Peer Node Groups configuration elements

Table 1 describes the fields on the Peer Node Groups View, Insert, and Edit pages. Data Input Notes apply only to the Insert and Edit pages; the View page is read-only.

Peer Node Groups Configuration Elements
Field (* indicates required field) Description Data Input Notes
*Peer Node Group Name Unique name of the Peer Node Group.

This is a group of Peer Nodes that share common characteristics and attributes. This group is used by IPFE for Peer Node Group Aware connection distribution.

View - Each Peer Node Group entry displays a + sign and the number of Peer Nodes assigned to that Peer Node Group. Click the + sign to display the Peer Node names; the + sign changes to a - sign. Click the - sign to display the number again.

Format: string, case-sensitive; alphanumeric and underscore (_); cannot start with a digit and must contain at least one alpha

Range: 1 - 32 characters

Default: none

Peer Node Name A list of Peer Nodes (identified by their IP addresses), used by the IPFE for Peer Node Group Aware connection distribution.

Connections from IP addresses in this list can be distributed across DA-MPs in a TSA to avoid having a single point of failure.

Note: Peer Nodes that share an IP address must be in the same Peer Node Group.

[Insert] and [Edit] - The field contains an Add button that can be clicked to create text boxes for Peer Node names. Each entry is numbered, to indicate the number of Peer Node names that have been added.

Format: pulldown list that includes the names of all Peer Nodes hat have not been included in a different Peer Node Group yet

Range: configured Peer Node names

Default: "-Select-"

The list of Peer Node Names are hyperlinks. Click on a hyperlink to view more detail on the selected Peer Node.
Note: If the maximum number (2500) of Peer Node Groups has already been created, and error is displayed.