Editing a Connection

Use this task to edit an existing Connection.
Note: A Connection must be in the Disabled Admin State before it can be changed. See Disabling Connections. If the Connection is not in the Disabled Admin State, the Diameter > Configuration > Connections [Edit] page opens in read-only mode and a warning dialog box opens.
  1. Verify that the Connection to be edited is in the Disabled Admin State.
    1. Select Diameter > Maintenance > Connections
    2. If the Admin State is Disabled for the Connection to be edited, continue with 2.
    3. If the Admin State is Enabled for the Connection to be edited, use the Disabling Connections procedure to disable the Connection. Then continue with 2.
  2. Select Diameter > Configuration > Connections.

    The Diameter > Configuration > Connections page appears.

  3. Select the Connection you want to edit.
  4. Click Edit.

    The Diameter > Configuration > Connections [Edit] page appears. The page is populated with the current values for the selected Connection.

    The Diameter > Configuration > Connections [Edit] page will not open if any of the following conditions exist:
    • The selected Connection no longer exists (was deleted by another user).
    • The Connection is not in the "Disabled" Admin state.

  5. Update the relevant fields.

    For more information about each field see Connection configuration elements. The Connection Name cannot be edited.

    Note: A Test Connection can be changed to a normal Connection by unchecking the Test Mode check box. However, a normal Connection cannot be changed to a Test Connection.

    Selecting the X at the end of a field clears the field, so that a different value can be entered or selected.

  6. Click:
    • OK to save the changes and return to the Diameter > Configuration > Connections page. The Connection remains in the Disabled Admin state.
    • Apply to save the changes and stay on this page. The Connection remains in the Disabled Admin state.
    • Cancel to return to the Diameter > Configuration > Connections page without saving the changes.

    If OK or Apply is clicked, and a Connection Capacity Validation issue (see Connection Capacity Validation) or any of the following conditions exists, an error message or warning message appears:
    • Any required field is empty; no value was entered or selected
    • The entry in any field in not valid (wrong data type or out of the valid range)
    • The edited Connection no longer exists in the system (it was deleted by another user)
    • The edited Connection is not in the Disabled Admin state
    • A selected pulldown list entry no longer exists (has been deleted by another user)
    • The selected Transport Protocol is not supported by the selected Local Node or Peer Node
    • The selected Local IP Address + Local Initiate Port combination is the same as the Local IP Address and Local Node Listen Port combination of one of the Local Nodes
    • The selected Local IP Address + Local Initiate Port combination is the same as the Local Initiate Port combination of another Connection
    • The Connection Mode is set to Initiator Only or Initiator & Responder, a Peer IP Address is not selected, and a Primary DNS Server IP Address is not configured
    • The Connection Mode is set to Initiator Only or Initiator & Responder, and the selected Local IP Address (or pair for Multi-homing), Local Initiate Port, and Transport Protocol combination is the same the Local IP Address (or pair for Multi-homing), Listen Port, and Transport Protocol combination of one of the Local Nodes
    • The Connection Mode is set to Initiator Only or Initiator & Responder, and the selected Local IP Address (or pair for Multi-homing), Local Initiate Port, and Transport Protocol combination is the same the Local IP Address (or pair for Multi-homing) and Local Initiate port combination of another Connection
    • All Local Node and Peer Node IP addresses are not of the same type (IPv4 or IPv6)
    • The Peer Node Identification is set to IP Address and no IP Address has been selected
    • The Peer Node Identification is set to Transport FQDN and no Transport FQDN has been specified
    • Two IP addresses that are equal have been configured for either the Local or Peer IP Addresses.
    • The configured Primary and Secondary TSAs are identical for an IPFE SCTP Multi-homed Connection association
    • The Connection that is being changed is a non-IPFE Connection and uses a Capacity Configuration Set with a non-zero Reserved Ingress MPS value and the change to the Connection would cause the MP server that hosts the Connection to have Reserved Ingress MPS totaling more than the MP Server's licensed Ingress MPS capacity. (See the Engineered Ingress MPS on the Diameter > Configuration > MP Profiles page for the licensed capacity of the MP Server.)
    • For Uni-homed and Multi-homed Connections with various Connection Mode and Peer Node Identification combinations, the element combinations that must be unique are not unique (see the Connection Mode element description in Connection configuration elements)
    • The Connection Mode is set to Initiator & Responder or Responder Only, the Transport Protocol is set to SCTP, the SCTP Listen Port matches the SCTP Listen Port of a Local Node used in another Initiator & Responder or Responder Only Connection and the Local IP Address conflicts with the Local IP Address of that other Connection
    • Test Mode is changed from unchecked to checked, but the maximum number of Test Connections already exists in the system.

  7. Use the Enabling Connections procedure to enable the edited Connection.