Connection configuration elements

Table 1 describes the fields on the Connections View, Edit, and Insert pages. Data Input Notes only apply to the Insert and Edit pages; the View page is read-only.

Connections Configuration Elements
Field (* indicates required field) Description Data Input Notes
* Connection Name Name of the Connection. The name must be unique in the system.

Format: alphanumeric and underscore (_). Cannot start with a digit and must contain at least one alpha (A-Z, a-z). The name is case-sensitive.

Range: 1 - 32 characters

Transport Protocol

Type of Transport Protocol used by this Connection.

The selected Transport Protocol must be supported by both the associated Local Node and Peer Node.

For Floating (IPFE) Connections, the Transport Protocol selected for this Connection must be included in the Supported Protocols for the IPFE Target Set.
  • TCP Connections are not allowed when the Target Set is configured to be SCTP_ONLY
  • SCTP Connections are not allowed when the target set is configured to be TCP_ONLY
  • When the Target Set is configured to be TCP_AND_SCTP, then both TCP and SCTP Connections are allowed.

Format: radio buttons

Range: SCTP, TCP

Default: SCTP

* Local Node

Local Node associated with the Connection.

The Local Node must use the same Transport Protocol as the Peer Node. The entries in the Local Node field are links to the Diameter > Configuration > Local Nodes (Filtered) page, which shows only the selected entry.

If two IP addresses are configured for the Local Node, it is recommended that a Secondary IP Address be configured for the Peer Node. The Peer’s Secondary IP address is used as a fallback for the initiation of the SCTP Connection establishment if the Peer’s primary IP address is unreachable, as well as for the validation of the IP addresses advertised by the peer in the INIT/INIT_ACK SCTP chunk.
Note: It is recommended that separate Local Nodes be used for uni-homed and multi-homed SCTP Connections.

Format: pulldown list

Range: all configured Local Nodes

Default: "--Select--"

* Connection Mode
The Connection can have one of the following Connection Modes:
  • Initiator Only - indicates that the Local Node will initiate the Connection to the Peer Node.
    Note: If a Initiator Only connection is created and a TSA selected, check if IPFE Initiator Connection support is enabled on the target set.
    • If yes, allow IPFE Initiator Connection support . You must select from the DA-MP's port range if you want to explicitly configure the initiator port.
    • If no, IPFE Initiator Connection support is not allowed.
  • Responder Only - indicates that the Local Node will only respond to the Connection initiated from the Peer Node. The Local Initiate Port field is not available when the Responder Only is selected here.
  • Initiator & Responder - indicates that the Local Node will initiate a Connection to the Peer Node and respond to Connection initiations from the Peer Node.

The Connection Mode must be the same for all Connections to the same Peer.

For UNI-HOMED Connections,
  • If the Connection Mode is Initiator & Responder and Peer Node Identification is set to IP Address for any Connections to the Peer, then the following combination must be unique for each Connection to the Peer: Peer FQDN (from Peer Nodes configuration), Peer Realm (from Peer Nodes configuration), Transport Protocol, Local IP, Local Listen Port (from Local Nodes configuration), "Must Include" Application Ids in the CEX Configuration Set.
  • If the Connection Mode is Initiator & Responder and Peer Node Identification is Transport FQDN or Peer Diameter Identity FQDN for at least one Connection to the Peer, then the following combination must be unique for each Connection to the Peer: Peer FQDN (from Peer Nodes configuration), Peer Realm (from Peer Nodes configuration), Transport Protocol, Local IP, Local Listen Port (from Local Nodes configuration), "Must Include" Application Ids in the CEX Configuration Set.
  • The Connection Local IP Address and Local initiate Port combination cannot be the same as the Local IP Address and Listen Port combination of one of the Local Nodes or of another Connection.
For MULTI-HOMED Connections,
  • If the Connection Mode is Initiator & Responder and Peer Node Identification is set to IP Address for any Connections to the Peer, then the following combination must be unique for each Connection to the Peer: Peer FQDN (from Peer Nodes configuration), Peer Realm (from Peer Nodes configuration), Transport Protocol, Local IP Pair, Local Listen Port (from Local Nodes configuration), "Must Include" Application Ids in the CEX Configuration Set.
  • If the Connection Mode is Initiator & Responder and Peer Node Identification is Transport FQDN or Peer Diameter Identity FQDN for any Connections to the Peer, then the following combination must be unique for each Connection to the Peer: Peer FQDN (from Peer Nodes configuration), Peer Realm (from Peer Nodes configuration), Transport Protocol, Local IP Pair, Local Listen Port (from Local Nodes configuration), "Must Include" Application Ids in the CEX Configuration Set.
  • If the Connection Mode is Initiator & Responder and Transport FQDN is NOT specified in any Connections to the Peer, then the following combination must be unique for each Connection the Peer: Transport FQDN, Peer Realm, Transport Protocol, Local IP Pair, Remote IP Pair, Local Listen Port, "Must Include" Application Ids.
  • The Connection Local IP Address pair and Local Initiate Port combination cannot be the same as the Local IP Address pair and Listen Port combination of one of the Local Nodes or of another Connection.

