Egress Throttle Groups

Egress Throttle Groups are used to perform 2 functions: Rate Limiting and Pending Transaction Limiting. Each of the functions is independent of the other and can be optionally configured and controlled separately.

Each function has an individual Administration State (Enable/Disable) and Operational Status.
Egress Throttle Groups Admin States
Admin State Description
Enable ETG status monitoring is enabled for the function.
Disable ETG status monitoring is disabled for the function. All monitoring is stopped in this state and alarms are cleared.

The Egress Throttle Group maintenance status is displayed on the Diameter > Maintenance > Egress Throttle Groups GUI page. Egress Throttle Groups use the Leader sourcing method for reporting of maintenance status. The Leader sourcing method is used because each DA-MP will have identical status data; only the DA-MP Leader will report the maintenance status to the GUI.

ETG Operational Status
ETG Operational Status Description
Available ETG monitoring is active and Request throttling is not occurring for this ETG.
Degraded ETG monitoring is active and Request throttling is occurring for this ETG.

Some Requests may be getting throttled based on their Priority

Inactive ETG monitoring is inactive and Request Throttling is not occurring for this ETG. The Operational Reason indicates why this ETG is Inactive.

When Operational Reason is "Disabled" the ETG is Inactive due to maintenance actions.

When the Operational Reason is "SMS Service Degraded" or "No DA-MP Leader" the ETG is Inactive due to a fault condition.

If either Rate Limiting or Pending Transaction Limiting Operational Status is Degraded, then the Diameter Routing Function will throttle the Request messages according to highest severity. For example, if Rate Limiting Operational Status is Congestion Level 1 and Pending Transaction Limiting Operational Status is Congestion Level 2 , then the Diameter Routing Function will throttle Request messages according to Congestion Level 2 (all Request messages with Priority 0 or 1 will be throttled).

ETG Operational Reason
ETG Operational Reason Description
Disabled ETG is "Disabled" due to maintenance actions.
Normal No Requests are getting throttled for this ETG for the function.
Congestion Level 1 Request throttling is happening for Requests with Priority 0.
Congestion Level 2 Request throttling is happening for Requests with Priority 0 and 1.
Congestion Level 3 Request throttling is happening for Requests with Priority 0, 1, and 1.
SMS Service Degraded

ETG monitoring is Inactive due to "Degraded" status reported to the Diameter Routing Function.

No DA-MP Leader

ETG Monitoring is Inactive due to HA reporting "No DA-MP Leader" condition to the Diameter Routing Function.

The Diameter > Maintenance > Egress Throttle Groups page provides the Operational Status of the Egress Throttle Groups Rate Limiting and Pending Transactions Limiting functions, including an Operational Reason for the status.

Egress Throttle Groups maintenance fields are described in Egress Throttle Groups elements

If the column data is not present in the database, the columns for the Egress Throttle Group Name are displayed as Unk.

On the Diameter > Maintenance > Egress Throttle Groups page, you can perform the following actions: