Deleting an Egress Message Throttling Configuration Set

Use this task to delete an Egress Message Throttling Configuration Set.

Note: An Egress Message Throttling Configuration Set cannot be deleted if it is being used by any connections. Before you perform this task, you must disable and edit any connections that use the Egress Message Throttling Configuration Set. (See Disabling Connections and Editing a Connection.)
  1. Select Diameter > Configuration > Configuration Sets > Egress Message Throttling Configuration Sets.

    The Egress Message Throttling Configuration Sets page appears.

  2. Select the Egress Message Throttling Configuration Set you want to delete.
  3. Click Delete.

    A popup window appears to confirm the delete.

  4. Click:
    • OK to delete the Egress Message Throttling Configuration Set.
    • Cancel to cancel the delete function and return to the Egress Message Throttling Configuration Sets page.

    If OK is clicked and the selected Egress Message Throttling Configuration Set is referenced by at least one connection, an error message appears and the Egress Message Throttling Configuration Set is not deleted.

    If OK is clicked and the selected Egress Message Throttling Configuration Set no longer exists (it was deleted by another user), an error message is displayed and the Egress Message Throttling Configuration Sets view is refreshed.