal integer whose
 *       value is a hash of the procedure's control flow graph (CFG)
 *       at the point in compilation where the CFG is associated with
 *       profile counters under -xprofile=collect and with profile
 *       counter values under -xprofile=use.
 *       The value of <signature> is used to detect differences
 *       in the input CFG between the two compilations, whether
 *       due to source code changes or due to code transformations
 *       applied earlier in the compilation process.
 *   <n_counters>(%u) is the number of counter records contained
 *       in the procedure section.
 *   <n_vp_exprs>(%u) is the number of value-profiled expressions
 *       contained in the procedure section.
 *   <n_vp_records>(%u) is the number of value profile records
 *       contained in the procedure section.
 *   <proc id>(%u) is the procedure's id number in [1..<n_procs>].
 *   <n_blocks>(%u) and <n_edges>(%u) are respectively the
 *       number of basic blocks and edges in the procedure's
 *       control flow graph.
 *   <n_srcmap_ops>(%u) is the number of operations used to
 *       construct the procedure's mapping from source code
 *       locations to basic blocks.
 *      {<stat>}* are optional statistics over the procedure,
 *          defined in the same manner as {<stat>}* under
 *          <object file section>.
 *   {<block record>}* and {<edge record>}* are sequences of
 *       records representing, respectively, the basic blocks
 *       and edges of the procedure's control flow graph.
 * A PROC record is optionallly followed by summary statistics,
 * <n_counters> counter records and <n_vp_records> value profile records.
 * Note that <n_counters>, <n_vp_sites>, <n_vp_records>, <n_blocks>,
 * and <n_edges> may all be 0.  The value of <n_counters> is 0 for a
 * procedure that was loaded but not executed.
 * A <counter record> has the form
 *   <counter id> <counter value>
 * where
 *   <counter id>(%u) is a 32 bit unsigned integer id uniquely
 *   identifying a point of execution within the containing
 *   procedure or function.  <counter id> may represent either
 *   a basic block or an edge of the procedure's CFG.
 *   <counter value>(%llu) is a 64 bit unsigned integer whose
 *   value is the number of times that the code at the point
 *   associated with <counter id> was executed.
 * A <value profile record> consists of <n_values_per_vp>
 * sub-records of the form:
 *   <type> <expr id> <count> <value>
 * where
 *   <type>(%s) is a keyword string identifying the type
 *       of the profiled expression.  The defined values
 *       of <type> and their associated C data types are:
 *       VP_INT     signed int
 *       VP_LLONG   signed long long int
 *       VP_FLOAT   float
 *       VP_DOUBLE  double
 *       VP_PROC    pointer to indirectly called function
 *   <expr id>(%u) is a 32 bit unsigned integer id uniquely
 *       identifying a value profiled expression within
 *       the scope of the containing procedure.
 *   <count>(%llu) is a 64 bit unsigned integer whose value
 *   is the number of times that the profiled expression was
 *   observed to have the value represented by <value>.
 *   <value> represents one of the <n_values> most frequently
 *   observed values of the expression identified by <value>.
 *   If <count> is 0, the <value> field is empty; otherwise,
 *   its value can be scanned using scanf(3C) with a format
 *   string determined by the <type> keyword:
 *       VP_INT     %d
 *       VP_LLONG   %lld
 *       VP_FLOAT   %g
 *       VP_DOUBLE  %lg
 *       VP_PROC    %s
 *   If <type> = VP_PROC, the form of the <value> field is
 *       <proc_name>:<objfile pathname>
 *   where
 *       <proc_name> is the called function's linker symbol name
 *       <objfile pathname> is the UNIX pathname of the object
 *       file containing the called function.
 *   If the called function is not profiled, the <value> field
 *   is empty.
 * A <block record> has the form
 *   B<block id>: <counter id>
 * where
 *   <counter id>(%u) is either 0 or the basic block's profile counter
 *   id number in [1..<n_counters>];
 * An <edge record> has the form
 *   E<edge id> <counter id> B<from id> B<to id>
 * where
 *   <edge id>(%u) is the id number in [1..<n_edges>] of an
 *   edge in the containing procedure's control flow graph;
 *   <counter id>(%u) is either 0 or the edge's profile counter
 *   id number in [1..<n_counters>];
 *   <from id>(%u) and <to id>(%u) are respectively the id numbers
 *   in [1..<n_blocks>] of the edge's starting and ending basic
 *   blocks.
