Connection Capacity Dashboard Page

The functions of the Connection Capacity Validation feature are described in Connection Capacity Validation. On the Diameter > Configuration > Connection Capacity Dashboard GUI page, the Connection Capacity Validations feature displays the current Connection configuration capacity information for configured Active DA-MPs.

Each row on the page contains the information for one configured Active DA-MP.

The Diameter > Configuration > Connection Capacity Dashboard is a view-only page with two tabs.

The Connections tab contains information about the currently configured Connections for each DA-MP in the DSR NE. Fixed and IPFE Connections appear, with IPFE (Floating) Connections grouped by Target Set.

The Connection Reserved Ingress MPS tab contains the currently configured Reserved Ingress MPS for each DA-MP in the DSR NE. The contribution of both Fixed and IPFE Connections is displayed, with IPFE Connections grouped by Target Set.

If any configured DA-MP does not have an assigned MP Profile, the associated row on each Dashboard tab displays the MP Server Hostname in the first column, and all other fields in the row contain '—'.

Note: The Connection Capacity Dashboard does not use field coloring. Usage values at or in excess of 100% are not flagged by cell coloring.


The following information appears for each configured Active DA-MP when the Connections tab is selected:
MP Server Hostname
Hostname of the DA-MP server.
Current Connection Usage (%)
The percentage of the total Connection capacity currently used, which is the sum of Fixed and IPFE Connections allocated to the DA-MP, divided by the total Connection Capacity value shown in the fourth column.

It is theoretically possible for this usage value to exceed 100%; the DSR does not prevent over-configuration in certain scenarios (typically involving overlapping Target Sets, or a non-overlapping Target Set whose DA-MPs have significantly different numbers of Fixed Connections assigned). For a given DA-MP, if the number of Connections allocated to that DA-MP exceeds the DA-MP's Maximum Connections count capacity (from the assigned MP Profile), the Current Connection Usage (%) value will exceed 100%.

Current Reserved Ingress MPS Usage (%)
The percentage of scaled Engineered Ingress MPS capacity currently used.

This usage value is computed as the sum of Reserved Ingress MPS values for a DA-MP's Fixed and IPFE Connections, divided by the Maximum Reserved Ingress MPS value shown in the fourth column of the Connection Reserved Ingress MPS tab

It is theoretically possible for this usage value to exceed 100%; the DSR does not prevent over-configuration in certain scenarios (typically involving overlapping Target Sets, or a non-overlapping Target Set whose DA-MPs have significantly different numbers of Fixed Connections assigned).

Connection Capacity
The DA-MP's total Connection capacity.

The value is Maximum Connections value in the MP Profile that has been assigned to the DA-MP, which is the maximum number of Diameter Connections that the DA-MP can have configured at any one time.

# Fixed Connections
The number of Fixed Connections currently configured for the DA-MP.
For a given DA-MP, the value displayed in the # Fixed Connections field should:
  • Never exceed the Connection Capacity value.
  • Always agree with the number of Fixed Connections displayed on the Diameter > Configuration > Connections page, when filtering on IP Owner = the given DA-MP

If a DA-MP has one or more configured Fixed Connections, the value appears as a hyperlink. The hyperlink opens the Diameter > Configuration > Connections [Filtered]page, filtered to show only the Fixed Connections that are assigned to the DA-MP.

If the DSR NE has Target Sets configured, the following information appears, one column for each Target Set, up to a maximum of 32 Target Sets:
TSn: # IPFE Connections Reserved Ingress MPS
A configured Target Set, where n is the Target Set number. The numbering of the Target Sets will be ascending, but may not be sequential.

The value displayed for a given DA-MP and Target Set is the evenly-distributed allocation of IPFE Connections to each DA-MP in the Target Set. If the evenly-distributed allocation value is zero, then the value 0 is displayed in the field.

The evenly distributed allocation of IPFE Connections will be zero if there are more DA-MPs in the Target Set than IPFE Connections configured for the Target Set. In this case, to make it visually clear that the DA-MP is part of the Target Set, the value of zero will be displayed (instead of leaving the field blank).

If a DA-MP has no IPFE allocation for a defined Target set, the corresponding field is blank, to help visualize how Target Sets overlap.

Connection Reserved Ingress MPS

The following information appears under the Connection Reserved Ingress MPS tab:
MP Server Hostname
Hostname of the DA-MP server.
Current Connection Usage (%)
The percentage of the total Connection capacity currently used, which is the sum of Fixed and IPFE Connections allocated to the DA-MP, divided by the total Connection Capacity value shown in the fourth column.

