Message Copy Configuration Set elements

Message Copy Configuration Set Elements describes the fields on the Message Copy Configuration Sets View, Edit, and Insert pages. Data Input Notes apply only to the Insert and Edit pages; the View page is read-only.

Message Copy Configuration Set Elements
Field (* indicates a required field) Description Data Input Notes
* Message Copy Configuration Set Name Unique name of the Message Copy Configuration Set.

Format: text box

Case-sensitive string: alphanumeric and underscore (_); must contain at least one alpha and cannot begin with a digit.

Range: 1 - 32 characters

* Route List for DAS Node Route List to be used for copying a message to a DAS node.

Format: pulldown list

Range: configured Route Lists.

Default: "-Select-".

Message Copy Request Type Type of Request to be copied to the DAS.

Format: radio buttons

Range: Original Ingress Request, Original Egress Request

Default: Original Ingress Request

Ingress Answer Included Indicates whether the Ingress Answer received for the Diameter Message needs to be included in the copied message.

Format: radio buttons

Range: Yes, No

Default: No

Original Answer Result Code For Message Copy Result Code/Experimental Result code that should match with incoming Answer Result Code (whose Request has been marked for Message Copy), to allow copying a Request to DAS.

Format: radio buttons

  • 2xxx result-code/ experimental-result-code
  • Any result/ experimental-result-code

Default: 2xxx result-code/ experimental-result-code

DAS Answer Result Code Result Code/Experimental Result Code that should match with DAS Message Copy Answer Result Code, to terminate the Message Copy to DAS.

Format: radio buttons

  • 2xxx result-code/ experimental-result-code
  • Any result/ experimental-result-code

Default: 2xxx result-code/ experimental-result-code

* Max DAS Retransmission Attempts

Max Retransmission Attempts for DAS-Request

A value of 0 indicates that there will not be any re-transmissions after the first copy attempt.

Format: text box; numeric

Range: 0-4

Default: 0