Egress Throttle Groups maintenance elements

This table describes fields on the Egress Throttle Groups maintenance page.

Egress Throttle Groups Maintenance Elements
Field Description
Egress Throttle Group Name Name of the Egress Throttle Group.
Rate Limiting Admin State Rate Limiting Admin State can be Enabled or Disabled.
Rate Limiting Operational Status Rate Limiting Operational Status can be:
  • Available: at least one Egress Throttle Groups peer or connection is available.
  • Degraded: the Egress Throttle Groups peer or connection is not unavailable but it is not operating as expected. The Rate Limiting Operational Reason field provides additional information on this status.
  • Inactive: all connections for an Egress Throttle Group are unavailable. The Rate Limiting Operational Reason field provides additional information on this status.
  • Unk: data is not available in the database.
Rate Limiting Operational Reason Rate Limiting Operational Reason as corresponding to the Rate Limiting Operational Status:
  • Available - Normal
  • Degraded - Congestion Level 1, Congestion Level 2, Congestion Level 3
  • Inactive - SMS Service Degraded, No DA-MP Leader, Disabled
  • Unk - Unk

The cell background color associated with value of Pending Transaction Limiting Operational Reason is as follows:

  • Disabled - normal/no special coloring
  • Normal - normal/no special coloring
  • SMS Service Degraded - red
  • No DA-MP Leader - red
  • Unk - red
  • Congestion Level 1 - yellow
  • Congestion Level 2 - yellow
  • Congestion Level 3 - yellow
Egress Request Rate Rate The rate resulting from the application of the Egress Request Rate to the Egress Request Rate.
Pending Transaction Limiting Admin State Pending Transaction Limiting Admin State can be Enabled or Disabled.
Pending Transaction Limiting Operational Status Pending Transaction Limiting Operational Status can be:
  • Available: at least one Egress Throttle Groups peer or connection is available.
  • Degraded: the Egress Throttle Groups peer or connection is not unavailable but it is not operating as expected. The Pending Transaction Limiting Operational Reason field provides additional information on this status.
  • Inactive: all connections for an Egress Throttle Group are unavailable. The Pending Transaction Limiting Operational Reason field provides additional information on this status.
  • Unk: data is not available in the database.
Pending Transaction Limiting Operational Reason Pending Transaction Limiting Reason as corresponding to the Pending Transaction Limiting Operational Status:
  • Available - Normal
  • Degraded - Congestion Level 1, Congestion Level 2, Congestion Level 3
  • Inactive - SMS Service Degraded, No DA-MP Leader, Disabled
  • Unk - Unk

The cell background color associated with value of Pending Transaction Limiting Operational Reason is as follows:

  • Disabled - normal/no special coloring
  • Normal - normal/no special coloring
  • SMS Service Degraded - red
  • No DA-MP Leader - red
  • Unk - red
  • Congestion Level 1 - yellow
  • Congestion Level 2 - yellow
  • Congestion Level 3 - yellow
Number of Pending Transactions The combined number of Pending Transactions for the Peers and Connections of an ETG.
Time of Last Update Displayed as yyyy-month name-date hr:min:sec UTC.