Diameter Topology Hiding Configuration

Diameter messages contain sensitive information such as addresses of entities from a Diameter Network or the number of such entities. Therefore, an operator may choose to hide this information in order to minimize the risk of attacks and to be able to perform changes to the internal network at will.

Topology Hiding (TH) is based upon the relationships between Diameter Networks. A Diameter Network is identified by a Realm. The Diameter Network from which a message was initiated is defined in its Origin-Realm AVP. The intended Diameter Network destination of the message is defined in its Destination-Realm AVP. Both of these AVPs are mandatory parameters in all Diameter messages.

For the purpose of discussing network relationships, a network can be defined as one of the following types:
Topology Hiding involves hiding topology-related information in messages sent from a Protected Network to an Untrusted Network, as well as restoring the topology-related information in messages from an Untrusted Network. The restoral process can occur during the same Diameter transaction or can occur on subsequent unrelated Diameter transactions. The following Topology Hiding techniques are supported:

The need to replace a Pseudo Hostname with an Actual Hostname in subsequent Untrusted-to-Protected Network transactions is required for routing purposes, and is required when the destination host in the Protected Network requires that messages sent to it contain its Actual Hostname.

Diameter Edge Agent (DEA) Topology Hiding procedures are always invoked on the interface closest to an Untrusted Network, as illustrated in Figure 1.

Diameter Topology Hiding Boundary

Topology Hiding Trigger Points

Diameter Topology Hiding is performed at well-known locations within the Diameter Routing Function software, on both Protected-to-Untrusted Diameter transactions and Untrusted-to-Protected Diameter transactions. These well-known locations are referred to as Topology Hiding (TH) Trigger Points. Two types of TH Trigger Points are defined:
  • Information hiding Trigger Point: A TH Trigger Point that, when invoked, attempts to hide any topology related-information within a Diameter message that is being sent to an Untrusted Network. This type of TH Trigger Point is identified by the TH suffix in the Trigger Point name.
  • Information restoral Trigger Point: A TH Trigger Point that, when invoked, attempts to restore any topology hidden information within a Diameter message received from an Untrusted Network to its original or actual value. This type of TH Trigger Point is identified by the TR suffix (Topology Restoral) in the Trigger Point name.

For Protected-to-Untrusted Network Diameter transactions, any topology-sensitive information in the Protected-to-Untrusted Network Request message is hidden just prior to forwarding the Request message to a Peer Node that serves as a gateway to the Untrusted Network. (The adjacent Peer Node may be a member of a Untrusted Network or may be connected directly or indirectly to Diameter nodes that are members of an Untrusted Network from the Protected Network's perspective.)

For the purposes of Diameter Routing Function transaction processing, the Trigger Point for evaluating whether topology-related information should be hidden is called Request Topology Hiding (RTH).

When the Diameter Edge Agent (DEA) receives an Answer message associated with a Protected-to-Untrusted Diameter transaction, it must consider whether the Answer message contains any hidden topology-related information that must be restored to its original value. This Trigger Point is called Answer Topology Restoral (ATR).

The high level logical locations of the RTH and ATR TH Trigger Points for Protected-to-Untrusted Network Diameter transactions are shown in Figure 2.

Diameter Topology Hiding Trigger Points: Protected-to-Untrusted Transactions

For Untrusted-to-Protected Network Diameter transactions, any topology-hidden information embedded in the Untrusted-to-Protected Network Request message may be a candidate for topology information restoral. The Trigger Point for evaluating whether topology-related information in a Request message should be restored is called Request Topology Restoral (RTR).

When the DEA forwards an Answer message to an Untrusted Network, it must consider whether the Answer message contains any topology-sensitive information about the Protected Network. This Trigger Point is called Answer Topology Hiding (ATH).

The high level logical locations of the RTR and ATH TH Trigger Points for Untrusted-to-Protected Diameter transactions are shown in Figure 3.

Diameter Topology Hiding Trigger Points: Untrusted-to-Protected Transactions
All Diameter Topology Hiding Trigger Points are adjacent to the existing Diameter Mediation Trigger Points. The following Topology Hiding-Mediation relationship rules apply:
  • Information hiding Trigger Points - immediately prior to Mediation
  • Information restoral Trigger Points: immediately after Mediation

The Diameter Routing Function has the ability to edit messages just prior to forwarding them to Peer Nodes. Any Diameter Routing Function message editing must be performed prior to any TH treatment. For example, a DSR Application, when forwarding a Request message to the Diameter Routing Function, can ask the Diameter Routing Function to replace the Origin-Realm and Origin-Host AVP values with the Realm and FQDN values assigned to the Local Node associated with the egress Diameter Connection just prior to forwarding the message to the Diameter Transport Function. This Origin-Realm/Origin-Host AVP replacement function must be performed before the TH Trigger Point.

