Editing a Peer Node

Use this task to edit a Peer Node.

When the Diameter > Configuration > Peer Nodes [Edit] page opens, the fields are initially populated with the current values for the selected Peer Node.

Configuration considerations:
  • The Peer Node Name cannot be changed
  • SCTP Enabled cannot be disabled (unchecked) if there is at least one associated SCTP connection.
  • TCP Enabled cannot be disabled (unchecked) if there is at least one associated TCP connection.
  • You cannot remove an IP Addresses entry that is in use by at least one connection. A new IP Address can be added.
  • The following fields cannot be edited if there is at least one Enabled connection:
    • Realm
    • Fully Qualified Domain Name
    • SCTP Listen Port
    • TCP Listen Port
  1. Select Diameter > Configuration > Peer Nodes.

    The Diameter > Configuration > Peer Nodes page appears.

  2. Select the Peer Node you want to edit, then click Edit.

    The Diameter > Configuration > Peer Nodes [Edit] page appears.

  3. Update the relevant fields.

    For more information about each field please see Peer Node configuration elements.

    An entry in a pulldown list can be removed by selecting "--Select—" in the list, or selecting the X at the end of the list box (if an X is available).

    An IP Address can be removed by deleting the information in the text box or by clicking the X at the end of the text box.

  4. Click:
    • OK to save the changes and return to the Diameter > Configuration > Peer Nodes page.
    • Apply to save the changes and remain on this page.
    • Cancel to return to the Diameter > Configuration > Peer Nodes page without saving any changes.

    If OK or Apply is clicked and any of the following conditions exist, an error message appears:
    • The selected Peer Node no longer exists; it has been deleted by another user
    • The selected IP Addresses entry has been deleted by another user
    • Any required field is empty; no value was entered or selected
    • The entry in any field is not valid (wrong data type or out of the valid range)
    • The selected pulldown list entry no longer exists (has been deleted by another user)
    • The edited FQDN is already assigned to a different Local or Peer Node in the system
    • Neither the SCTP Enabled check box nor the TCP Enabled check box is checked; at least one of them must be checked
    • The edited IP Addresses entry and SCTP Listen Port combination is already assigned to a different Local Node or Peer Node
    • The edited IP Addresses entry and TCP Listen Port combination is already assigned to a different Local Node or Peer Node
    • The selected SCTP Listen Port or TCP Listen Port is already used as a Local Initiate Port of a connection