Route Group maintenance elements

Table 1 describes fields on the Diameter > Maintenance Route Groups page.

Route Group Maintenance Elements
Field Description
Route Group Name Name of the Route Group.
Peer Node/Connection Number and names of Peer Nodes or Connections in the Route Group.
MP Server Hostname Hostname of MP Server from which status is reported.
  • For a Multiple Active DA-MP configuration, the MP Leader always reports the Route Group status
  • For an Active/Standby DA-MP configuration, the Active DA-MP reports the Route Group status
Provisioned Capacity
  • For a Peer Route Group, the sum total of the Provisioned Capacity of all the Peer Nodes in the Route Group.
  • For a Connection Route Group, the sum total of the Provisioned Capacity of all the Connections in the Route Group.
Provisioned Percent The percentage of capacity assigned to each Peer Node/Connection compared to all Peer Nodes/Connections in the Route Group.
Available Capacity
  • For a Peer Route Group, the sum total of the Available Capacity of all the Peer Nodes in the Route Group.
  • For a Connection Route Group, the sum total of Available Capacity of all the Connections in the Route Group.
Available Percent The percentage of capacity the Peer Node/Connection currently has compared to the total Available Capacity of all Peer Nodes/Connections in the Route Group.
Peer Node/Connection Status Peer Node/Connection Status can be:
  • Available: the Available Capacity is greater than the minimum capacity
  • Degraded: the Available Capacity is greater than zero, but less than the Provisioned Capacity
  • Unavailable: the Available Capacity is zero
  • Unk: status information is not available in the database
Time of Last Update Time stamp that shows the last time the status information was updated.