Table 1 summaries the topology information hiding and restoral procedures that are supported at each TH Trigger Point.

Topology Information Hiding and Restoral Procedures
Trigger TH Type AVP Information Hiding / Restoral Procedure
RTH Path Route-Record All AVPs containing Protected Network host names are replaced with a single AVP containing a Pseudo Hostname assigned to the Protected Network.
Proxy-Host Each AVP containing Protected Network host names is replaced with a unique AVP Pseudo Hostname.
HSS Origin-Host Replaced the AVP value with the single HSS Pseudo Hostname assigned to the Protected Network
Session-Id Host portion replaced by the single HSS Pseudo Hostname assigned to the Protected Network.
MME/SGSN Origin-Host Replaced by one of the Pseudo Hostnames assigned to the MME/SGSN.
Session-Id Host portion of this AVP value replaced by one of the Pseudo Hostnames assigned to the MME/SGSN
PCRF Origin-Host Replace the AVP value with one of the pseudo-host names assigned to the actual PCRF in S9 PCRF TH Configuration Set for S9 messages and for Rx messages if S9 AF/pCSCF TH Configuration Set is not assigned to the Protected network.
Session-Id Replace the host portion of this AVP with one of the pseudo-host names assigned to the actual AF/pCSCF in S9 PCRF TH Configuration Set for S9 messages and for Rx messages if S9 AF/pCSCF TH Configuration Set is not assigned to the Protected network.
AF/pCSCF Origin-Host Replace the AVP value with one of the pseudo-host names assigned to the actual AF/pCSCF in S9 AF/pCSCF ThH Configuration Set for Rx messages.
Session-Id Replace the host portion of this AVP with one of the pseudo-host names assigned to the actual AF/pCSCF in S9 AF/pCSCF Th Configuration Set for Rx messages.
RTR Path Route-Record Message loop detection and rejection if a Route-Record AVP contains a pseudo-name that is assigned to the Protected Network that initiated the message.
Note: Message Loop Detection is done at a Loop Detect point just prior to RTR.
HSS None; HSS Pseudo Hostname to Actual Hostname restoral is performed by a HSS Address Resolution application like DSR's FABR or RBAR. N/A
MME/SGSN Destination-Host Replace the MME/SGSN Pseudo Hostname with the MME/SGSN's Actual Hostname.
PCRF Destination-Host Replace the PCRF pseudo-host name with the PCRF's actual-host name.
Session-Id Replace the host portion of this AVP with actual PCRF host name.
AF/pCSCF Destination-Host Replace the AF/pCSCF pseudo-host name with the AF/pCSCF actual-host name.
Session-Id Replace the host portion of this AVP with actual AF/pCSCF host name.
ATH Path Route-Record All AVPs containing Protected Network host names are replaced with a single AVP containing a Pseudo Hostname assigned to the Protected Network.
Error-Reporting-Host For each AVP containing a Protected Network host name, encrypt the value using the encryption key assigned to the Protected Network.
HSS Origin-Host Replace the HSS host name with the single HSS Pseudo Hostname assigned to the Protected Network.
MME/SGSN Origin-Host Replace the MME/SGSN host name with one of the MME/SGSN's Pseudo Hostnames based on content of the User-Name AVP (containing an IMSI).
PCRF Origin-Host Replace the AVP value with one of the pseudo-host names assigned to the actual PCRF in S9 PCRF TH Configuration Set for S9 messages and for Rx messages if S9 AF/pCSCF TH Configuration Set is not assigned to the Protected network.
Session-Id Replace the hostname received in the Request Session-ID AVP which is saved in the PTR.
AF/pCSCF Origin-Host Replace the AVP value with one of the pseudo-host names assigned to the actual AF/pCSCF in S9 AF/pCSCF TH Configuration Set for Rx Messages.
Session-Id Replace the hostname received in the Request Session-ID AVP which is saved in the PTR.
ATR Path Proxy-Host Each AVP instance that was hidden in the forwarded in the Request message must be restored to its original value that is stored in the PTR
HSS Session-Id Restore the HSS's host name received in the Request Session-Id AVP that is stored in the PTR.
MME/SGSN Session-Id Restore the HSS's host name received in the Request Session-Id AVP that is stored in the PTR.
PCRF Session-Id Restore the PCRF's host name received in the Request Session-Id AVP which is stored in the PTR.
AF/pCSCF Session-Id Restore the AF/pCSCF's host name received in the Request Session-Id AVP which is stored in the PTR.

