Pending Answer Timers configuration

A Pending Answer Timer sets the amount of time the DSR waits for an Answer after sending a Request to a Peer Node.

In many cases, the Pending Answer Timer used by DSR is based on Diameter client response time requirements. Different Diameter clients for a single Application-ID can have differing response time requirements. The DSR Pending Answer Timer can be controlled based on Ingress Peer Node.

A Pending Answer Timer can be associated with:

If Pending Answer Timers are associated with both the Peer Node and the Application Id, the one associated with the Peer Node takes precedence. If neither the Peer Node nor the Application Id have an associated Pending Answer Timer, then the Default Pending Answer Timer is used.

When forwarding a Request upstream, the Diameter Routing Function determines the Pending Answer Timer to be used as follows:
The Diameter Routing Option Set provides an optional Pending Answer Timer element. If a configured Pending Answer Timer is specified in a Routing Option Set:
The Routing Option Set Transaction Lifetime value controls the total time that Diameter will attempt to process a transaction, including re-routing attempts. Although the Routing Option Set can be associated with an Ingress Peer Node, Diameter evaluates the Routing Option Set Transaction Lifetime for expiration only at re-routing attempts, which means:

A Routing Option Set referenced by a Diameter Application-ID entry cannot have a Pending Answer Timer configured, because each Diameter Application-ID entry always has an associated Pending Answer Timer. The Default Pending Answer Timer is assigned to each Application Id if a configured Pending Answer Timer is not assigned.

Diameter selection of the Pending Answer Timer and Transaction Lifetime values to be used when routing Requests upstream will operate as indicated in Table 1.

Diameter Pending Answer Timer and Transaction Lifetime Selection
Routing Option Set specified in Ingress Peer Node? Pending Answer Timer specified in Ingress Peer Node Routing Option Set? Egress Pending Answer Timer specified in Egress Peer Node? Application-ID entry exists for Appl-ID in Request being processed?
  1. Resultant Pending Answer Timer value used
  2. Resultant Transaction Lifetime value used (if re-routing is enabled in the Routing Option Set - Maximum Forward Routing Attempts value is greater than 1)
Yes Yes N/A N/A
  1. Pending Answer Timer in Ingress Peer Node Routing Option Set
  2. Transaction Lifetime in Ingress Peer Node Routing Option Set
Yes No Yes N/A
  1. Egress Pending Answer Timer in Egress Peer Node
  2. Transaction Lifetime in Ingress Peer Node Routing Option Set
Yes No No Yes
  1. Pending Answer Timer in Application-ID table entry for Request's Appl-ID
  2. Transaction Lifetime in Ingress Peer Node Routing Option Set
Yes No No No
  1. System Default Pending Answer Timer
  2. Transaction Lifetime in Ingress Peer Node Routing Option Set
No N/A Yes Yes
  1. Egress Pending Answer Timer in Egress Peer Node
  2. Transaction Lifetime in Routing Option Set associated with configured Application-ID entry for Request's Appl-ID
No N/A Yes No
  1. Egress Pending Answer Timer in Egress Peer Node
  2. Transaction Lifetime in system Default Routing Option Set
No N/A No Yes
  1. Pending Answer Timer in Application-ID table entry for Request's Appl-ID
  2. Transaction Lifetime in Routing Option Set associated with Application-ID entry for Request's Appl-ID
No N/A No No
  1. System Default Pending Answer Timer
  2. Transaction Lifetime in system Default Routing Option Set

The Diameter > Configuration > Pending Answer Timers

On the Diameter > Configuration > Pending Answer Timers page, you can perform the following actions: