Viewing, Printing, and Saving Diagnostics Tool Reports

Use this task to view, print, and save reports that are generated from Diagnostics Tool test logs.

When the Report button is clicked on the Diameter > Reports > Diagnostics Tool page, a report is generated for all available or the selected test records.

The report has two parts:
  • Title Block
    The Title Block contains the following information:
    • <Application Name> Diagnostics Tool Report
    • Report Generated: <time and date in UTC>
    • From: <active/standby><server Role> on host <Hostname>
    • Report Version: <application version>
    • User: userid of the GUI user who generated the report>
  • Section Block

    One or more Section Blocks follow the Title Block. Each Section Block corresponds to one test run on one connection.

    Each section in a Section Block corresponds to reports for a test run. A section displays the following header information:
    • Report for <connection name>
    • Test run begun: <timestamp when the test run was started>

    Each message that was diagnosed in a test run is identified by a PDU ID. The log entries corresponding to the message are reported in ascending order of the timestamp.

    Each subsection has the following line as a header: PDU ID <pduId>. The heading is followed by the zero or more lines of log entries corresponding to the PDU, in the following format: <timestamp> <tracepoint name> : <log text>.

    For example:

    Report for Connection1
    Test Run begun: Tue May 24 19:51:39 2011 UTC
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    PDU ID 4
    2011-May-16 10:46:10 UTC Tracepoint0 :Message Received
    2011-May-16 10:49:51 UTC Tracepoint1 :Message Sent to DRL
    PDU ID 5
    2011-May-18 04:18:25 UTC Tracepoint0 : Message Received
  1. To print the report, click the Print button.

    A dialog box opens, allowing you to choose the printer to be used for printing the report.

  2. To save the report, click the Save button.

    A dialog box opens, allowing you to choose the location in which to save the report.