Message Candidates for Topology Hiding and Restoral

Topology Hiding and Restoral Trigger Points are located at the DEA's boundary to an Untrusted Network. Thus, to even consider whether a message is a potential candidate for Topology Hiding and Restoral, the Diameter Routing Function must know the following information at those TH Trigger Points:
  • Is the message that was just received (or about to be sent) a potential Topology Hiding and Restoral candidate?
  • If the message is a potential candidate, is this a message between a Protected Network and an Untrusted Network?

To facilitate potential candidates, the Peer Node configuration element called Topology Hiding Status must be set to Enabled on any Peer Node that is associated with at least one Untrusted Network.

The trust/untrust relationship is always from the perspective of the Protected Network. The use of the following Diameter Configuration Topology Hiding components and the Peer Node component is illustrated in the example in Figure 4:
  • Protected Networks: Defines, for each Protected Network, the Protected Realm Name and an optional reference to a Trusted Network List. The assumption is that all networks are Untrusted to a Protected Network unless they appear in a Trusted Network List that is assigned to that Protected Network. In essence, the Trusted Network List is a white list; any Network Realm Name that is not in that list is an Untrusted Network. If a Protected Network is not assigned a Trusted Network List, then it is assumed that all networks (except itself) are Untrusted.
  • Trusted Network List: A list of Trusted Network Realm Names. A Trusted Network List can be assigned to any Protected Network.
TH Network Deployment with DSR in an Interworking Network

For the sake of discussion, assume that all of the networks are Protected Networks and the Protected Networks and Trusted Network Lists shown in Table 2 and Table 3 are configured:

Example Protected Networks Configuration
Protected Network Name Protected Network Realm Name Trusted Network List Name



Trusted Networks-1



Trusted Networks-2



Trusted Networks-3



Trusted Networks-4

Example Trusted Network Lists Configuration
Protected Network Name Network Realm List

Trusted Networks-1


Trusted Networks-2



Trusted Networks-3


Trusted Networks-4




Based on the example Protected Networks and Trusted Network Lists, the trust relationship matrix among the four networks in this example configuration is shown in Table 4.

Network Trust Relationship Matrix
Protected Network Relationship with Peer Network
N1 N2 N3 N4



Not Trusted


Not Trusted


Not Trusted





Not Trusted



Not Trusted






Is this network Untrusted by at least one other network? Yes Yes No Yes

Based on the Network Trust Relationship Matrix, the Peer Node element settings for the network shown in Table 5 would be used:

Example Topology Hiding Status Settings
Peer Node Topology Hiding Status Element Setting

Peer Node-1


Peer Node-2


Peer Node-3


Peer Node-4


With the information in Table 5, the TH type-independent criteria for determining whether a message is a potential candidate for Topology Hiding/Restoral are defined in Table 6.

General Criteria for Determining Whether a Message is a TH Candidate
TH Trigger Message Message Path General Topology Hiding/Restoral Candidate Criteria




Egress Peer Node Topology Hiding Status is Enabled, AND

Origin-Realm is a Protected Network X, AND

Destination-Realm is an Untrusted Network to Protected Network X




Ingress Peer Node Topology Hiding Status is Enabled, AND

Destination-Realm is a Protected Network X, AND

Origin-Realm is an Untrusted Network to Protected Network X




Egress Peer Node Topology Hiding Status is Enabled, AND

Origin-Realm is a Protected Network X, AND

Realm of the Diameter Node that originated the transaction is an Untrusted Network to Protected Network X

TH Trigger point ATH occurs after the Diameter Routing Function deallocates the PTR for the transaction. Therefore, the Origin-Realm value that was received in the Request message must be stored in the Application-Data stack event just prior to deallocating the PTR in order for the Diameter Routing Function to make an evaluation at ATH of whether the Answer response is being sent to an Untrusted Network.




