Generating Diagnostics Tool Reports

The DSR Diagnostics Tool provides the capability to test Mediation Rule Templates that are in "Test" or "Active" state before they are subjected to live traffic in the network.

The Rule Templates are tested for a message that is injected into a connection that is set to Test Mode. A connection can be set to Test Mode only when it is created; an existing non-test connection cannot be changed into a test connection. A maximum of two test connections can exist in the system at one time.

All incoming messages on a test connection are marked as TestMode messages. When the Diagnose Start button is clicked on the Diameter > Maintenance > Connections page, TestMode messages are sent on a test connection that is selected, in Test Mode, and not Disabled.

At various trace points, the DSR Diagnostics Tool logs the Rules that are applied, actions taken, and other diagnostic information on a test message that is injected into the system. Reports are provided that are based on the logs. Logging begins when the Diagnose Start button is clicked. The test can be stopped by clicking the Diagnose Stop button on the Maintenance Connection page.

Use this task to generate Diagnostics Tool reports from the test logs.

  1. Select Diameter > Reports > Diagnostics Tool.

    The Diameter > Reports > Diagnostics Tool page appears.

  2. Select zero records, or select one or more connection records under one or more connection names in the Connection list.

    • If zero records are selected, the report will include all available Diagnostics Tool data.
    • If one or more records are selected, the report will include data for the selected test runs.

  3. Click the Report button.

    The Diameter > Reports > Diagnostics Tool [Report] page appears and displays the generated report. You can save and print the report.