Local Node configuration elements

Table 1 describes the fields on the Local Nodes View, Insert, and Edit pages. Data Input Notes only apply to the Insert and Edit pages; the View page is read-only.

Local Node Configuration Elements
Field (* indicates required field) Description Data Input Notes
* Local Node Name Unique name of the Local Node.

Format: string, case-sensitive; alphanumeric and underscore (_); cannot start with a digit and must contain at least one alpha

Range: 1 - 32 characters

* Realm Realm of the Local Node; defines the administrative domain with which the user maintains an account relationship.

Format: string consisting of a list of labels separated by dots. A label can contain letters, digits, dash (-), and underscore (_). A label must begin with a letter, digit, or underscore, and must end with a letter or digit. Underscore can be used only as the first character.

Range: Realm - up to 255 characters; label - up to 63 characters

* FQDN Unique Fully Qualified Domain Name; specifies exact location in the tree hierarchy of the DNS.

Format: string consisting of a list of labels separated by dots. A label must contain letters, digits, dash (-), and underscore (_). A label must begin with a letter or underscore, and must end with a letter or digit. Underscore can be used only as the first character.

Range: FQDN - up to 255 characters; label - up to 63 characters

SCTP Listening Enabled Enables the Local Node to listen for SCTP Connections

Format: check box

Range: checked, unchecked

Default: checked

SCTP Listen Port

SCTP listen port number for the Local Node. The SCTP Enabled box must be checked before a value can be entered in this field.

This SCTP Listen Port cannot be the same as a Local Initiate Port of a Connection.

Initiator port ranges are divided into user-assigned and DCL-assigned sub-ranges.

DCL (Diameter Transport Layer) is the software layer of the stack which implements diameter transport connections.

Format: numeric

Range: 1024 - 16383

Default: 3868

TCP Listening Enabled Enables the Local Node to listen for TCP Connections

Format: check box

Range: checked, unchecked

Default: checked

TCP Listen Port

TCP listen port number for the Local Node. The TCP Enabled box must be checked before a value can be entered in this field.

This TCP Listen Port cannot be the same as a Local Initiate Port of a Connection.

Initiator port ranges are divided into user-assigned and DCL-assigned sub-ranges.

DCL (Diameter Transport Layer) is the software layer of the stack which implements diameter transport connections.

Format: numeric

Range: 1024 - 16383

Default: 3868

* Connection Configuration Set Connection Configuration Set for the Local Node.

Format: pulldown list

Range: configured Connection Configuration Sets, "Default" Connection Configuration Set

* CEX Configuration Set

CEX Configuration Set associated with the Local Node.

The entries in the CEX Configuration Set field create links to the Diameter > Configuration > CEX Configuration Sets (Filtered) page, which shows only the selected entry.

The CEX Configuration Set field for the Local Node is used if the CEX Configuration Set is not associated with the Connection.

Format: pulldown list

Range: configured CEX Configuration Sets, "Default" CEX Configuration Set.

* IP Addresses

IP address, or addresses, available for establishing Diameter transport Connections to the Local Node. You must assign at least one IP Address, and can assign up to 128 IP addresses, to a Local Node. Up to 32 IP addresses can be IPFE Target Set Addresses.

If fewer than four XSI interfaces are configured and SCTP transport is selected, then the number of IP Addresses selected must be the same as the number of XSI interfaces.

On the Local Nodes GUI pages, each IP address has appended to it:
  • For VIP addresses, the string "VIP"

    VIPs are present only in 1+1 Active/Standby configurations

  • For static IP addresses, the MP Server Hostname of the DA-MP that owns the IP address

    Static IP addresses are present only in Multi-Active N+0 configurations

  • For TSAs, the name of the Target Set to which the IP address corresponds, followed by -p or -s (for example, TSA#-p for primary and TSA#-s for secondary IP Addresses where "#" is the Target Set number

    TSAs can be present in either, but do not have to be present at all.

    If a TSA is selected and Initiator Connection Support is enabled, configuration of a listener to reside within responder port range is enforced. If a TSA is selected and Initiator Connection Support is not enabled and the provided port is out of range (1024-16383):
    • If existing local node [Edit], the operation is allowed with a warning
    • If new local node [Insert], the operation is denied with an error
    Note: See Adding a Connection for more information.

    If a combination of TSAs are selected (one from a target set that has Initiator Connection Support enabled, one that does not), enforce configuration of the listener to reside within responder port range is enforced. An error message is generated if the connection is configured incorrectly.

In order for the IPFE to differentiate between responder and initiator connections, it checks the destination port of the incoming packet. The IPFE will process the incoming packet according to rules associated with the range into which the destination port falls. In order to provide unambiguous destination ports, the DSR provides non-overlapping port ranges. See Interpreting Apparent DA-MP Over-Configuration with Non-overlapping Target Sets.

Format: 128 pulldown lists

  • For a DSR that has Active/Standby DA-MPs: available Virtual Signaling IP Addresses , including any configured IPFE primary and secondary TSAs VIP
  • For a DSR that has Multiple-Active DA-MPs: static IP addresses configured for each DA-MP, including any configured IPFE primary and secondary TSAs
  • Configured IPFE primary and secondary TSAs