PTR contains one or more indications that topology information restoral is required

For Untrusted-to-Protected Answer messages, any information that was hidden in the egress Request is a candidate for restoral regardless of which "Network" sends the Answer message response. Topology information restoral at ATR is always performed regardless of the egress Peer Node's Topology Hiding Status if Topology Hiding was performed on the egress Request message for this Diameter transaction.

If the TH Trigger Point criteria defined in Table 6 are met, then the Diameter Routing Function must determine which TH types are enabled for the associated Protected Network. Each TH type might have additional criteria that must be met in order to determine whether topology-related information hiding or restoral is required.

The Protected Networks configuration component defines which TH types are enabled for the Protected Network. If a Configuration Set for the TH type is assigned to the Protected Network, then that TH type is enabled for that Protected Network and the rules for that TH type are applied. The Path, S6a/S6d HSS, MME/SGSN, S0 PCRF, and S9 AF/pCSCF TH types are supported. An example Protected Network component for the use case network defined in this section could look like the configuration in Table 7:

Protected Network Configuration Example
Protected Network Name Protected Network Realm Name Trusted Network List Name Path TH S6a/S6d HSS TH MME/SGSN TH S9 PCRF TH S9 AF/pCSCF TH



Trusted Networks-1

Path Config Set-1

S6a/S6d HSS Config Set-1

MME/SGSN Config Set-1




Trusted Networks-2

Path Config Set-2

S6a/S6d HSS Config Set-1

MME/SGSN Config Set-1




Trusted Networks-3

Path Config Set-3



S9 PCRF Config Set-1 S9 AF/pCSCF onfig Set-1



Trusted Networks-4

Path Config Set-4



S9 PCRF Config Set-2 S9 AF/pCSCF onfig Set-2

In the example, if a message associated with Protected Network N3 is a candidate for topology hiding/restoral, then the Diameter Routing Function will invoke only the Path Topology Hiding Configuration Set rules for that message.

The TH type-specific Hiding/Restoral rules are defined in Topology Hiding Types.

Supported AVPs

Table 8 shows the AVPs that are supported by Topology Hiding. The following information hiding methods are supported:
  • Pseudo Hostname Replacement: Actual Hostnames are replaced with Pseudo Hostnames.
  • Encryption: AVP value is encrypted
Topology Hiding AVPs and Hiding Methods
Diameter Applications AVP Name Information Hiding Method
Pseudo-Host Name Replacement Encryption
S6a, S6d, S9, Rx Session-Id X  
S6a, S6d, S9, Rx Origin-Host X  
Any Route-Record X  
Any Proxy-Host X  
Any Error-Reporting-Host   X


Any encryption required by Topology Hiding uses Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), which is a specification for the encryption of electronic data established by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 2001. AES has been adopted by the U.S. government and is now used worldwide. It supersedes the Data Encryption Standard (DES) that was published in 1977.

AES is an iterative, symmetric-key block cipher that can use keys of 128, 192, and 256 bits (with 256 being the hardest to crack), and encrypts and decrypts data in blocks of 128 bits (16 bytes). Unlike public-key ciphers that use a pair of keys, symmetric-key ciphers use the same key to encrypt and decrypt data. Encrypted data returned by block ciphers have the same number of bits that the input data had. Iterative ciphers use a loop structure that repeatedly performs permutations and substitutions of the input data. All three key lengths are sufficient to protect classified information up to the SECRET level.

AES must be used in conjunction with a FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standard) approved or NIST recommended mode of operation. The mode specifies how data will be encrypted (cryptographically protected) and decrypted (returned to original form). Diameter Topology Hiding supports AES-Cipher BlockChaining (CBC) mode and a 128-bit key size.

Note: If assistance is needed in troubleshooting encrypted Error-Reporting-Host AVPs, contact your My Oracle Support (MOS). You will need the Encryption Key that is configured in the Diameter > Configuration > Topology > Path Topology Configuration Set GUI page.


Diameter Topology Hiding has the following assumptions:
  • In order to detect message looping for Request messages containing a Route-Record Pseudo Hostname, all Diameter Edge Agents in the service provider's network must have the same Topology Hiding configuration.
  • A message loop for Request messages containing a Route-Record Pseudo Hostname may not be detected for messages returned to any Diameter Edge Agent from any network that is trusted by the Protected Network that initiated the Diameter transaction.