Format: pulldown list

Range: Initiator Only, Responder Only, Initiator & Responder

Default: Initiator & Responder

Local Initiate Port

The IP source port number to be used when the Connection is an Initiator.

This field is not available and is set to Blank when the Connection Mode is Responder Only.

Initiator port ranges are divided into automatically assigned and DCL-assigned sub-ranges. Depending on the type of initiator connection, fixed or IPFE, there are two or more user/DCL sub-ranges.

See Interpreting Apparent DA-MP Over-Configuration with Non-overlapping Target Sets for more information about non-overlapping target sets.

DCL (Diameter Transport Layer) is the software layer of the stack which implements diameter transport connections.

Note: The user- configurable range is 6384-24575 (for fixed initiator and based on the MP for IPFE Initiator). However, it is recommended that the port not be configured, and left for DSR to manage. If a port is not provided when configuring a connection, the DCL selects an ephemeral port from the initiator connection range (24576-49151).

If the connection remains fixed, a warning is generated if the configured port is out of range for an Initiator Connection type. If you convert the fixed initiator connection to an IPFE Initiator Connection, you must select from the DA-MP's port range if you want to explicitly configure the initiator port. See Connection Capacity Dashboard Page for more information about fixed and IPFE Initiator connections.

Format: numeric

Range: 16384-24575 (fixed initiator), 24576-49151 (IPFE Initiator)

Default: Blank

* Primary Local IP Address

The IP address to be used as Primary Local Node Address for this Connection.

A Local Node must be selected before the pulldown list becomes available, containing the IP Addresses corresponding to the selected Local Node.

When configuring TCP Connections, only MP static IP addresses, Primary TSAs and Secondary TSAs can be selected as the Primary Local IP Address.

If an IPFE Secondary Target Set Address (selected from the Local Node's IP Address list) is assigned to the Primary Local IP Address of a Diameter Connection, then the Secondary Local IP Address selection is disabled. In this case, a Uni-homed Connection is configured, but using the Target Set's Secondary IP address as the only Local IP Address for the Connection.

Each IP address in the pulldown list has an identifying tag appended to it, as follows:
  • In Active/Standby DA-MP NEs, a DA-MP VIP is appended with (VIP).
  • In Multiple-Active DA-MP NEs, a static IP address owned by the DA-MP is appended with the Server Hostname of the DA-MP, for example, (DA-MP1).
  • For each IPFE Connection listed on the View screen, the Primary Local IP Address field displays "(TSA#-p)" or "(TSA#-s)" after the IP address, where "#" is the Target Set number, -p is a Primary TSA, and -s is a Secondary TSA.

Format: pulldown list

Range: all configured IP addresses for the selected Local Node

Default: "--Select--"

Secondary Local IP Address

The IP address to be used as the Secondary Local Node Address for this Connection.

A Local Node must be selected and the selected Connection Transport Protocol must be SCTP before the list becomes available, containing the IP Addresses of the selected Local Node.

If an IPFE Primary Target Set Address (selected from the Local Node's IP Address list) is assigned to the Primary Local IP Address of a Diameter Connection, then the only valid selection for the Secondary Local IP Address is the corresponding IPFE Secondary Target Set Address (for example- if TSA1-p is assigned to Primary Local IP Address of a DSR Connection, then the only valid selection for the Secondary Local IP Address will be TSA1-s.)

This address is used only for SCTP Multi-homing; it must be different from the selected Primary Local IP Address. An IPFE Primary TSA and a Secondary TSA cannot be identical.

Each IP address in the pulldown list has an identifying tag appended to it, as follows:
  • In Active/Standby DA-MP NEs, a DA-MP VIP is appended with (VIP).
  • In Multiple-Active DA-MP NEs, a static IP address owned by the DA-MP is appended with the Server Hostname of the DA-MP, for example, (DA-MP1).
  • For each IPFE Connection listed on the View screen, the Primary Local IP Address field displays "(TSA#-p)" or "(TSA#-s)" after the IP address, where "#" is the Target Set number.
  • For each IPFE SCTP Multi-Homed Connection listed on the View screen, the Secondary Local IP Address field displays "(TSA#-s)" after the IP address, where "#" is the Target Set number. and -s is Secondary TSA.