It is theoretically possible for this usage value to exceed 100%; the DSR does not prevent over-configuration in certain scenarios (typically involving overlapping Target Sets, or a non-overlapping Target Set whose DA-MPs have significantly different numbers of Fixed Connections assigned). For a given DA-MP, if the number of Connections allocated to that DA-MP exceeds the DA-MP's Maximum Connections count capacity (from the assigned MP Profile), the Current Connection Usage (%) value will exceed 100%.

Current Reserved Ingress MPS Usage (%)
The percentage of scaled Engineered Ingress MPS capacity currently used.

This usage value is computed as the sum of Reserved Ingress MPS values for a DA-MP's Fixed and IPFE Connections, divided by the Maximum Reserved Ingress MPS value shown in the fourth column of the Connection Reserved Ingress MPS tab

It is theoretically possible for this usage value to exceed 100%; the DSR does not prevent over-configuration in certain scenarios (typically involving overlapping Target Sets, or a non-overlapping Target Set whose DA-MPs have significantly different numbers of Fixed Connections assigned).

If the total Connection Reserved Ingress MPS for Connections allocated to a given DA-MP exceeds the DA-MP's scaled Engineered Ingress MPS, the Current Reserved Ingress MPS Usage (%) will exceed 100%

Maximum Reserved Ingress MPS
The DA-MP's Engineered Ingress MPS value, scaled by the IPFE Connection Reserved Ingress MPS Scaling value (from the Diameter > Configuration > System Options page.

The DA-MP's Engineered Ingress MPS value comes from the MP Profile that has been assigned to the DA-MP.

The IPFE Connection Reserved Ingress MPS Scaling value, from the Diameter > Configuration > System Options page, is the percent of DA-MP Engineered Ingress MPS used by each DA-MP when validating the Reserved Ingress MPS for a newly received IPFE Connection. A newly received IPFE Connection will be rejected if the total Connection Reserved Ingress MPS for Fixed and already established IPFE Connections would exceed the DA-MP's Engineered Ingress MPS, scaled by this value.

Total Fixed Connection Reserved Ingress MPS
The sum of the Reserved Ingress MPS values for all Fixed Connections configured to a DA-MP.
For a given DA-MP, the value displayed in the Total Fixed Connection Reserved Ingress MPS field should not exceed the Maximum Reserved Ingress MPS value.
Note: There is one possible exception. Consider a system already configured with Fixed Connections having some non-zero Total Fixed Connection Reserved Ingress MPS. If the IPFE Scaling Factor is decreased, thus decreasing the scaled Engineered Ingress MPS on every DA-MP in the DSR, it is possible the new lowered Maximum Reserved Ingress MPS will be less than the already-configured Total Fixed Connection Reserved Ingress MPS.

If a DA-MP has no Fixed Connections assigned to it, the corresponding field shows a value of zero

If a DA-MP has one or more Fixed Connections, the value appears as a hyperlink. The hyperlink opens the Diameter > Configuration > Connections [Filtered] page, filtered to show only those Fixed Connections assigned to the DA-MP.

If the DSR NE has Target Sets configured, the following information appears following the tab columns, one column for each Target Set, up to a maximum of 32 Target Sets:
TSn: # IPFE Connections Reserved Ingress MPS
A configured Target Set, where n is the Target Set number. The numbering of the Target Sets will be ascending, but might not be sequential.
Note: The IPFE GUI does not require Target Sets to be configured sequentially. Target Sets 4, 11, 12, and 32 can be defined, for example. The Dashboard page will always show only the configured Target Sets, in order from the smallest configured number to the largest configured number.

The value displayed for a given DA-MP and Target Set field is the evenly-distributed allocation of IPFE Connections' Reserved Ingress MPS to each DA-MP in the Target Set. If the evenly-distributed allocation value is zero, then the value 0 shall be displayed in the field.

The evenly distributed allocation of IPFE Connections will be zero if all of the IPFE Connections configured for the Target Set have Reserved Ingress MPS values of zero. In this case, to make it visually clear that the DA-MP is part of the Target Set, the value of zero will be displayed (instead of leaving the field blank).

If a DA-MP has no IPFE allocation for a defined Target set, the corresponding field is blank, to help visualize how Target Sets overlap.

If a DA-MP has one or more IPFE Connections allocated to it for a given Target Set, the value is displayed as a hyperlink. When clicked, the Diameter > Configuration > Connections [Filtered] page opens, filtered to show only those IPFE Connections assigned to the Target Set. Because IPFE Connections are not configured to a particular DA-MP, this filtered display cannot show a DA-MP allocation; it will instead show all IPFE Connections in the Target Set.

DA-MP and Target Set Associations

The DA-MPs that are included in a Target Set (TS) are easily identified because they always have a number in the Dashboard cell that is the intersection of the DA-MP and Target Set.
Overlapping Target Sets can be easily identified on the Dashboard by looking for DA-MPs that have a value for more than one Target Set.