 * A <source mapping tuple> has the form
 *   S<tuple id>: B<block id> <line no>[:<column no>] [<srcfile>]
 * where
 *   <tuple id>(%u) is the source mapping tuple's id number in
 *   [1..<n_srcmap_ops>].  Note that <n_srcmap_ops> may be greater
 *   than the number of source mapping tuples.
 *   <block id>(%u) is the id number in [1..<n_blocks>] of a
 *   basic block compiled from source code at the location
 *   given by the other fields of the tuple;
 *   <line no>(%u) is the positive line number of the
 *   source line from which the basic block was compiled;
 *   [:<column no>(%u)], if present, is the positive column number
 *   of the source line from which the basic block was compiled;
 *   [<srcfile>(%s)], if present, is the UNIX pathname of the
 *   source file from which the basic block was compiled.  If
 *   no <srcfile> is present, the basic block was compiled from
 *   the same source file as that of the previous source mapping
 *   tuple.
 * A <program section> has the form
 *   PROGRAM: <pathname> <n_objfile_refs> <n_comdat_procs>
 *       {<stat>}*
 *       {<objfile_ref>}*
 *       {<comdat proc>}*
 * where
 *   <pathname>(%s) is the UNIX pathname of a profiled executable
 *       or shared library, as returned by dladdr(3DL) and
 *       realpath(3C) at the time the executable or shared
 *       library was loaded for execution.
 *   <n_objfile_refs>(%u) is an unsigned decimal number whose
 *       value is the number of profiled object files statically
 *       linked in the executable or shared library.
 *   <n_comdat_procs>(%u) is an unsigned decimal number whose
 *       value is the number of procedures defined in comdat
 *       sections and surviving elimination of duplicates at
 *       link time.
 *   {<stat>}* is a series of 0 or more statistics over the
 *       profiled executable or shared library, defined in the
 *       same manner as {<stat>}* under <object file section>.
 *   {<objfile_ref>}* is a series of <n_objfiles> object file
 *       references, each of which has the form:
 *        OBJREF: <objfile pathname>(%s)
 *       where
 *        <objfile pathname> is the UNIX pathname of an object
 *        file statically linked in the executable or shared
 *        library. The referenced object file must have been
 *        previously defined in an <object file section>.
 *   {<comdat proc>}* is a series of <n_comdat_procs> comdat procedure
 *       definitions, each of which has the form:
 *        COMDAT_PROC: <proc_name>:<objfile pathname>
 *       where
 *        <proc_name> is the linker symbol name of the surviving
 *            instance of a comdat procedure after elimination
 *            of duplicate copies at link time
 *        <objfile pathname> is the UNIX pathname of the
 *            object file containing the surviving instance
 *            of the named comdat procedure
 * A <source file section> has the form
 *   SRCFILE: <pathname> <n_srclines>
 *       {<srcline>}*
 * where
 *   <pathname>(%s) is the UNIX pathname of a source file from
 *       which profiled basic blocks were generated.
 *   <n_srclines>(%u) is an unsigned decimal number whose value
 *       is the number of source lines from which profiled
 *       basic blocks were generated.
 *   {<srcline>}* is a series of 0 or more source code line
 *       sections, which have one of the following forms:
 *        SRCLINE: <line no>[:<column no>] <n_block_refs>
 *            {<block ref>}*
 *       where
 *        <line no>(%u) and <column no>(%u) are as defined
 *        under <block record>;
 *        <n_block_refs>(%u) is an unsigned decimal integer
 *        whose value is the number of basic blocks generated
 *        from the associated source line;
 *        {<block ref>}* is a series of 1 or more records of
 *        the form
 *            B<block id> <count> <proc_name>:<objfile_name>
 *        each of which represents a basic block compiled from
 *        the given source line, where
 *            <block id>(%u) and <count>(%llu) are respectively
 *            the basic block id and execution count of the
 *            generated basic block.
 *            <proc_name>(%s) is the linker symbol name of the
 *            procedure containing the generated basic block,
 *            <objfile_name>(%s) is the UNIX pathname of the
 *            object file containing the generated basic block,