Format: pulldown list

Range: all configured IP addresses for the selected Local Node

Note: Primary TSAs, labeled TSA#-p, are not valid for selection.

Default: "--Select--"

IPFE Initiator DAMP The IPFE Initiator DA-MP for this connection.

When the addition of a new IPFE Connection is being validated, OAM validates that the addition of the IPFE Connection does not cause, for each DA-MP in the subject Target Set, the total number of Connections allocated to the DA-MP, to exceed the DA-MP's total capacity. If the available capacity on one or more DA-MPs in the subject Target Set is less than zero and any DA-MP in the subject Target Set is included in more than one Target Set, OAM allows the IPFE Connection to be added, but also issues a warning message.

If the validation fails and the subject Target Set does not overlap any other Target Set, OAM computes the available capacity for the entire subject Target Set (by computing available capacity for each DA-MP and summing them). If the Target Set available capacity is less than zero, the validation fails and an error code is generated.

Format: pulldown list

Range: available DA-MP IP addresses configured for the TSA selected for Primary Local IP Address

Default: "--Select--" or IPFE Initiator DA-MP

* Peer Node

Peer Node associated with the Connection.

The Peer Node must use the same IP protocol as the Local Node. The entries in the Peer Node field are links to the Diameter > Configuration > Peer Nodes (Filtered) page which shows only the selected entry.

Format: pulldown list

Range: all configured Peer Nodes

Default: "--Select--"

Peer Node Identification

Specifies how DSR will derive the peer node's IP address(es) when initiating a connection to the peer, and whether DSR will validate the peer node's IP address(es) when responding to a connection from the peer.

Transport FQDNs use the remote IP address(es) configured for this Connection when initiating a connection to the peer, and to validate the peer node's IP address(es) when responding to a connection from the peer.

Use the remote IP address(es) configured for this Connection when initiating a connection to the peer and to validate the peer node's IP address(es) when responding to a connection from the peer.

If no IP Address has been selected and no Transport FQDN has been specified, then the only accepted choice is Peer Diameter identity FQDN.

Use None for this connection when responding to a connection from the peer and do not validate the peer node's IP address(es).

Use the DNS resolved FQDN address configured for the Peer Node associated with this Connection when initiating a connection to the peer, and do not validate the peer node's IP address(es) when responding to a connection from the peer.

The FQDN configured for the Connection takes precedence over the Peer's Diameter Identity FQDN.
  • If the Peer Node Identification is set to IP Address, then the Transport FQDN field cannot be changed and the Peer IP Address pulldown lists are available.
  • If the Peer Node Identification is set to Transport FQDN, then the Peer IP Address pulldown lists are not available and the Transport FQDN field can be changed.
  • If the Peer Node Identification is set to Peer Diameter Identity FQDN, then both the Transport FQDN field and the Peer IP Address pulldown lists are not available.

Format: radio buttons

Range: None, IP Address, Transport FQDN, Peer Diameter Identity FQDN

Default: IP Address

Primary Peer IP Address

The IP Address to be used as the Primary Peer Node address for this Connection.

A Peer Node must be selected before the pulldown list becomes available, containing the IP Addresses of the selected Peer Node.

Format: pulldown list

Range: available IP addresses

Default: "--Select--"

Secondary Peer IP Address

The IP Address to be used as the Secondary Peer Node address for this Connection.

A Peer Node must be selected and the selected Connection Transport Protocol must be SCTP before the pulldown list becomes available, containing the IP Addresses of the selected Peer Node.

This address is used only for SCTP Multi-homing; it must be different from the selected Primary Peer IP Address.

Format: pulldown list

Range: available IP addresses

Default: "--Select--"

Transport FQDN Fully Qualified Domain Name for this Connection.

The Transport FQDN is used for DNS lookup when Peer Node Identification is set to Transport FQDN.

If a Responder Only connection is created without a Peer Node IP Address and Transport FQDN is selected, Transport FQDN is required even though it is not applicable. In this case, an error code is generated (when using Transport FQDN with Initiator connections.

Format: case-insensitive string consisting of a list of labels separated by dots. A label can contain letters, digits, dash (-), and underscore (_). A label must begin with a letter, digit, or underscore, and must end with a letter or digit. Underscore can be used only as the first character.

