CEX Configuration Set elements

Table 1 describes the fields on the CEX Configuration Sets View, Edit, and Insert pages. Data Input Notes only apply to the Insert and Edit pages; the View page is read-only.

Configuration Sets Elements
Field (* indicates a required field) Description Data Input Notes
* CEX Configuration Set Name

Unique Name of the CEX Configuration Set.

A CEX Configuration Set named Default is always available.

Format: Case-sensitive string: alphanumeric and underscore (_); must contain at least one alpha and cannot begin with a digit.

Range: 1 - 32 characters

* CEX Parameters Available CEX Parameters

All unique configured CEX Parameters, showing Application Ids with Application Type, and with Vendor Id if the Application Id is Vendor-Specific.

Format: Scrollable list

Range: All configured CEX Parameters

Selected CEX Parameters

CEX Parameters that are selected from the Available CEX Parameters list for this CEX Configuration Set.

Maximum of 10 entries.

Default: Relay

Must Include CEX Parameters

CEX Parameters selected from the Selected CEX Parameters list that must be present in the CEx message exchanged from the Peer.

One, some, or all of the entries in the Selected CEX Parameters list; maximum of 10 entries

Supported Vendor Ids Available Supported Vendor Ids

All unique Vendor Ids that have been configured in the CEX Parameters configuration.

Format: Scrollable list

Range: All configured Vendor Ids

Selected Supported Vendor Ids

Application Ids that are selected from the Available Supported Vendor Ids list for this CEX Configuration Set.

Maximum of 10 entries