Egress Message Throttling Configuration Set elements

Egress Message Throttling Configuration Set elements describes the fields on the Egress Message Throttling Configuration Sets View, Edit, and Insert pages. Data Input Notes apply only to the Insert and Edit pages; the View page is read-only.

Egress Message Throttling Configuration Set Elements
Field (* indicates required field) Description Data Input Notes
* Egress Message Throttling Configuration Set Name A name that uniquely identifies the Egress Message Throttling Configuration Set. Format: Valid characters are alphanumeric and underscore. Must contain at least one alpha and must not start with a digit

Range: A 32-character string

Default: none

* Max EMR A maximum Egress Message Rate (EMR) on a connection being throttled
Note: The EMR is calculated every 100ms by subtracting the oldest traffic count from the newest traffic count, and averaging the difference over the elapsed time between them.
Format: numeric

Range: 10 - 10000 seconds

Default: none

* Throttle Threshold Level 1 (%) Throttle Threshold Level 1. When Threshold exceeds Level 1, Congestion Level is set to 1 Format: numeric

Range: 2 - 100% of Max EMR

Default: 100%

* Abatement Threshold Level 1 (%) Abatement Threshold Level 1. When Threshold falls below Level 1, Congestion Level is set to 0. Format: numeric

Range: 1 - 99% of Max EMR

Default: 80%

Throttle Threshold Level 2 (%) Throttle Threshold Level 2. When Threshold exceeds Level 2, Congestion Level is set to 2. Format: numeric

Range: 4 - 100% of Max EMR

Default: none

Abatement Threshold Level 2 (%) Abatement Threshold Level 2. When Threshold falls below Level 2, the Congestion Level is set to 1. Format: numeric

Range: 3 - 99% of Max EMR

Default: none

Throttle Threshold Level 3 (%) Throttle Threshold Level 3. When Threshold exceeds Level 3, Congestion Level is set to 3. Format: numeric

Range: 6 -100% of Max EMR

Default: none

Abatement Threshold Level 3 (%) Abatement Threshold Level 3. When Threshold falls below Level 3, the Congestion Level is set to 2. Format: numeric

Range: 5 -99% of Max EMR

Default: none

* Convergence Time (msec) The time it will take in milliseconds to converge on a per second rate. If the convergence time is less than 1000 milliseconds, the rate is extrapolated. If the convergence time is greater than 1000 milliseconds, the rate is averaged.

The rate convergence time is the amount of time it takes for the measured rate to converge on the actual rate.

For example, if the actual rate jumps from 0 MPS to 1000 MPS and the Rate Convergence Time is 5 seconds, it takes that long for the measured rate to converge on the actual rate, and the measured rate will be reported as follows:
  • T(0) = 0 MPS
  • T(1) = 200 MPS
  • T(2) = 400 MPS
  • T(3) = 600 MPS
  • T(4) = 800 MPS
  • T(5) = 1000 MPS
Format: numeric
Range (msec):
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000
  • 2000
  • 4000
* Abatement Time (msec) This value specifies the amount of time that a throttled connection's Egress Request Rate must remain below an abatement before allowing it to abate to a lower CL. Format: numeric

Range: 200 - 10000 milsec

Default: 500 msec