Range: FQDN - up to 255 characters; label - up to 63 characters

* Connection Configuration Set

Connection Configuration Set associated with the Connection.

The entries in the Connection Configuration Set field are links to the Connection Configuration Sets (Filtered) page, which displays the attributes of only the selected entry.

Format: pulldown list

Range: all configured Connection Configuration Sets, "Default" Connection Configuration Set.

Default: "--Select--"

CEX Configuration Set

CEX Configuration Set associated with the Connection.

The entries in the CEX Configuration Set field are links to the CEX Configuration Sets (Filtered) page, which shows only the selected entry.

Format: pulldown list

Range: all configured CEX Configuration Sets, "Default" CEX Configuration Set.

Default: "--Select--"

* Capacity Configuration Set

Capacity Configuration Set associated with the Connection. The Capacity Configuration Set defines reserved and maximum ingress message processing rates and alarms thresholds for this Connection.

The entries in the Capacity Configuration Set field are links to the Capacity Configuration Sets (Filtered) page, which displays only the selected entry.

The addition of any Connection having non-zero Reserved Ingress MPS is subject to capacity validation rules, which are discussed in the Connection Capacity Validation content.

See the MP Profiles information in Diameter Common User's Guide.

Format: pulldown list

Range: all configured Capacity Configuration Sets, "Default" Capacity Configuration Set

Default: "Default" Capacity Configuration Set

* Transport Congestion Abatement Timeout

The amount of time spent at Egress Transport Congestion Levels 3, 2, and 1 during Egress Transport Congestion Abatement

Format: numeric

Range: 3 - 60 seconds

Default: 5 seconds

* Remote Busy Usage

Defines which Request messages can be forwarded on this Connection after receiving a DIAMETER_TOO_BUSY response from the Connection's Peer.

The Connection is not considered to be BUSY after receiving a DIAMETER_TOO_BUSY response. All Request messages continue to be forwarded to (or rerouted to) this Connection.
The Connection is considered to be BUSY after receiving a DIAMETER_TOO_BUSY response. No Request messages are forwarded to (or rerouted to) this Connection until the Remote Busy Abatement Timeout expires.

Format: pulldown list

Range: Disabled, Enabled

Default: Disabled

Remote Busy Abatement Timeout If Remote Busy Usage is set to Enabled or Host Override, this defines the length of time in seconds that the Connection will be considered BUSY from the last time a DIAMETER_TOO_BUSY response was received.

Format: numeric

Range: 3 - 60 seconds

Default: 5 seconds

Message Priority Setting Defines the source of Message Priority for a Request message arriving on the Connection. Possible settings are:
  • None - use the Default Message Priority Configuration Set
  • Read from Request Message - read the message priority from the ingress Request ("---" appears in the Message Priority Configuration Set column)
  • User Configured - Apply the user-configured Message Priority Configuration Set selected for the Connection

Format: radio buttons

Range: None, Read from Request Message, User Configured

Default: None

Message Priority Configuration Set The Message Priority Configuration set used if Message Priority Setting is User Configured Format: pulldown list

Range: all configured Message Priority Configuration Sets

Default: None

Egress Message Throttling Configuration Set

Egress Message Throttling Configuration Set associated with the Connection. The Egress Message Throttling Configuration Set defines the maximum Egress Message Rate and thresholds used to set the congestion level for the Connection.

The entries in the Egress Message Throttling Configuration Set field are links to the Egress Message Throttling Configuration Sets (Filtered) page, which displays only the selected entry.

Format: pulldown list

Range: all configured Egress Message Throttling Configuration Sets

Default: None ("---" is displayed in the column)

Suppress Connection Unavailable Alarm If checked, suppresses the connection attempts on the unavailable connections when a connection attribute is configured and turned ON for the connection object, then DSR will not raise the connection unavailable alarm on those connections. Format: check box

Range: checked (YES) or unchecked (NO)

Default: unchecked

Suppress Connection Attempts If checked, suppresses the connection attempts when a diameter peer node's status becomes available.

This attribute is not applicable for responder only connection modes. It is only applicable for initiator only and initiator and responder connection modes. With any configuration edit action that results in connection mode to responder only mode, the attribute value is returned to the default value.

Format: check box

Range: checked (YES) or unchecked (NO)

Default: unchecked

Test Mode If checked, the Connection is in Test Mode.

Format: check box

Range: checked (YES), not checked (NO)

Default: not checked